Lan Ya usually stayed by Song Chen's side quietly. Every time he made a sound, he discovered the situation, and this time was definitely no exception.

Song Chen suddenly became wary.

At this moment, the door of the villa suddenly opened from the inside, and a slightly familiar face appeared.

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"Zhang Pei?"

Song Chen frowned slightly.

Isn't the man standing at the door of the villa Zhang Pei who he kicked away two days ago?

"Little brother, you are finally back. I thought you died outside!"

Seeing Song Chen, Zhang Pei spoke first with a smile, but his words and tone made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Those who didn't know thought he was the owner of this villa.

Song Chen jumped out of the car, and Ji Yumo and others also noticed something strange and followed closely behind.

Looking past Zhang Pei who was blocking the door, Song Chen looked inside the villa. He could clearly see Zhang Pei's people guarding every corner of the villa, staring at him with vigilance, but he did not see Cheng Siyuan and others.

"Where are my people?"

Facing Song Chen's straightforward question, Zhang Pei's smile deepened.

"My little brother's people are naturally my people, but they were a little disobedient, so I locked them up."

Hearing this, Song Chen's expression suddenly darkened.

Unexpectedly, with Cheng Siyuan's strength, he could still be captured by Zhang Pei. Could it be that there is a superpower in their team who is about to break through to the fourth level?

Seeing Song Chen's alert look, Zhang Pei was obviously very satisfied.

"Don't worry, I guarantee their lives are not in danger, but only if you can come up with something that satisfies me."

As he spoke, he looked pointedly at the bus Song Chen drove back.

"You must have collected a lot of supplies in the past two days, right? You are also quite capable. As long as you hand over the supplies and promise to obey my orders completely from now on, how about I reluctantly agree to all of you joining my team?"

Zhang Pei narrowed his eyes and stared at Song Chen.

In fact, he didn't want to keep Song Chen at all.

Song Chen gave him the feeling that it was too dangerous, and he would never be able to keep such an uncontrollable dangerous factor by his side.

But before getting rid of Song Chen, he had to get all the supplies first.

Ever since he drove Song Chen out of the villa area that day, he had been lurking around waiting for the right opportunity to take action. Two days ago, Song Chen left with the two sisters, and he immediately rushed in with his people.

They thought that after Song Chen left, there would be no threat to them in the villa area, but they didn't expect to encounter Cheng Siyuan, a tough nut to crack. Just one person almost caused more than a dozen of them to overturn.

So he turned to capture the weaker Zhao Yu and the other three, and threatened Cheng Siyuan with their lives to arrest them.

The ploy turned out to be very successful.

Not only did they successfully catch Cheng Siyuan and others and rob them of their food, they even lived in Song Chen's villa openly.

The only thing that made him angry was that except for the food in the hands of Cheng Siyuan and others, there was no material in the huge villa!

This was completely different from what he had imagined.

If Cheng Siyuan and others had not been provided with enough food, they would have starved to death in the past two days.

Therefore, they had to find a way to get the materials collected by Song Chen.

As for Song Chen being stronger than them, he was not afraid. Anyway, the lives of Cheng Siyuan and others were still in his hands. Just like when he threatened Cheng Siyuan to submit, he was not worried about Song Chen resisting at all.

Surprisingly, Song Chen ignored Zhang Pei at all, but turned to look at Chang Minghao beside him.

"Can you sense where the person is being held with your mental power?"

Chang Minghao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

What he awakened is the spiritual power. Using mental power to perceive other creatures is the most basic perception skill. When he was in the teaching building, his power was overdrawn and unable to be used. But now, after repairing, the power has been roughly restored, and he can sense Cheng Siyuan and others. Location is a piece of cake.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chang Minghao closed his eyes, gathered his mental energy, and began to explore the villa and its surroundings.

Soon he sensed four faint breaths in the innermost room on the second floor.

Although he was not familiar with the auras of Cheng Siyuan and others, judging from the situation analysis, the person locked inside should be the person Song Chen was looking for.

Chang Minghao told Song Chen the result of his perception, and Song Chen nodded slightly.

"I see."

"What are you doing?" Zhang Pei saw that Song Chen didn't reply for a long time. Instead, he was muttering to the people around him and didn't know what he was talking about. He felt a little panicked for no reason. "Don't forget that your people are still in my hands. As long as you answer If they don’t agree with their wishes, I can kill them at any time!”

Facing Zhang Pei's threat, Song Chen smiled slightly.

"You are too confident."

After saying that, he flashed and disappeared instantly.


Zhang Pei suddenly looked panicked.

How could the living person in front of me disappear out of thin air?

Could this be Song Chen's superpower?

"Protect me quickly!"

Zhang Pei yelled in horror and called on the other boys guarding the villa to surround him.

Song Chen's ability was really weird. If he took advantage of this moment to attack him secretly, wouldn't it be doomed?

But what he was worried about didn't appear. After waiting for more than ten seconds, nothing happened except them being in a panic.

"what happened?"

Zhang Pei was still confused, but the next second his eyes blurred. Song Chen reappeared with Cheng Siyuan and others.

! !

Zhang Pei was completely dumbfounded.

Weren't these four people tied up tightly by him and thrown in the innermost room on the second floor?

How could they suddenly appear here with Song Chen?

Could it be that...

Zhang Pei looked at Song Chen in horror, "What exactly is your ability?"

But Song Chen didn't have the kindness to answer his question, and didn't even give him a glance. He turned around and handed the weak Cheng Siyuan and others to Tang Yunke.

Fortunately, Cheng Siyuan and others were not seriously injured. It was just because all the food was taken away by Zhang Pei, and they were starved for two days, so they became so weak.

After confirming that the four people were not in danger, Song Chen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Zhang Pei, who had not yet recovered from the change of things.

"These guys are handed over to you, don't leave any alive." Song Chen said to Chang Minghao and others.

In the end of the world, it is not just zombies that are dangerous. There will definitely be other survivors who will come to find trouble in the future. These students who have just left school need a battle with other survivors to adapt and transform. Zhang Pei's team is not strong in overall strength, so it is just right for them to practice.

Song Chen also wants to take this opportunity to establish the concept of the team.

I will not offend others if they do not offend me.

As long as the guys who dare to come to find trouble or have crooked ideas, whether they are zombies or survivors, they will all be killed without mercy.

Chang Minghao did not expect that the first order they received was to kill people. He could not help but hesitate and entangled in his heart. Instead, Zhang Pei began to be unable to hold back.

Although Song Chen had more people than him, except Song Chen, the others seemed to be students who had not experienced the beatings of society. In his eyes, they were not to be feared at all.

As long as he could seize the opportunity to capture a few people as hostages, Song Chen's hands and feet would naturally be restricted, and he might even surrender without a fight.

Thinking of this, Zhang Pei secretly glanced at the people around him.

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