In the stairwell, several people with pale faces and sweat all over their bodies were running upwards, with more than 10 zombies chasing them closely.

Suddenly, a loud shout was heard.

"Get out of the way."

When they looked up, they saw Li Mingfei standing on the steps facing them, holding a blazing fireball in his hand and about to launch it towards them.

Several people once again used all their strength and rushed to the staircase platform on the upper floor.


The fireball exploded, killing three zombies instantly.

‘Wow, I didn't expect this guy to be a wizard. '

The two of them quickly dealt with the zombies in the stairwell, and then one person on each floor, to help clean up the zombies on each floor.

Fortunately, each floor of this building is quite large and winding, otherwise all of Li Mingfei's men would have been killed in just a short while.

As soon as Shen Yuan opened the fire door, he saw a young man with glasses being chased by three zombies and screaming.

Shen Yuan rushed forward, first kicked one to death, then killed two with one hand each.

The young man was stunned on the spot, this...Is the difference between people so big?

Shen Yuan threw the zombie's body down and was about to go to another floor.

He saw the young man looking at him affectionately and shouting

"Genshin Impact~Start!"

"Hmm? What did you say?"

"I said, original god..."

Before he could finish his words, Shen Yuan grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Don't be angry, God." The young man quickly explained.

"I have a reconnaissance skill that allows me to see other people's dashboards."

As he said this, he showed Shen Yuan his entire dashboard.

【Name: Jiang Xiujie】

【Occupation: Gunner】

【Level: Level 2


【Target Detection: This skill allows you to view the target's attributes and other basic information. Cooldown time 3 hours】

【Gun Control: You can use all kinds of guns made by humans and master their use skills. This skill also increases the power of the guns you use.

I didn't expect that Jiang Xiujie was actually a gunner. This is a very rare profession. I can actually meet him here.

Shen Yuan looked at the guy in front of him with a little surprise.

"Genshin, I am one of your 100 million fans!

You don’t know, when I saw you, I was so excited that I almost peed. I am so lucky to meet you!

Please let me be your little brother!"

"Wait a minute, where do I get 100 million fans?"

""Ah? You don't know?"

He took out his phone and opened Shen Yuan's account homepage, where the number of fans was clearly written as 120 million.

Since the last time he posted a video, Shen Yuan had thrown his phone aside and never looked at it again.

So he didn't expect that he would gain 100 million fans just by posting two videos?!

However, it doesn't matter. What's the point of having so many fans in the end times?

Shen Yuan didn't care and opened his phone.

"It was after watching your video that I decided to kill zombies, Genshin Impact!......"

Shen Yuan interrupted him immediately

"Stop! Stop yelling like that."

"OK, original...Yeah, Brother Shen"

"Have you told Li Mingfei about this?"

"Of course not, how could I tell him about you."

That's good, Shen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If he wanted to use Li Mingfei as a pawn, he had to make sure that Li Mingfei didn't know his true identity.

"Then let me ask you, what is your relationship with Li Mingfei?"

"It doesn't matter. My original company was in this building.

After the end of the world, he brought people to kill us. We were half-forced and half-voluntarily joined."

"Have you ever been to Li Mingfei's secret room?"

Jiang Xiujie certainly knew what the secret room Shen Yuan was talking about was.

"No, a former female colleague of mine was caught there."

"Brother Shen, I swear I didn't. And it's not my turn. Those who went in were Li Mingfei and his trusted men."

"Brother Shen, if I tell even a single lie, I'll be hanged on the spot."

""Alright, alright, there's no need to swear such a disgusting oath."

Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately, the two hundred zombies were cleared without any danger.

There was also a lucky guy who got a blank ring.

Then he happily presented it to Li Mingfei.

Li Mingfei happily put it on his hand and promised to reward him after he came back.

He completely forgot the empty check he had just written to Shen Yuan.——"If suitable equipment is dropped at that time, it will be given to you first."

Shen Yuan naturally didn't care. The blank ring only added 1 attribute point and was almost useless.

Besides, Li Mingfei was just keeping it for Shen Yuan temporarily.

The zombies in Lotus Park were almost cleared.

Everyone rested for a while and then headed towards Lotus Park.

More than 80 people formed two square formations, strangling scattered zombies in an orderly manner.

Finally, they came to the shining place that Li Mingfei had been thinking about.

In front of them stood a silver vortex more than two people high, and next to it was a stone tablet with words engraved on it.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Shen Yuan walked to the stone tablet and whispered the words on it:"Primary secret realm, defensive type."

Upon hearing this, the team immediately made an uproar and caused a heated discussion

"This is too much of a game. There are even copies?"

"Let's go in quickly. Maybe there is some treasure waiting for us."

"Don’t worry it’s a trap. Can you get out after entering?"


Li Mingfei and his men came forward and looked at the silver portal with uncertain expressions.

Li Mingfei turned around and said,"Brother Shen, what do you think?"

Shen Yuan naturally knew that with the current level of Li Mingfei and his men, it would definitely not be enough to fight in the secret realm.

Since Li Mingfei asked him, it meant that he must have hesitated.

Shen Yuan immediately decided to force him.

"Of course I went inside to take a look." Shen Yuan said as a matter of course:"Since I'm here."

He turned around and waved to everyone without caring about Li Mingfei's reaction.

"Stop talking, there must be good stuff in there, come with me to kill monsters and get equipment."

Then, in the surprised eyes of others, Shen Yuan walked straight into the vortex and disappeared.

With Shen Yuan leading the way, Jiang Xiujie immediately followed behind without hesitation.

Seeing that there were two people leading the way, everyone began to follow in one after another.

Li Mingfei looked at this scene with a gloomy face. He was very dissatisfied with Shen Yuan's behavior of disobeying orders and acting without permission.

A subordinate should behave like a subordinate, it seems that he will have to be punished in the future.

""Cousin?" Li Peng came over and asked,"Shall we go in too?"

"Well, let's go in together."

At this point, Li Mingfei had no choice but to go in.

After a dizzy feeling, Shen Yuan found himself standing in a huge square space, surrounded by smooth stone walls. This place was at least as big as a football field.

There was also a thick stone pillar in the middle, carved with exquisite and complex patterns.

At this time, a series of white lights flashed, and everyone followed in.

The strange space shocked everyone.

"Wow, it’s so big!"

"This must be as big as a football field, right?"

"Is this the secret place? I thought it was a maze or something like that."

""Where's the monster? Where's the boss?"

As the crowd gradually gathered, a beam of white light shot out from the stone pillar, forming a light curtain with words on it. At the same time, an electronic sound sounded:

"Objective: Resist five waves of enemy attacks and protect the central stone pillar from being destroyed.

After successfully defending a wave of enemies, each person has one chance to quit. If you choose to continue, you will face a stronger enemy."

Killing enemies will earn points, which can be used on the stone pillar exchange interface.

The fifth wave of attacks will usher in the final BOSS of this secret realm.

Defense is about to begin."

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