"Are you Song Chen?"

What Grace said was obviously a question, but Song Chen felt that this guy seemed to already know his identity and was just confirming it.

"it's me."

Song Chen nodded and looked directly at Grace without hesitation.

Seeing that Song Chen didn't show any panic at all, Grace couldn't help but squint her eyes.


"Have you ever been to Country M before the disaster broke out?"

Unexpectedly, Grace suddenly mentioned this matter, and Song Chen was stunned for a moment.

Does this have anything to do with today's events?

Before Song Chen could react, Grace said in a foreign language: "I've been looking for you for a long time, but it was you who stole my arms and killed my men!"

When Song Chen heard this, he suddenly remembered what happened when he purchased supplies abroad, and he suddenly realized.

It turns out that the batch of arms that Hei Chi Hei collected in the first place actually belonged to Grace.

In this way, Grace came to the country specifically to pursue herself. Unexpectedly, she happened to catch up with the outbreak of the apocalypse and was directly trapped in the country. She had no choice but to form a force to consider the issue of survival.

Song Chen figured out everything about Grace in an instant.

It's no wonder that Grace traveled thousands of miles from country M to China. After all, Song Chen took away arms worth a billion dollars, and others wouldn't let it go.

It's just that Grace was unlucky. Not only did the apocalypse break out when she arrived in China, but she was also isolated in a strange place where she was unfamiliar.

Fortunately, Grace is very skilled, otherwise she might not even be able to survive the first day of the apocalypse.

Not everyone present could understand Grace's foreign language. They only noticed that after seeing Song Chen, Grace's eyes immediately became fierce, and the killing intent in her body seemed to be real.

With such a compelling momentum, even if he couldn't understand foreign languages, he knew that Grace already hated Song Chen.

It seemed that after Song Chen killed Cui Sheng and then wiped out Qin Sen's entire team, it had touched Grace's bottom line.

But in fact, Grace couldn't remember who Cui Sheng was at all. She just heard Song Chen's name mentioned by her subordinates.

Ever since he investigated that Song Chen had stolen all his arms through a conspiracy, Grace had followed Song Chen's path all the way to the country. If the apocalypse hadn't suddenly broken out, he would have killed this man who dared to attack Tai Sui. The boy who broke ground is here.

Now that they meet again by chance, he must take back the arms and kill this damn guy!

But before that, we need to find out whether the batch of arms is still in Song Chen's hands.

Grace once suspected that Song Chen had other accomplices. After all, Song Chen alone could not evacuate his entire arms warehouse in a short time, unless this kid knew magic, but that was completely impossible in his opinion.

"Where are my things?" Grace asked coldly.

"What?" Song Chen asked knowingly.

"Don't pretend to be stupid! I have already investigated everything clearly. It was you who stole my things, you damn thief!"

Faced with Grace's question, Song Chen sneered.

"You may not understand our Chinese culture very well. Everything you say must be based on evidence. It's easy for someone like you to falsely accuse others with empty talk."

Song Chen looked confident.

That's not what he calls stealing.

Originally, he was going to buy goods for a normal money transaction. It was Grace's people who wanted to take advantage of the enemy first. At best, he could only say that he was playing tricks.

Besides, even if Grace had evidence, why did she think she would return the things to him?

After receiving the things in his hand, Song Chen would not spit them out easily.

Now that they have reached this point, Grace also understands that Song Chen is going to pretend to be stupid and will hand over the things no matter what. She is so angry that her beard seems to stand on end.

"Cunning Chinese, you will pay the price for your greed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Grace waved to the people behind her, preparing to attack Song Chen.

Song Chen and the other members also immediately put themselves into position.

War is about to break out.

At this moment, Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan, who were hiding behind the crowd, stumbled out and shouted.

"I know where he hid his stuff!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present's attention immediately focused on the two of them.

Grace's eyes were as sharp as a knife, "You know? Where is the thing?!"

Before Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan could speak, other members had already surrounded them and pinned them to the ground, preventing them from making any more noise.

But they also knew that this was their best chance to hold him in their arms. They completely ignored the friendship between their former classmates and teammates, bitten the person who was restraining them, and shouted at Grace.

"As long as you save me and leave, I will tell you where the things are!"

Grace agreed without thinking: "No problem! Tell me where the things are?"

Just as Zhu Dandan was about to speak, Ji Lu quickly ran up and covered her mouth.

"Dandan, stop being so stubborn!"

"Even if you tell him, he won't really save you. Instead, he might just treat you as a plaything that can be played around with and thrown away when you've had enough!"

After hearing Ji Lu's words, Grace did not refute, but just showed a meaningful expression.

Of course he couldn't save Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan.

They are just two stupid women. Their figure and appearance are not up to the best, and they are not even worthy of being his playthings.

The reason why he agreed to rescue them without hesitation was just to find out where the arms were hidden by Song Chen.

Ji Lu looked complicated and asked Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan, "Don't you want to live a good life?"

Song Chen was able to spare the lives of Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan only because he was concerned about the friendship between himself and other members and the two's former classmates, and was afraid that killing them directly would chill the hearts of other members.

If the two of them can leave honestly, then Song Chen will not take action again, but if they betray Song Chen in public, even if the King of Heaven comes, I am afraid that they will not be able to save their lives.

Ji Lu had good intentions, but Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan didn't appreciate her at all, and even scolded her in return.

"Stop pretending to be a good guy here!"

Zhu Dandan broke away from Ji Lu's hand and shouted angrily, "We are obviously friends and roommates, but what happened? You took us out of school and left us alone, while you ate and drank in the villa every day. It doesn’t matter that we can only drink rice porridge and eat steamed buns every day, why are we pretending to be here now?”

Sun Qian was also shouting next to her: "That's right! If you are really good for us, you should let us eat meat, drink and blow air conditioners like you, so we don't have to face the terrible zombies every day!"

Ji Lu didn't expect that his good friend would think of him like this, and he was stunned.

Zhu Dandan also took this opportunity to shout to Grace: "Song Chen has space powers..."

Zhu Dandan was just halfway through speaking when suddenly a dark shadow flashed before his eyes.

Song Chen mercilessly slit her throat with a dagger and stood in front of her, looking at her in silence.

Zhu Dandan clutched the wound on her neck tightly, but she could not say a word and could only make intermittent whooshing sounds.

When Sun Qian next to her saw Zhu Dandan being killed, she was so frightened that she screamed.


She crawled to Song Chen's feet, grabbed Song Chen's trouser legs tightly, and begged: "Don't! Please don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything!"

But Song Chen didn't even bother to give her a look, and stabbed the dagger hard into her heart with his backhand.

In just a moment, Zhu Dandan and Sun Qian fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

All the members present watched this scene silently, feeling a little complicated, but no one said anything to stop it.

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan usually just fished in troubled waters and were lazy, but now they were thinking of betraying the base due to foreign enemies. Song Chen was already taking advantage of them by killing them so easily.

At this time, no one had any sympathy for the two of them.

And Song Chen wanted this kind of effect.

Killing Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan in public for trying to betray the base would not only eliminate the sympathy of the members, but also serve as a warning to the monkeys, so he didn't kill them at the beginning.


Although Zhu Dandan only said half of what she said, Grace had already guessed from the few words she said that Song Chen had awakened his spatial powers.

If Song Chen had spatial powers before the outbreak of the apocalypse, it would be able to explain the strangeness of how so many weapons disappeared out of thin air without leaving even a trace.

And if he wanted to take back the arms, he could only ask Song Chen to hand over the items on his own initiative, or kill Song Chen directly.

After Song Chen dies, the materials in the space may explode directly.

It is definitely impossible to ask Song Chen to hand over the things by himself. If that is the case, then just kill him directly.

Grace did not hesitate and waved directly to everyone behind her, shouting awkward Chinese.

"Kill them for me!"

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