The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 12 If he can’t kill a person, can he kill a dog?

"Don't move!"

Song Chen's shoulders were pressed down by someone, and a sharp fruit knife was pressed against his neck.

"Don't think about making small moves. If you dare to resist, I will stab your neck with this knife!"

The man's threatening voice came from behind again, but the slightly trembling voice seemed to be a little lacking in confidence, and there was no threat at all in Song Chen's ears.

The other person put Song Chen's hands behind his back, took out a rope that he didn't know where he got from, and began to wrap it hard.

Song Chen didn't care about his tied hands, and asked coldly: "Where is my friend?"

"Friend?" As if he didn't expect that Song Chen was still thinking about the safety of others at this time, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment, "You will meet soon."

After tying Song Chen's hands tightly together, the other party's tense mood began to relax, and his attitude towards Song Chen became more and more arrogant.

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"Are you the owner of this villa?" Li Qiang moved the knife away from Song Chen's neck.

"Yes." Song Chen nodded.

He didn't know Cheng Siyuan's situation yet, and didn't want to act rashly, so he pretended to be obedient and answered the question.

"Where did you hide the food in the villa? Hand it over quickly!"

"I just moved in not long ago, and there is no extra food at home." Song Chen told the truth.

"Isn't this kid the one who just moved in two days ago?" Qiao Wenxiu next to him suddenly reacted after hearing it, and turned to look at Zhang Qiang, "Brother Qiang, have you forgotten? At that time, we laughed at this guy like a turtle, and he had to build a turtle shell before moving!"


Zhang Qiang suddenly realized and looked at Song Chen with a look of looking at a fool.

Song Chen: "..."

How presumptuous you are!

Before saying this, can you look at where you are standing?

The handsome villa fortress was actually said to be a turtle shell. If you have the ability, get out!

You don't know anything and you just yell blindly. You can't even compare to Lan Ya!

Bah bah bah!

How could they insult their own dog?

Song Chen, who could not hand over the supplies, was obviously useless in their eyes, and Li Qiang threw him directly next to the sofa.

Song Chen saw Cheng Siyuan, who was also tied up, lying on the ground.


Cheng Siyuan's face was pale at this time, with beads of sweat hanging on his forehead. His expression was painful, as if he was enduring great pain.

Song Chen knew that this was a manifestation of awakening superpowers.

According to the development trajectory of his previous life, Cheng Siyuan should be able to wake up soon, but before that, he will be extremely weak and have no defense or attack power.

"Brother Qiang, do you want to kill them directly?" Qiao Wenxiu whispered.

Now there are horrible man-eating zombies everywhere outside. If they can occupy this villa that has been modified to be impregnable, they will be very safe.

"You're crazy!" Zhang Qiang cursed in a low voice, "I don't want to be a murderer, kill yourself if you want to!"

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Zhang Qiang never left the villa area. Naturally, he didn't know that the outside world had fallen into chaos and the social order had almost collapsed. He was still optimistically fantasizing that the government would send people to rescue him.

In his mind, this little problem could be solved quickly. If the investigation found that he had killed someone, he would be sentenced to prison.

He was still young and didn't want to be charged with murder.

Hearing Zhang Qiang's answer, Qiao Wenxiu rolled his eyes.

Although he also didn't know what the situation was like outside, from all the signs around him, the situation in other places must not be optimistic. Zhang Qiang, this fool, was still hoping for luck. He was so stupid!

If he hadn't thought that he could use this fool as a shield at the critical moment, he would have killed him long ago.


There was a sound in Zhang Qiang's stomach.

Since he woke up in the morning, he was either running for his life or on the way to run for his life. After struggling for a long time, he was already starving. He finally robbed a villa, but there was nothing to eat inside. Hunger made him more and more irritable.

"Fuck! If I don't eat, I'm going to starve to death!" Zhang Qiang cursed, turned his head and looked at Song Chen, "You kid, go outside and find some food!"

But what he didn't expect was that Song Chen, who had his hands tied, broke free from the restraints at some point, holding a sharp dagger in his hand and looking at him with a smile.


Zhang Qiang's face was full of question marks, and he didn't even know where to start.

Song Chen naturally wouldn't be kind enough to answer him, and smiled and waved behind them.

"Lan Ya."

"Woof woof!"

Lan Ya, who had acted separately from Song Chen, suddenly appeared. Looking at the stranger who appeared inexplicably at home, he bared his teeth and showed a fierce look.

Zhang Qiang and Qiao Wenxiu were shocked.

Where did the dog come from?

They didn't even notice it!

As a large dog, Lan Ya's strong body and fierce expression should bring a lot of oppression to ordinary people.

But maybe it was because of Erha's smart face, Zhang Qiang and Qiao Wenxiu didn't show any fear after the initial surprise, and even raised a fruit knife to it.

"Damn beast, you dare to be so arrogant? I'll kill you!"

Zhang Qiang's eyes were fierce.

If he can't kill people, can't he kill a dog?

But when he just raised the fruit knife and prepared to attack, Lan Ya had already accelerated in front of him, aimed at the hand holding the fruit knife and bit it.

Then Lan Ya turned around and kicked Zhang Qiang, who was still screaming, and kicked him to the ground.

The sudden change scared Qiao Wenxiu a lot. While Song Chen and Lan Ya were focusing on Zhang Qiang, he rolled and crawled to escape.

At this time, he didn't care whether there were zombies outside or not. It was important to escape first!

But how could Song Chen give him a chance to escape.

Just when Qiao Wenxiu was about to open the door and run out, Song Chen stood behind him and slowly took out a silencer from the space, pointed it at his back and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A faint gunshot sounded, and Qiao Wenxiu fell to the ground.

Song Chen, who had just killed someone, turned to look at Lan Ya and said calmly: "Go and fix that one too. You are not allowed to use superpowers."

Even though Lan Ya has been wandering abroad for many years, judging from its reaction to danger, it seems that it has never caused any harm to anyone. Even when facing Zhang Qiang who wanted to kill it, it only bit the other's right hand holding the knife.

Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, Lan Ya's behavior might be called a good dog.

But now it is the apocalypse, and the dangers they have to face are not only from natural disasters and zombies, but also from the survivors around them who may kill them at any time.

While the situation has not become so bad now, Song Chen is determined to train Lan Ya.

Even if it is a dog, he Song Chen can't keep a useless dog around him. This kind of thing will happen sooner or later.

Lan Ya was obviously a little hesitant, but when he met Song Chen's calm gaze, he finally bit Zhang Qiang's throat with his sharp teeth.

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