Yu Xixi looked at Chang Minghao with a look of having seen a ghost, then realized something was wrong, and immediately adjusted her expression to show a self-proclaimed charming smile.

"Minghao, I'm so glad you're okay."

Faced with Yu Xixi who looked hypocritical, Jiang Sen couldn't hold back before Chang Minghao could speak.

"How dare you say that? If you hadn't pushed Brother Hao out to block the zombies, how could he be injured like this!"


Yu Xixi's face turned pale in an instant, and she wanted to explain something, but found that she couldn't say anything. She looked broken and helpless.

In the past, Chang Minghao was attracted by her weak and pitiful appearance, and couldn't help wanting to stand up and protect her, but after what happened before, he had completely seen through Yu Xixi's vicious heart hidden under her weakness, and was completely unmoved.

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Meeting Chang Minghao's cold eyes, Yu Xixi's expression became even sadder.

Zheng Ye, who was standing behind her, felt distressed when he saw this, and hurried forward to embrace her and comfort her.

"Don't feel sad for this kind of man! He obviously didn't have the ability to protect his girlfriend, but he had the nerve to blame others. You are lucky not to be bitten to death by zombies!"


Jiang Sen wanted to step forward to argue with Zheng Ye, but was stopped by Chang Minghao.

"There is no need to argue with them. The most urgent thing now is to wait for Brother Chen and the others to get rid of the zombies, and don't miss the signal because of them."

Hearing what Chang Minghao said, Jiang Sen stood there reluctantly and glared at Zheng Ye fiercely.

Zheng Ye was afraid of the knife in Ji Lu's hand, and had no intention of stepping forward to continue to entangle, but just gently comforted Yu Xixi.

"Xixi, don't take their words to heart. I will protect you in the future."

Yu Xixi glanced at Chang Minghao's cold back, then pretended to lean on Zheng Ye's shoulder and smiled ambiguously: "Then I will rely on you."

It seems that Chang Minghao's backer can't be relied on now, and now she must hold on to Zheng Ye tightly.

At the same time.

Song Chen, Ji Yumo and Lan Ya are fighting zombies.

A steady stream of zombies rushed out from the surrounding classrooms. Song Chen's moves were fierce and decisive, and he could easily kill them every time he swung his knife.

Although Ji Yumo's killing efficiency was not as good as Song Chen's, his speed was also not to be underestimated.

As for Lan Ya, let alone.

If Song Chen hadn't asked for a quick battle, these zombies would only be its toys to be played with.

Just as the two and the dog were killing the zombies quickly, a sharp wind blade suddenly attacked Ji Yumo's back.

"Be careful!"

Song Chen sensed the danger and rushed to Ji Yumo's back to block the attack. At the same time, he aimed and shot with a silencer in his hand.


Song Chen's almost 100% headshot shooting only hit the zombie's shoulder.

Ji Yumo killed the zombie in front of him with a knife and turned back with lingering fear.

"What is it?"

"It should be a level 2 zombie."

Song Chen answered and gave Lan Ya a look. The latter immediately understood and rushed towards the injured zombie.

Both with wind-related abilities, the zombie who barely reached level 2 was no match for Lan Ya. He was defeated in just a few moves and his skull was cut open by Lan Ya's claws.

The people hiding in the classroom saw Song Chen and others killing the zombies. Except for Ji Lu and Yang Qian, everyone widened their eyes in shock.

Oh my gosh!

What's wrong with those two? They are too strong!

And the dog that looks like a husky, it should be of famous pedigree, why is it so ferocious?

Those zombies are like tofu under its claws, is it still a dog? !

Chang Minghao looked at Song Chen's back meaningfully.

No wonder they were able to break through the zombies outside the teaching building and rush in. With such skills, if they were not a burden, I'm afraid they could kill all the zombies in the entire teaching building, right?

It didn't take too long, and all the zombies blocking the front were solved.

Mottled bloodstains flowed on the marble floor tiles, and the strong smell of blood rushed straight into the nose. Whether it was Zheng Ye, Yu Xixi and others, or Jiang Sen, Chang Minghao and others, they all dared not make a sound, and even subconsciously lightened their breathing.

Yu Xixi stared at Song Chen's back.

I didn't expect this man to be so strong. The terrifying zombies that chased them and screamed before were like little chickens in front of him. If she could find a way to get close to this thigh, she would have a better chance of survival.

But she had a nice thought. In fact, Song Chen didn't even look at them. He just waved at Ji Lu and others.

"Hurry up, let's go!"

After receiving the signal, Ji Lu and others hurriedly followed Song Chen to leave, without paying any attention to them. Yu Xixi was anxious when she saw this.


She didn't know where she got the courage from, and ran out of the classroom door to stop them.

"Can you take me with you?"

Yu Xixi stood in front of Song Chen, looking at him with a pair of fox eyes pretending to be affectionate, and looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

She was absolutely sure in her heart that every time she showed this look in front of a man, the other party would be eager to find a way to fulfill her wish, and this time would definitely be no exception.

Song Chen just glanced at her lightly and said coldly: "Get out of here."

After that, he walked past her and prepared to leave.

Yu Xixi stood there in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

The seduction failed?

This is impossible!

What Yu Xixi didn't know was that she had been trapped in the teaching building for more than half a month and had become half-human, half-ghost, with a sallow complexion and greasy hair sticking to her scalp. Even if she had a good foundation, she would still look ugly.

What's more, Song Chen was accompanied by two beautiful school beauties, Ji Yumo and Ji Lu, who had washed themselves clean. How could he possibly be interested in her?

As for the others.

Those who had the courage to live would naturally sneak behind them and leave. If they didn't even have this courage, they might as well die here.

Yu Xixi had no idea what Song Chen was thinking. Seeing that he was about to ignore her and leave, she quickly grabbed Chang Minghao, the last straw to save her life.

"Minghao, save me! Didn't you come to the teaching building to save me? Now let them take me away with you!"

Faced with the desperate pleading of his former girlfriend, Chang Minghao looked at her indifferently.

The affection between them had already dissipated when Yu Xixi pushed him towards the zombies. Moreover, he was seriously injured and was a burden. How could he let Song Chen take other people with him?


Chang Minghao looked at the others behind Yu Xixi and asked with a smile: "Take you away? What about them?"

How could Yu Xixi care about others at this moment?

Hearing Chang Minghao's slight relief, she immediately said excitedly: "They have nothing to do with me, just take me away!"

Hearing this, the expectant students behind Yu Xixi suddenly showed an expression of disbelief.

"Yu Xixi, we helped you so much along the way, and you actually want to abandon us?"

"That's right! If we hadn't helped you, you would have died in the zombies' mouths!"

Yu Xixi didn't care about other people's reactions. She just looked at Chang Minghao diligently, wanting him to speak well of her in front of Song Chen and take her away.

But facing her expectant eyes, Chang Minghao smiled viciously.

"Sorry, my words don't count, and even if Brother Chen is willing to listen to me, I won't take you with me."

"Why?!" Yu Xixi shouted in despair.

"Because you don't deserve it."

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