The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 96: I am indeed happy to break the bowl

The zombies were seen moving excitedly, getting closer and closer to Xu Zhiyong.

Heizi saw this, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger.

One second. Two seconds, three seconds and five seconds later, the smile on Kuroko's face froze.

He watched in astonishment as the zombie passed by Xu Zhiyong, completely ignoring the other's existence and rushing towards him.

What! !

Kuroko couldn't believe his eyes, his eyes almost bulged out.

"Ho ho ho!"

The zombies became more and more restless when they smelled the approaching scent.

It's like a dog that can't be chained if it smells shit.

Li Yi burst out laughing when he saw this scene.

His laughter alerted the zombies that were surrounding Heizi in his direction. The zombies just walked to the butt of the car where Li Yi was hiding.

The zombie heard laughter, and his bruised face seemed briefly confused.

He leaned forward and came to the car window.

Li Yizheng was gloating as he watched the black man being surrounded by zombies and unable to escape.

A half-rotten face suddenly looked up, with scarlet eyes rolling through the car window.

Li Yi was stunned and almost turned into a screaming chicken.

The string in his mind broke and he said: The word "big brother" was stuck in his throat and he was about to roar out, when the zombies in front of him turned into ashes under his gaze.

Li Yi took a deep breath, feeling very depressed. He had tried to commit suicide once, but he could only mutter in his heart: "I am really happy to break the bowl."

Xu Zhiyong (lighting cigarette after vicissitudes of life): The base residents are so stupid, how can he rely on a strong base?

"Grass mud horse."

Heizi chopped down the zombie in front of him with a knife, cursed angrily, looked at the man sitting on the roof of the car leisurely, laughed angrily, walked directly around a zombie, caught the zombie's neck, picked it up and pointed at the other person. Throw it away.

"I don't believe in this evil. If I don't bite you, I will smash you to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, Heizi kept distance from the zombies while paying attention to Xu Zhiyong's movements with his peripheral vision.

The zombie he threw out disappeared in the blink of an eye while flying to Xu Zhiyong.

Kuroko:? ?

"Fuck, what the hell!"

Heizi was horrified. He didn't even see how the zombie disappeared.

Is this person a human or a ghost?

He subconsciously ran towards his teammates and yelled: "I'm a fool, this man is poisonous."

"Good guy, if you don't attract zombies to other people, you will attract them to labor and management. I think you are poisonous because you think I am not busy enough." One of the men with a poisonous scorpion tattoo on his face and named after him roared out Voice.

"My special code triggered him. It's because that guy is acting weird. You go catch him and question him, and I'll help you with it." Heizi rushed into the circle surrounded by poisonous scorpions and shouted: "Go quickly, your powers are more powerful." .”

Venomous Scorpion dodged Heizi's approach, distanced the two of them and said, "You idiot, you think I don't know what you are thinking. You are such a soft persimmon. You should have done it earlier. You are not sure, you want me to test the water?"

The other two people said, "What are you two doing? Move quickly, more and more zombies will be attracted nearby, be careful of capsizing here. It really is before the end of the world, just play casually."

Heizi and Poisonous Scorpion looked at each other.

Heizi: "One level two"

Poisonous Scorpion: "Ten Level One"

After quoting prices, Poisonous Scorpion's pupils shrank. Heizi actually preferred to lose a second-order crystal core rather than fight that person without fighting against that strange young man.

A second-order crystal core, when third-order crystal nuclei are rare and second-order crystal nuclei are relatively rare, Poisonous Scorpion is unwilling to pay this price.

"Deal!" Poisonous Scorpion said in a deep voice, looking up at Heizi.

Heizi reached out and took out a second-order crystal core from the inner pocket of his clothes. While throwing it at the poisonous scorpion, he also raised his foot and swept it, kicking over the two zombies that were attacking from the left and right.

Fortunately, although these zombies are more powerful, most of them have no superpowers.

Otherwise, they really can't hold on.

The two teammates couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw Heizi and Poison Scorpion's actions.

"A young man who seems to have no fluctuations in supernatural powers is worthy of Heizi and the two of them using the trading rules?"

"I guess both of them didn't want to face that person, so they used the old rules."

"I don't know what's special about that young man."

"Ignore them, let's move quickly, we can't be welded here by these monsters."

The two looked at each other and said, "Then use your powers."

"Heizi, get ready!"

Heizi heard the voice and understood it instantly.

The next second, an earth wall rose from the ground, blocking the zombies coming from behind.

A pinky-thin thunderbolt struck towards the zombies.

At the same time, the zombies were doused by water that suddenly appeared.

Thin thunderbolts branched into more than a dozen lightning bolts and struck the zombies.

A dozen zombies shook a few times.

The three of them seized the opportunity and swept over with their swords, causing several zombie heads to fall to the ground.

Among them, the thunder-type abilities and water-type abilities are processed in the same way.

In less than half a minute, dozens of zombies quickly lost their heads.

The battle ended very quickly.

After the three of them finished their work, Heizi had time to look at Poisonous Scorpion, only to find Poisonous Scorpion standing aside with his arms folded, watching them finish their work, and then slowly walked towards the strange young man.

Heizi: "Despicable!"

Two teammates: "Smart guy."

Venomous Scorpion actually didn't want to face Xu Zhiyong. If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to part with the second-order crystal core, he wouldn't care about this nonsense.

But Heizi had already offended someone as soon as he started to steer the car in the direction of this person.

The guy at the back even planned to tease the young man. As teammates, they were indifferent and just watching the show. As long as they were normal people, they would be offended to death by their side.

In this case, when they found something was wrong with this young man, in order to avoid further trouble, Poisonous Scorpion had no choice but to step forward and arrest him.

If the opponent's strength is good, you can recruit a team. If the opponent's strength is not worthy, then just kill them.

Poisonous Scorpion came to the place two meters away from Xu Zhiyong and squinted at the young man who was as leisurely as if he was on an outing.

He was moved in his heart, but instead of taking action directly, he said with a half-smile: "Hey, buddy, do you think you can escape my grasp?"

Xu Zhiyong thought seriously for a second. He had no intention of running away, so he said: "No!"

Venomous Scorpion: "..." I wanted to test this young man with words, but I didn't expect to get such a result.

But he couldn't continue to waste the time the other three teammates had gained by using their powers to escape on Xu Zhiyong.

After all, if we waste any more time, the zombie army will crawl over from the crowded road next to the earthen wall.

The poisonous scorpion flashed and quickly reached out to clasp Xu Zhiyong's door.

The power in that hand left no doubt that it could give someone a serious concussion.

The poisonous scorpion's powerful fingers suddenly stopped a foot away from Xu Zhiyong's eyes.

Heizi and three others were watching when they saw Venomous Scorpion stop. Before they could react to such an excellent attack speed, they noticed something strange where Venomous Scorpion was sitting.

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