The journey was safe and sound.

Song Chen drove the heavy truck back to the community smoothly. When he approached the villa, he found that there were suddenly several zombies around for some reason, wandering aimlessly.

After parking the heavy truck on the side of the road, Song Chen gestured to Ji Yumo.

"Go and deal with these zombies."

After confirming that Ji Yumo sincerely joined the team, Song Chen naturally would not treat her badly. He threw ten crystal cores to her in the car and taught her how to absorb them.

Absorbing crystal cores can not only improve the level of superpowers, but also help superpowers quickly restore energy and replenish their status.

Now that Ji Yumo has absorbed the energy in the crystal cores, her status has been restored to almost nothing. With the weapons Song Chen gave her, it is highly likely that she will not have any problem dealing with these zombies. She can also take this opportunity to adapt to them.

Ji Yumo can probably guess what Song Chen meant.

After all, when she joined, Song Chen said that the team would not keep idle people and useless people, and she must prove her worth by killing zombies.

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So after Song Chen gave the order, she got off the car with a dagger without hesitation.

As for Ji Lu.

Song Chen did not have any expectations for her at all. As long as she could do the housework and cook some meals at home, it would be enough.

But what no one expected was that Ji Lu actually said tremblingly: "My sister and I will go to kill zombies together. I haven't fought zombies yet, and there are not many zombies nearby. It's just right for me to practice and adapt in advance. Anyway, I will experience this step sooner or later in the future."

Ji Lu's face was pale, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was scared to death now, but her eyes were very firm, and she had obviously made up her mind.

If the end of the world is really coming, and the whole world is full of terrible creatures like zombies, then she must overcome her fear of such creatures and get used to fighting and blood as soon as possible.

After listening to Ji Lu's words, Song Chen was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that she looked weak on the outside, but she was so strong on the inside.

It sounds a bit fresh to say such harsh words in the most cowardly tone.

Considering that it was Ji Lu's first time to kill zombies, Song Chen took a light long knife from the space and gave it to her.


Ji Lu took the long knife and nodded, and jumped off the heavy truck first.

Ji Yumo next to him opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed the words back.

She knew that it was extremely difficult to survive in the end of the world. Even Song Chen could not guarantee Ji Lu's lifelong safety and smoothness. Only if Ji Lu became stronger could he increase the probability of survival.

The most beautiful flowers cannot bloom in a greenhouse.

Only after being beaten by wind and rain can one become stronger and full of vitality.

Seeing the two sisters get off the car and walk towards the wandering zombies, Song Chen patted Lan Ya.

"You go and take care of them, don't let them get hurt."


Lan Ya ran around the zombies, caringly helping the two sisters control the number of zombies, so that each of them only had to face the attack of one zombie at a time.

Ji Yumo is worthy of being the strongest ice-type superpower in the apocalypse. He moved decisively and quickly, slashing at the zombies' eyebrows. Because of his superpowers, he killed a zombie without much effort.

Ji Lu, on the other hand, looked rather embarrassed.

She originally wanted to do more psychological preparation, but the zombies didn't give her any extra time.

Facing the zombies that were rushing at her, Ji Lu's mind was a little blank. She had no combat experience at all. She just stood there stupidly holding the long knife, but her eyes soon became firm.

According to what Song Chen said, her sister had awakened the ice-type superpower and would be a strong member of the team. But she herself had no place beyond ordinary people. The only thing she could show off was her dancing posture that was often praised by teachers at school.

But dancing for people to appreciate is of no use in the apocalypse.

She had to find a way to kill zombies to prove her worth and not drag her sister and the team down.

She didn't want to become a burden.

The zombie raised its hands with sharp nails to grab at her, but fortunately Ji Lu reacted quickly and dodged quickly.

But then the zombie opened its bloody mouth and bit her snow-white neck.

At the moment of life and death, Ji Lu used her soft and coordinated body due to years of dancing to bend back suddenly, letting the zombie take a breath of air.

At the same time, she held the long knife in her hand tightly and chopped the zombie's head fiercely.

Song Chen told them that the zombie's weakness is in the center of the eyebrows.

But she lacked combat experience and could not accurately aim at the zombie's eyebrows. She could only attack the head as a second choice. Anyway, as long as the head was chopped off, the zombie would die anyway.

Ji Lu cut off a layer of the zombie's scalp, and blood with a fishy smell splashed out and fell on Ji Lu's face and body.

This knife did not kill the zombie completely, but made it more violent, roaring and continuing to bite.

Ji Lu was stimulated by the zombies and the splattered blood. He swung the long knife frantically, not caring which part of the body he was slashing. Anyway, as long as he entered the attack range of the long knife, he would be hit.

The zombie's arms were cut off, and Ji Lu saw the opportunity and chopped it directly on the forehead.

The zombie's head was split in half from the middle like a watermelon.

This time he couldn't die any more.

Looking at the red and white liquid under his feet, Ji Lu squatted down and couldn't help vomiting.

Cheng Siyuan couldn't bear it and wanted to bring her a bottle of water, but was stopped by Song Chen.

"Don't worry."

Following Song Chen's gaze, he saw Ji Lu, who was still vomiting just now, wiped his mouth, stood up again, and raised his long knife in front of the new zombies attracted by Lan Ya.

After having the experience of killing zombies for the first time, Ji Lu's movements became obviously more proficient.

This time he killed a zombie with only seven swords.

Cheng Siyuan was stunned.

This was the first time he saw someone vomiting while killing zombies.

Song Chen couldn't help but chuckle, looking at Ji Lu with a bit of appreciation.

Originally, he only regarded Ji Lu as a tool to tie up Ji Yumo, but now it seems that this little girl is quite interesting.

There were not many zombies wandering around the villa, and they were quickly eliminated by the two sisters who gradually figured out the rules. The price they paid was that both of them were stained with a lot of dirt.

Not to mention Song Chen and Cheng Siyuan, even Lan Ya wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Back in the villa, Song Chen took the lead in letting the two of them go to the bathroom to wash up, and then arranged their own rooms for them.

Diagonally across from the villa, the three Zhang brothers witnessed the entire process of the Ji sisters killing zombies.

"I didn't expect that boy to find two capable and beautiful girls during this trip!"

The third child, Zhang Jiashi, had a sour tone.

He is still a young boy now, but as a result, others have begun to enjoy the blessings of being together.

Zhang Cheng was also a little jealous. After all, both Ji Yumo and Ji Lu were beauties with their own characteristics. No man could resist being moved after seeing them.

He turned to look at Zhang Gang, "Brother, what should we do now? We can't just watch this batch of supplies disappear again!"

The three of them had previously thought about hiding in the villa when Song Chen was out, and waiting for Song Chen to come back to seize all the people and supplies. However, they didn't expect that the boy had changed the villa to look like a turtle shell, and he also brought his own high Piezoelectric turtle shell.

It was also thanks to the many insulating equipment sets, otherwise at least one of the three brothers would have died.

"Why are you so anxious?" Zhang Gang looked gloomy, "Since the dirty tricks don't work, let's attack head-on. Aren't there other people in the community who are hungry?"

Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jiashi looked at each other.

"Brother, what do you mean..."

"There must be a lot of survivors in the community, and their status is not low. That kid can't kill everyone!"

Zhang Gang had a sneer on his face.

"I will definitely get this batch of supplies!"

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