Even Shen Yuan himself did not expect that he would reach level 9 on the third day of the apocalypse.

It was too exaggerated, far ahead of other survivors.

At this time, if Shen Yuan wanted to build a force, with his reputation and strength, he could attract countless people to join him.

With these equipments, it is enough to arm a super strong team, and they can fight from the current stage to the late stage of the apocalypse, and walk sideways completely.

In addition, a standard large base that can accommodate 100,000 people can be started at any time as long as he wants.

Whether it is a labor system or a slave system, there are a lot of people rushing to work for him.

But Shen Yuan doesn't care about it.

Build a force and dominate one side? Or recruit a group of men and eat, drink and have fun all day.

That is the way of mediocre people, and only the weak will choose to huddle together for warmth!

He has a more far-reaching choice.

"Let's go!"Shen Yuan called Jiang Xiujie.

Then he grabbed the mutant tiger's tail and dragged its body towards the portal.

The mutant beast is full of treasures, not to mention the BOSS.���Don't waste it.

When you meet forgers and armorers in the future, you can ask them for help to make tough tiger skin into armor.

Tiger bones, tiger teeth and tiger tendons can be made into weapons.

A skilled equipment-making profession can even make equipment of rare quality, or even growth equipment.

Tiger blood, tiger whip and other items can be made into various strengthening potions by pharmacists.

Tiger meat and internal organs can be eaten, not only to fill your stomach, but also to improve your body functions.

In short, let alone mutant tigers, even mutant mice, their bodies will not be wasted from head to toe.

""Here we go! Here we go!" Jiang Xiujie came back to his senses and quickly agreed. He couldn't help but get excited when he saw the huge mutant tiger corpse. This guy would definitely shock everyone.

Outside the secret realm, next to the portal.

More than 70 people sat around. They were the ones who had chosen to quit because of their lack of strength.

They cleaned up the remaining zombies in Lotus Park while waiting boredly.

When the sound of the world announcement gradually faded, everyone looked at each other in amazement.

"this...Is this Shen Yuan the Shen Wenbin we know?"

Finally, someone couldn't help but express his doubts, and also expressed the doubts of others.

"Huh? No way, we just happen to have the same last name."

"How could there be such a coincidence that people with the same surname entered the secret realm at the same time?"

"If it was really him, then why didn’t they mention Mr. Li and the others?"


""I don't know."

Several of Li Mingfei's confidants looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

At this time, the silver vortex spun again, and the figures of Shen Yuan and Jiang Xiujie slowly walked out.

The people who were sitting on the ground and talking about it stood up and came over after seeing Shen Yuan appear.

When they saw the huge tiger corpse dragged out by Shen Yuan, they opened their mouths wide.

"What the hell is this?~"

"Is this tiger as big as an elephant?"

"This must be the final BOSS, awesome bro!"

Jiang Xiujie could hardly suppress his smile, 'Right, that's the reaction I want! Cool!'

Li Mingfei's confidant pushed everyone aside and walked over quickly,"Where's Mr. Li? Why didn't he come out?"

"Li Mingfei and the others are dead." Shen Yuan said expressionlessly.


Everyone was shocked. In their eyes, Li Mingfei was very strong. They thought he would come out with good equipment, but he died in there.

"Let's go back and talk. It's not safe here."

Shen Yuan looked at the shocked people in front of him and smiled.

Mingfei Trading, in the conference room

"Come on, come on, everyone, I have something to announce to you." Shen Yuan called out loudly.

When everyone gathered in front of him, Shen Yuan took out Li Mingfei's head slowly from the storage space.

With horrified eyes and a frightened face, the head with spine was held in his hand and displayed bloodily in front of everyone.

"Oh shit!"


There was an uproar in the meeting room, and everyone stepped back in fear.

"Hey, Li Mingfei, I killed him."

Shen Yuan shook the head in his hand, and his spine swayed with it.

"His accomplices Li Peng and Zhao Lei are also dead."

"The charges are murder and rape."

After everyone had digested the shock a little, Shen Yuan continued

"Now, let's see who among you is their accomplice~"

Shen Yuan looked down at the people in front of him with a kind smile on his face.

Several people who were originally Li Mingfei's confidants changed their faces and lowered their heads to slip away from the door of the conference room.

But they saw Jiang Xiujie had blocked the door at some point, holding a shiny steel knife in his hand.

"The meeting hasn't ended yet, why are you going?"

"Come on, everyone, identify them! Anyone who has killed someone, raped a woman, or bullied the weak, point them all out to me."

The conference room was silent, and everyone looked at each other, with hesitation on their faces.

"I don't like people who procrastinate, so I only have one chance."

"If you don't grasp it yourself, I won't care whether you live or die."

As soon as Shen Yuan finished speaking, Jiang Xiujie pointed at Li Mingfei's four confidants and said loudly

"They have killed people and are stronger than J!"

Seeing someone taking the lead, everyone no longer hesitated, and dozens of fingers instantly pointed at the four people standing at the door.

Several people's faces suddenly turned pale, their bodies trembled like sieves, and beads of sweat rolled down their faces.

"put...Fuck you, I didn't kill you....I haven't killed anyone."

"He has killed people before. Two of my colleagues were killed by them!" one person said loudly.

"That is, they killed the fat man because he was disobedient."

"They also said that anyone who disobeys will be killed!"

��Xiaoqiang was beaten to death by them!"

"They even killed a woman!"

The people who were originally oppressed now had an outlet to vent their anger, and they angrily attacked several people.

It seemed that they had forgotten that they were once silent accomplices.

The reason why bad guys can do bad things unscrupulously is that most people silently condone them.

These people are the soil for bad guys to grow.

Jiang Xiujie was behind and kicked one of them in the knee.


The man knelt on the ground and begged for mercy tremblingly.

"Li Mingfei and the others forced me to do this. It has nothing to do with me. Please don't kill me...."

Shen Yuan came over, and everyone made way for him.

Shen Yuan stood in front of him, lowered his head and looked at him with contempt.

"I regret it now. Why didn’t I think about the consequences when I was so high and mighty?"

"The end of the world is coming, and life is already difficult for humans. You are so cruel and crazy that you are going to push humanity to a dead end."

"Let's do it."Shen Yuan said to Jiang Xiujie

"Ah I..."I'm here?" Jiang Xiujie looked flustered.

He pointed at himself with a confused look on his face."I'm not here....I haven't done this...."

When it comes to killing zombies, he has no hesitation, but he really can't bring himself to kill people. After all, he has been educated in a civilized society since he was a child. Even though it is the end of the world now, killing people still has a psychological burden.

"If you don't kill them, they will kill you. I don't need to explain such a simple truth."

The panic in Jiang Xiujie's eyes slowly faded away. He knew that Shen Yuan was right.

But he had never seen blood before, and suddenly he was asked to kill someone. He didn't know what to do for a while.

"Don't waste time, hurry up, you don't even dare to kill a few bad guys, how can we expect you to be able to handle things on your own?"

Facing Shen Yuan's calm eyes, Jiang Xiujie's heart tightened.

"Do you know why I forced you to kill someone?" Shen Yuan asked

"have no idea..."

"Just because you are a good person, an honest person, I force you to be ruthless."

"Good people must be more ruthless than evil people in order to survive in this apocalypse and be qualified to save others."

"Otherwise, incompetent kindness will only harm others and yourself."

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