The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 97 Cheng Siyuan VS Cui Sheng

Song Chen, who was standing on the spot, couldn't help showing a look of relief on his face as he watched Cheng Siyuan take care of the second-level superpower Jiang Yuan without any effort.

It seems that letting Lan Ya take Cheng Siyuan to train every day is still effective.

If it were just an ordinary third-level lightning power user, it would take some time and energy to face Jiang Yuan, but now Cheng Siyuan can completely keep up with the speed of the second-level wind power user, and the solution is even easier. Effortless.

At this time, after dealing with Jiang Yuan, Cheng Siyuan set his sights on Cui Sheng at the rear.

He could feel a strong threat from the aura emanating from Cui Sheng.

This guy is strong.

Cui Sheng also noticed Cheng Siyuan's gaze, with a disdainful sneer on his lips.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp ice spike quickly struck Cheng Siyuan.

The ice spike was extremely fast. Fortunately, Cheng Siyuan's reaction speed was not slow. He quickly turned his head to avoid it, but the biting cold air still left a deep scratch on his face.

Cui Sheng whistled teasingly and sneered: "That's not a bad reaction! You have some skills, but you want to challenge me with just this, aren't you a little too arrogant?"

Cui Sheng didn't take Cheng Siyuan seriously at all.

Even if Cheng Siyuan defeated Jiang Yuan without any effort, in the end Jiang Yuan was only a second-level wind power user, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't be much stronger.

But Cui Sheng's power level has broken through to level three, and what he has awakened is a rare and extremely powerful ice power. His combat power is more than one level higher than Jiang Yuan's.

Otherwise, why could he become the leader of this group of people?

Therefore, in Cui Sheng's eyes, Cheng Siyuan was not worthy of his fear. On the contrary, Song Chen, who was watching from a distance, gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Cheng Siyuan raised his hand to wipe the blood on his cheek with a serious expression.

"Are you arrogant? You'll know if you try it."

Seeing Cheng Siyuan's fighting eyes, Cui Sheng scratched his hair irritably.

"Tsk! I didn't want to take action so early."

He originally wanted to wait until Song Chen was dismissed before taking action, but now Cheng Siyuan had obviously targeted him, and he couldn't hide his strength even if he wanted to.

As the words fell, Cui Sheng once again condensed an ice spike in his hand and quickly attacked Cheng Siyuan.

"The same move doesn't work for me." Cheng Siyuan avoided the ice spike attack range with ease and turned to look at Cui Sheng. "You talk nicely, but this isn't all you have, right?"

Faced with Cheng Siyuan's provocation, Cui Sheng, instead of being angry, showed even more disdain.

"Then you don't really believe that I only know this trick, do you?"

After saying that, several ice spikes appeared around Cui Sheng again. Roughly calculated, there were seven or eight, all aimed at Cheng Siyuan.

"Let's see how you hide now!"

Cui Sheng's eyes flashed, and he fired ice spikes instantly, rushing towards Cheng Siyuan at an extremely fast speed.

Cheng Siyuan quickly released thunder and lightning, and the oncoming ice spikes were instantly shattered.

However, the range covered by thunder and lightning skills is limited. Cheng Siyuan has no way to defend against the ice spikes coming from the side and can only dodge.

Seeing this, Cui Sheng burst into laughter.

"Isn't this enough? It's not over yet!"

Immediately afterwards, Cui Sheng continued to condense more ice spikes and rushed towards Cheng Siyuan.

I don't know if it is because of the increase in number, but the size of each ice spike has become smaller, but because of this, it is more difficult to dodge. Even if Cheng Siyuan is not slow in dealing with it, he will inevitably be hit.

It didn't take long for Cheng Siyuan to have many large and small wounds on his body, looking extremely embarrassed.

On the other hand, Cui Sheng stood intact and even looked at Cheng Siyuan with interest.

"It's boring." Cui Sheng yawned, "When you're tired of playing, you might as well die."

The next second he finished speaking, more than a dozen ice spikes gathered together and turned into an extra-large ice pick that was dozens of centimeters thick.

The ice cone exuded a terrifying cold air and quickly hit Cheng Siyuan.

Upon seeing this, Lan Ya wanted to rush forward to help Cheng Siyuan, but Song Chen raised his hand and held him down.

"Don't worry."

Looking at Cheng Siyuan who was panting heavily as if he had no power to fight back, Song Chen's expression did not change. Instead, he seemed to be expecting something, but the power of space was gathering in his body.

"Stop looking down on people!"

Suddenly, an angry roar erupted from Cheng Siyuan's mouth, and then terrifying thunder and lightning suddenly erupted from his body.

"Break it for me!"

Following Cheng Siyuan's roar, a dark purple thunderbolt as thick as an arm rushed towards the ice cone. A loud bang was heard, and the ice cone shattered under the impact of the thunder and lightning.


Cui Sheng didn't expect that his ice pick would be broken, and he was shocked.

But the deep purple thunder and lightning showed no intention of stopping after shattering the ice cone, and instead attacked Cui Sheng at a faster speed.


The thunder and lightning directly created a deep pit more than five meters wide on the ground, and Cui Sheng, who was severely hit, was covered in charred black, lying at the bottom of the pit and still spitting black smoke from his mouth.

Cheng Siyuan, who had released the deep purple thunder and lightning, suddenly felt dizzy. All the powers in his body were drained, and he fell uncontrollably to the ground.

At this moment, Song Chen teleported to him and caught him in time.

"Take a deep breath, control the superpowers in your body, calm down and absorb this crystal core to adjust your state."

Song Chen took out the crystal core from the space and placed it in Cheng Siyuan's hand, carefully helping him sit down slowly.

Hearing Song Chen's voice, Cheng Siyuan's tense nerves finally relaxed. He followed his method to calm the supernatural power in his body and slowly absorbed the energy in the crystal core.

Seeing that the violent supernatural energy in Cheng Siyuan's body gradually calmed down, Song Chen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Lan Ya to give an order.

"Go, and bring back the crystal core in his body."

The "he" in Song Chen's mouth was naturally Cui Sheng who was still lying at the bottom of the pit.

Cheng Siyuan's attack looked fierce, but with Cui Sheng's strength at the same level three, he would definitely not be killed by this blow. Song Chen could not give him a chance to breathe and directly sent Lan Ya to deal with him.

Lan Ya jumped into the pit immediately after receiving the order.

Before Cui Sheng recovered from Cheng Siyuan's lightning attack, his throat was bitten off by Lan Ya's sharp teeth.

Then Lan Ya picked out the crystal core in his brain and held it to Song Chen.

Looking at the rich ice crystal core in his hand, Song Chen directly put it into the space, and threw the second-level wind crystal core in Jiang Yuan's head to Lan Ya.

"Absorb this crystal core yourself."

Lan Ya also awakened the wind power, and it would benefit the most if he absorbed this crystal core.

Lan Ya, who had been drooling over the wind energy in the crystal core, was delighted when he heard this. He swung his tail quickly, took back the crystal core, and carefully put it into the small box hanging around his neck.

At the same time.

The remaining five people who were fighting with other members saw Cui Sheng being killed, and even the crystal core was dug out. Their fighting spirit weakened instantly, and they wanted to retreat.

But the members had long been instilled with the idea of ​​cutting the grass to the root, and when they saw that the enemy was in a losing position, they were not merciful, but their moves became more fierce, and they captured all the remaining people without much effort.

"Brother Chen, how do we deal with these guys?"

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