The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 73 Growth begins with admitting that you are no better than a dog

In front of the teaching building.

Song Chen hid behind the green belt, staring at the zombies wandering in front.

"Why are there so many zombies at the door?" Ji Yumo frowned.

According to Yang Qian and others, Chang Minghao entered the teaching building two days ago. The zombies nearby should have just been cleared, and there are dozens of zombies near the entrance of the building. Even if the zombies in the building wandered out, there shouldn't be so many.

Yang Qian also had a serious face.

"When I came here to check the situation yesterday, there weren't so many. I don't know what happened."

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?" Ji Lu turned his head and looked at Song Chen.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Song Chen was silent.

If there were dozens of zombies, they could easily deal with them with their current abilities, but they were afraid that more zombies would rush out of the building during the cleaning process. If they were accidentally besieged by hundreds of zombies, even they would not be able to escape easily, not to mention taking Yang Qian, Ji Lu and others with them.

After thinking for a moment, Song Chen patted Lan Ya who was lying beside him.

"Lan Ya, it's time to exercise."

Without Song Chen saying the whole thing, Lan Ya immediately understood and rushed out of the green belt, barking at the wandering zombies.

The zombies that were wandering aimlessly were immediately attracted by the sound made by Lan Ya, and rushed towards it with a low roar.

Seeing this, Lan Ya immediately activated his wind ability, accelerated and ran around the zombies, avoiding the siege while attracting them all behind him.

Until most of the zombies caught up, Lan Ya turned around and ran away from the teaching building.

While the zombies were attracted by Lan Ya, Song Chen immediately led the others to the teaching building. Several zombies that were left behind followed the smell and rushed over, but Song Chen killed them with two sharp backhands.

The group successfully entered the teaching building.

As soon as they ran into the building, zombies rushed over. Fortunately, Song Chen had been prepared and quickly killed the zombies that were attracted.

After temporarily ending the battle, Lan Ya also shook off the zombies and ran back. He ran to Song Chen and picked up the small box hanging on his neck.

This box was hung on its neck by Song Chen before.

In the past, Lan Ya would help dig zombie crystal cores every time he went out, but there was no place to put the crystal cores he dug out, so he could only dig one and give it to Song Chen, and the collection efficiency was extremely slow.

In order to improve the collection efficiency, Song Chen simply picked a small box that would not hinder his movements and hung it on Lan Ya's neck, which was specially used to store crystal cores and other things.

Raising his hand to take the box, Song Chen opened it and saw that it contained more than a dozen low-level crystal cores, which were still stained with blood that had not dried yet. They were obviously dug out from the skulls of the zombies just now.

"Well done."

Song Chen rubbed Lan Ya's head, and Lan Ya narrowed his eyes happily and wagged his tail quickly.

Yang Qian pursed her lips tightly as she watched this scene.

A dog can not only lead away zombies, but also kill zombies and take crystal cores back.

Why does it feel more useful than her?

Seeing Yang Qian's complicated expression, the sisters Ji Lu and Ji Yumo patted her shoulders on the left and right, silently comforting her, as if they were experienced people.

Growth starts with admitting that you are not as good as a dog.

They are used to it.

After cleaning the crystal core and putting it into the space, Song Chen hung the box back on Lan Ya's neck, and then formally looked at the situation in the building.

For the safety of the action, Song Chen deliberately avoided the main entrance of the teaching building and broke in from the small door on the side.

Except that the number of zombies wandering outside the building exceeded expectations, the other situations were not much different from his calculations. Most of the students who had transformed into zombies were wandering around the main entrance hall. There were no other zombies at the side door except for the few that had just been dealt with.

The teaching building has a total of six floors.

According to Yang Qian, Chang Minghao's girlfriend should be in class on the fourth floor on the day of the apocalypse, and it is inferred that Chang Minghao is likely to be near the fourth floor.

Song Chen did not waste time. After making sure that the zombies wandering in the distance did not find them, he went straight to the fourth floor.


Just as Song Chen was looking for Chang Minghao in the teaching building, Chen Yanting in the gymnasium also received a report from his younger brother.

"Brother Ting, Li Haichuan took people out of the cafeteria and returned to the dormitory building."

"They actually came out of the cafeteria alive?" Chen Yanting was shocked and looked unbelievable.

When he wanted to form a force, he walked through the dormitory building. Since Chang Minghao and Yang Qian liked to be good people, they not only integrated all the surviving students in the dormitory, but also took in the guys who were desperate, resulting in all kinds of guys in the dormitory building.

Most of them were not strong, and many of them didn't even dare to kill zombies.

And he knew how dangerous the cafeteria was. With Chang Minghao missing in the dormitory building and only Yang Qian leading the team, it was wishful thinking to walk around the cafeteria, let alone enter the door.

How could he walk out safely from there?

"What's going on?"

Chen Yanting was full of questions.

The younger brother who sent the message didn't know the specific situation, but just said: "There are two more strangers in the team over there, with a husky, and Ji Lu, who has never been found, is also there. Could it be related to them?"

Hearing Ji Lu's name, Chen Yanting pushed the woman in his arms away and stood up excitedly.

"Ji Lu? Are you sure it's her?"

The younger brother nodded, "It's definitely her."

Ji Lu has been the campus belle of North City University since she entered the university. No male student would fail to recognize her.

After Chen Yanting received a positive answer, he became excited.

"Where is she now?"

Faced with Chen Yanting's impatient question, the younger brother hesitated.

"What's wrong? Tell me!" Chen Yanting urged.

The younger brother was frightened and quickly replied: "I saw Ji Lu following Yang Qian and two other strangers to the teaching building."

"Teaching building?"

Chen Yanting was surprised again and soon thought of Chang Minghao who disappeared in the teaching building two days ago.

Did they go to find Chang Minghao?


It's just courting death!

Even if they succeeded in taking over the cafeteria, the teaching building is several times more dangerous than the cafeteria. On weekdays, they dare not even approach the teaching building. These guys actually rushed in to find someone without regard for their lives.

Chen Yanting rubbed his hair in great annoyance.

Unexpectedly, after finally getting the news about Ji Lu, he went to the teaching building. He originally wanted to bring Ji Lu back and love her well, but it was a pity. After all, such a beautiful face and figure are rare.

If you can't get the woman, you can't let go of the supplies.

Chen Yanting raised his mouth insidiously.

"Tell the other brothers to pack up and get ready to go to the dormitory with me to get food!"

In his heart, he had already sentenced the few people who went to the teaching building to death. Now Chang Minghao disappeared in the teaching building, and Yang Qian couldn't get out. The remaining people in the dormitory were no match for him.

Even if he risked his life to bring the supplies out of the cafeteria, the final outcome would be his!

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