The 7th floor.

6 zombies attacked Shen Yuan together, pushing and shoving each other as they rushed up. The narrow staircase was packed with people.

A zombie rushed up first.

At the same time, Shen Yuan had already launched a blood-sucking attack, punching the zombie hard in the face. Its cheek instantly sank, and its eyeballs almost popped out of the sockets.

Under the huge impact, the head flew out with the body, hit several zombies, and rolled down the stairs together.

Shen Yuan walked up directly, first raised his foot to flatten a zombie's head, and then used his arm guard to block the zombie's claws.

Then he raised his fist and punched the zombie in front of him.

The mastery of bare hands combined with 22 points of strength made all the zombies hit either have their brains split on the spot or fall dead.

The last zombie was kicked away by him with a whip kick.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Shen Yuan panted, took out a bottle of water from the storage space, raised his head and drank it all. He threw away the empty bottle, wiped his mouth

, and continued to go down....

5th floor...

As soon as Shen Yuan stood at the corner of the stairs on the fourth floor, he saw that the stairs below were full of more than a dozen zombies, one next to the other, staring at him with bloodshot eyes.

Shen Yuan knew that he had to be prepared to bleed.

Fortunately, he had the infection resistance provided by the title of the Pioneer of the Apocalypse, otherwise he would definitely not dare to face such a large group of zombies.

But now, he can basically kill a zombie with one punch, plus the extra defense brought by Long Bo's bloodline, and the energy shield skill on the arm guard.

This battle is worth fighting.

In an instant, the zombies roared, like a released flood, rushing up from the stairs!

The space on the stairs was filled in an instant, and the zombies rushed forward desperately. There were zombies stepping on their companions' bodies and rushing up, but they were pressed under the faster zombies.

Shen Yuan kicked the zombies who rushed to him back with a fierce kick, and knocked down another group of zombies.

Then he stepped back, grabbed the zombie's outstretched arm, lifted it up directly, and smashed it towards the group of zombies below.

He stood still. The stairs were so narrow that only two or three could reach him. The rest were squeezed behind him.

Shen Yuan summoned an energy shield to block in front of him. He opened his left and right hands, punched and kicked, and attacked the zombies in front of him fiercely.

Since he had the advantage of terrain, he attacked without hesitation.

Straight punches, swinging punches, hooks, sweeping kicks, front kicks, side kicks, all kinds of moves were fiercely used to attack the zombies.

After all, Shen Yuan had been strengthened twice by Long Bo's bloodline, and his arm span was far beyond that of ordinary people. Although he was fighting with bare hands, his attack range was actually farther than that of zombies.

Ordinary zombies could not touch him at all. Basically, as soon as the zombies came to Shen Yuan, they were knocked down by a blow before they could touch him, and then they were stepped on by other zombies. Some were not beaten to death, but were stepped on to death.

Occasionally, there were lucky zombies who could grab or bite Shen Yuan while he was attacking, but they were also blocked by the energy shield.

Only level 2 zombies could barely pounce and bite him, but they were either blocked by Shen Yuan's arm armor or punched away by Shen Yuan.

A minute later, the energy shield dissipated, and wounds gradually appeared on Shen Yuan

's body. A zombie fell at his feet. Shen Yuan was not careful for a moment, and was bitten on the calf by the zombie, tearing off a piece of flesh.

Shen Yuan screamed in pain and kicked it away with all his strength.

The narrow stairs were soon covered with layers of zombie corpses.

The corner platform under the stairs actually piled up a small hill, all of which were rolled down after being killed by Shen Yuan.

Fortunately, because more and more corpses were piled up on the stairs, the speed of the blocked zombies' attack also slowed down.

Shen Yuan had more and more scratches on his body, but even so, he still did not retreat a step and stood firmly in place.

As everyone knows, zombies will die if they are killed.

The number of zombies is getting smaller and smaller, and finally there is only one left.

Shen Yuan stepped forward and stepped on the zombie lying on the ground, bent down and stretched out his hands to hold its head tightly.

Half squat, then lift your whole body up


With a crisp sound, he pulled off the zombie's head, along with half of its spine.

Satisfied with the last zombie, Shen Yuan laughed loudly, threw away the zombie's head in his hand, sat on the ground, and gasped heavily.

"Fighting, cool!"

At this time, the pleasant system voice sounded

【Ding, level increased to 5, gain 4 free attributes. Gained skills: Boom Fist】

【Boom Fist: Causes 30+2*strength damage to the target. When the target dies, the overflow damage will spread backwards, causing damage to enemies in the fan-shaped area. Cooldown time: 2 hours】

""Cool!" Shen Yuan was overjoyed.

The damage is high, and it can be combined with Blood Smash to increase unarmed mastery.

Just like in the previous life, everyone who reaches level 5 will randomly obtain a skill related to their profession.

It is also the only time. If you want to obtain skills again, you have to find a skill orb.

Most people use two or three skills back and forth, and their extremely long cooling time means that they have to rely on brute force when the skills are used up.

Therefore, most of the magic professions in the previous life were basically melee mages. That is, all points are for melee, and the others are just a few points. The more skills one has, the higher his wealth and status, and the stronger his strength.

People like him who have 4 skills at level 5 are unique in Shen Yuan's memory.

Although Shen Yuan was itching to try the skills, he tried his best to suppress his curiosity when he looked at the wounds on his body.

Then he opened the gold panel and added 3 points of strength and 1 point of constitution.

This will trigger the Long Bo bloodline again.

【The Pioneer of the End of the World-Shen Yuan】

【Level: 5】

【Strength: 25】

【Constitution: 24】

【Agility: 9】

【Intelligence: 7��

【Skills: Blood Drain, Dragon Bloodline, Barehanded Mastery, Bomb】


The pain gradually surged from the bone marrow and quickly spread throughout the body. Shen Yuan gritted his teeth and tensed all the muscles in his body.

The pain will get stronger, and the stronger it is, the more pleasurable it will be, so pain = pleasurable!

Shen Yuan's eyes widened, his teeth clenched tightly, his fists clenched, and veins on his body bulged.

He squeezed out two words from between his teeth,"It feels so good!!"


10 seconds later, Shen Yuan let out a long breath, the severe pain quickly receded, leaving behind an unprecedented sense of relief.

At this time, his muscles had grown a circle, and the originally loose clothes had been stretched tightly. The outline of each muscle was clearly visible, full of the power of male hormones.

The skin became tighter and more resilient, and the height directly jumped to 2.08 meters.

Shen Yuan felt the vigorous power in his body, and his face was filled with joy.

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