The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 8 How can you be so ruthless, you scumbag?

On the evening of May 29.

Song Chen went to the car dealership to take the modified heavy truck away. While the night was thick, he drove it to the vicinity of Zhang Xinyang's residence and returned home after confirming that it was correct.

The doomsday will break out tomorrow.

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Song Chen lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Although he had made sufficient preparations, who knew if he would start over again, would his future trajectory change because of his behavior?

After this period of time, he felt more and more that the emotional feedback given to him by Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya was incomparable to anything else.

Nothing else mattered, now he just wanted to protect his brothers and sisters.

In the early morning of May 30.

Song Chen woke up early. According to his memory, the doomsday will break out around 9:30 this morning.

Waking up Cheng Siyuan who was still snoring, Song Chen said seriously: "You stay in the villa today. No matter what happens outside, don't go out, and don't let anyone else in."

Cheng Siyuan was still half asleep and half awake. After listening to Song Chen's words, he just nodded ignorantly.

Time was urgent. Song Chen had something very important to do before the doomsday broke out. Without further delay, he took Lan Ya and drove straight to Zhang Xinyang's residence. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Xinyang.

"Uncle, I want to ask you for help."

Zhang Xinyang was eating breakfast at home. He didn't expect that the arrogant Song Chen would call him to ask for help. He was immediately happy, but his tone was hypocritical and concerned: "Just tell me if you have anything to say. I will definitely help you if I can."

Song Chen smiled, "You also know that I am preparing to cooperate with foreign countries. The other party sent me a project, which happened to be the same as what our group is doing. I thought that the fat water should not flow to outsiders, so I always look for you, uncle, to cooperate."

Zhang Xinyang was a little skeptical, "Are you sure you want to cooperate with me?"

"Of course." Song Chen changed the subject, "I just hope that uncle can let me earn more money for the sake of our kinship."

Zhang Xinyang sneered when he heard this.

It turned out that this kid wanted to make more money, no wonder he was so kind to ask him to cooperate.

"No problem!" Zhang Xinyang agreed immediately, "No matter what, you are my nephew, and we have to make money."

Having said that, Zhang Xinyang was already thinking about how to get more money from Song Chen.

The kid is full of thoughts about connecting with foreign countries. This project must be very important. It doesn't matter if he takes the opportunity to ask for a lot of money, right?

Song Chen agreed again and again, "Uncle, then you wait for me at home. I'll go to your house now and we'll talk face to face. It's also a good opportunity to meet Brother Qin and apologize for what I did last time."

Zhang Xinyang originally wanted to talk to the group, but when he heard that Song Chen wanted to apologize to Zhang Qin in person, he agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Song Chen's mouth curled up, and he urged the taxi driver to drive faster.

He couldn't wait to see Zhang Xinyang and his son.

It was agreed that they would be sent to see the King of Hell on the day of the end of the world, and not a second later.


At 9:10 in the morning, Song Chen was already sitting on the sofa in Zhang Xinyang's house, and Zhang Xinyang and Zhang Qin, father and son, were sitting opposite him.

"Xiao Chen, you've worked so hard to come here early to discuss cooperation. I'd be satisfied if Zhang Qin worked half as hard as you!" Zhang Xinyang had a hypocritical smile on his face, but his tone was sincere.

If the two sides were not on opposite sides, he would actually admire Song Chen's character of daring to fight and endure hardships, which was much better than his son who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun.

"Humph! What's the point of working hard? In the end, don't you still ask us to cooperate?" Zhang Qin snorted disapprovingly.

Song Chen pretended not to hear Zhang Qin's sarcasm, and talked to Zhang Xinyang about cooperation with a smile.

With his ability to lie with his eyes open, Song Chen fooled Zhang Xinyang.

It seemed that he knew everything, but it seemed that he didn't understand anything.

Even an old-timer like Zhang Xinyang was confused, not to mention Zhang Qin, a second-generation rich man, who fell directly into the pit dug by Song Chen. Lying at the bottom of the pit, he began to dream of a pie in the sky.

Song Chen was a little thirsty after talking, so he got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

It was already 9:25.

Song Chen was walking towards the living room with a cup of water in his hand, and suddenly there was a violent crash in the yard outside the villa.

"What happened?" Zhang Xinyang frowned, "Did Lao Wang drive over and hit something? Xiaoqin, go and see, if the old guy broke something, let him pay me the price!"

Zhang Qin responded and got up and went out.

Song Chen's eyes flashed, and an idea suddenly appeared in his head.

Maybe he could choose a more interesting way for Zhang Xinyang and his son to die.

Song Chen also stood up and followed Zhang Qin out, "I'll go with you. If Lao Wang is injured, I can help."

Zhang Qin opened the door of the villa and saw that Zhang Xinyang's exclusive car had crashed into a tree. The hood had been severely deformed under the impact and was smoking.

"Damn it! Didn't this old guy brag about his driving skills? How could he crash like this in the villa yard?"

"Damn it, I can't afford to pay for this car even if I sell it!"

Zhang Qin cursed and walked towards the car angrily.

But when he opened the door, he was immediately scared by the scene in the cab and screamed.

The old Wang inside was covered in blood, his eyes were bulging out, his pupils had disappeared, leaving only the cloudy and gray whites of his eyes, and he was roaring at Zhang Qin like a beast.

Zhang Qin had never seen such a scene before, his scalp was numb, his legs were weak, and he fell to the ground, staring at the old Wang like a fool.

When the old Wang saw Zhang Qin outside the car, he was like a turtle seeing a green bean, and he rushed towards him regardless of everything.

But in the early stage of the apocalypse, the intelligence of humans after being transformed into zombies will be significantly reduced. The old Wang did not know how to get out of the car at all, and he almost fell out with a rolling and crawling, which gave Zhang Qin time to react.

Struggling to get up from the ground, Zhang Qin ran into the villa without looking back. When he passed by Song Chen, he did not forget to push him towards the approaching old Wang.

Just as he was about to run into the villa, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder from behind.

"Don't run!" Song Chen used one hand to pull Zhang Qin back from the edge of safety. "Old Wang looks like he has a lot to say to you! How can you be so heartless, you scumbag?"

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