The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 68 How come I am not as good as a dog?


Yang Qian and Li Haichuan were both frightened when they heard that Song Chen was going to take them to the canteen to search for supplies.

"No!" Li Haichuan stood up from his chair excitedly, "Did you just listen to what we said? There are many zombies in the cafeteria, and we can't even get in!"

"I heard it." Song Chen said calmly, "Just because you can't get in doesn't mean we can't get in."


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Li Haichuan was stunned.

Song Chen pointed at himself, "With your current strength, you really can't rush into the cafeteria, but we can take you in. You just need to coordinate the participants to join the action."

The canteen of Beicheng University is quite famous locally.

It is said that there are many delicacies inside that cannot be eaten outside, and many people even find ways to get into the school because of their stuttering.

Nowadays, the cook is gone, but the ingredients are definitely still there.

Of course, Song Chen's main purpose was not just to collect supplies, but more importantly, to show the strength of his team in front of Yang Qian and Li Haichuan.

It is human nature to follow the strong.

As long as he shows enough strength, Yang Qian and Li Haichuan will find a way to proactively request to join the team without him having to say anything, which saves him the effort of lobbying.

After listening to Song Chen's words, Yang Qian and Li Haichuan looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Unlike Song Chen's self-confidence, the two of them felt that going to the canteen to search for supplies was tantamount to courting death.

It's not like they didn't try to search for supplies in the canteen, but they were unable to break through the canteen every time, and there were even tragic casualties. The bloody facts told them that the idea of ​​entering the canteen was not advisable at all.

Even if Song Chen and others came from outside the school and had some skills, they might not be able to face the attack of nearly a hundred zombies.

Seeing the two people's hesitation, Ji Lu persuaded: "Sister, you can trust us. My sister and I have both awakened our powers. Even Lanya is a dog with wind powers, and Chen Brother is the strongest among us. With him here, you don’t have to worry about the threat of zombies.”

Before setting off to Beicheng University, Song Chen had already told them the main purpose of the trip, and now was the perfect opportunity to show off their team's strength.

Yang Qian and Li Haichuan obviously did not expect that the three people and one dog in front of them had awakened their powers, and they could not hide the shock on their expressions.

You must know that among the fifty students they have integrated so far, only thirty have awakened their own powers, and the other twenty are completely ordinary people. On the other hand, Song Chen, even his dog has wind powers. .

Humans are simply inferior to dogs!

The atmosphere in the dormitory was silent for a long time, and Yang Qian finally made up her mind.

"I understand! Now I'm going to notify other students and prepare to leave for the cafeteria. I'll leave it to you for this operation!"

Seeing that the fish finally bit the hook, Song Chen smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, follow me and I guarantee you won't regret it."

After saying that, Song Chen glanced at Li Haichuan and left Yang Qian's dormitory with Ji Lu and others.

As soon as they left, Li Haichuan looked at Yang Qian with disapproval.

"You know their identities and details, so you agreed to follow them to the canteen! We don't have many remaining companions. Have you ever thought about how many of us will die if they are completely useless?"

Faced with Li Haichuan's doubts, Yang Qian looked as usual.

"Then tell me, what should we do next? Continue to stay in the dormitory and wait for death?"

Li Haichuan choked on his words and was speechless.

Yang Qian did not let him go easily, and continued: "We have been to all places in the school where there may be supplies, and have moved back everything that can be moved. Seeing that the remaining supplies have bottomed out, we don't want to think of a way anymore. Are you going to starve to death?"

"Then you shouldn't agree to them easily..."

Li Haichuan wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by Yang Qian.

"They are the first batch of people to enter the school from the outside in these days. For this reason alone, I am willing to take a gamble on them. Instead of doing nothing and just waiting to die, I might as well fight for the slightest possibility. spell!"

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Li Haichuan naturally understands that Yang Qian's decision is correct, and in the end he can only sigh and agree.

"It would be great if Brother Hao was here."

When she heard the name, Yang Qian's expression became a little downcast, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Song Chen and others waited in He Xin's dormitory for about an hour before Yang Qian came to the door.

"Everyone has gathered, let's set off now."


Song Chen didn't delay and followed Yang Qian directly to the downstairs of the dormitory building.

At this time, more than a dozen female students had gathered in the hall on the first floor, all holding homemade simple weapons in their hands. Although it was not enough in Song Chen's eyes, it was enough to show their awareness.

"Are these people the only ones?" Song Chen asked.

"The boys are all in the dormitory building opposite. We will meet outside the building after we set off." Yang Qian replied.

"Okay." Song Chen nodded, "Then let's set off."

The total number of participants in this search operation was about thirty.

If it were usual, Song Chen would definitely not let so many people act at the same time. After all, the more people there are, the easier it is to attract zombies. However, the purpose of this action is mainly to show the students their fighting power, and the more witnesses the better.

The dormitory building is still some distance away from the cafeteria. Some scattered zombies on the road were attracted by them. Song Chen was too lazy to take action and directly handed them over to Lan Ya to deal with.

The students who were originally following behind were all facing a great enemy when they saw the zombies rushing over. As a result, they saw that Song Chen just waved his hand, and the Deha hybrid following him directly solved those zombies.

"Oh my god! What did I see?"

"Is this really just a dog? How come it looks stronger than all of us combined!"

"Brother, be more confident when you speak, it is stronger than all of us combined!"

"I didn't expect that I would live for more than 20 years, but in the end I am not as good as a dog..."

Lan Ya killed zombies in front to clear the way, and the students whispered in the back.

When the team finally arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, some people even began to doubt the value and meaning of their lives.

How could they not be as good as a dog?

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