On the second floor of the library, there were bookshelves that were tilted and the books on them were scattered all over the floor.

The tables and chairs were also scattered everywhere.

The entire second floor was in a mess, as if it had been hit by a giant tornado.

There was not even a place to step.

Shen Yuan's eyes went dark when he saw this. How could he find it!?

How did the person he heard about in his previous life find the treasure chest in such a place?

""Hey, now I'm here."

Shen Yuan scratched his head, and without lifting his feet, he walked in.

Today he really swam in the ocean of knowledge.


A huge noise sounded, and books, bookshelves, tables and chairs flew everywhere.

The already messy library became even more messy.

Shen Yuan waded in the sea of books while looking around.

Soon, he found something wrong.

First of all, there was not a single zombie on the entire second floor.

Secondly, there was a road here.

A clean road appeared on the messy ground. It was as conspicuous as the yellow dirt road on the green grass.

Something was wrong. There must be people or some kind of creature passing by here frequently, thus forming traces similar to roads.

Shen Yuan immediately walked along this road and walked all the way to the fire door. The road disappeared.

It seems that it is inside.

Creaky - the fire door made a harsh sound, and Shen Yuan squatted down slightly to look inside.

There were no survivors, smart zombies or mutant beasts as he expected, and there was no treasure chest.

In the spacious stairwell, the walls were full of deep scratches.

There were many skeletons on the ground, some human and some unnamed animals.

The only thing they have in common is that these skeletons are all clean, without a trace of meat or blood left on them, cleaner than those gnawed by dogs.

The corner of the stairwell was filled with pillows, stuffed dolls, clothes and other sundries, all of which were covered with a lot of long soft hair.

It seemed that some ferocious mutant beast had used this place as its nest.

Maybe some kind of wild beast in the zoo had mutated and gained great strength, breaking out of the cage and running out.

If this library really has a treasure chest, it can only be here, after all, some animals also have the habit of collecting items.

Shen Yuan took a step forward and entered the stairwell.

Animals have keen hearing, and if the mutant beast had not left, it must have known of his arrival by now.

Sure enough, a strange roar was heard from the bottom of the stairs.


A big black and white cat glided up and stared at Shen Yuan with its big green eyes....Isn't this a cow cat?

Its size is much larger than that of an ordinary cat, at least as big as a large dog....Shen Yuan looked at its eyes in confusion.

It was undoubtedly a mutant beast, as its size had increased dramatically, but its eyes still retained their original color.

Normally, mutant beasts have red eyes.

Just when Shen Yuan was undecided, the mutant cat opposite suddenly let out a strange cry and arched its back.

Then it leaned sideways, pushed the ground with all four legs, shook its head, and rushed towards him in a strange posture.

Was the cerebellum damaged? How could it attack like this?

Shen Yuan was very confused, but considering its special nature, he temporarily suppressed the idea of killing it directly.

So he raised his arm and slapped it.


The big cat rolled on the ground twice, without making a sound, and stood up directly.

Its green eyes stared at Shen Yuan calmly, then suddenly kicked the ground with its hind legs and jumped high. It flew towards Shen Yuan again in a very messy posture.

Pah! Another slap.

The big cat meowed softly and flew back at a faster speed.

He rolled over twice on the ground, stared with eyes wide open for a while, and then pounced again.

"Tsk...This thing is a bit annoying."

Shen Yuan took advantage of the fact that it couldn't dodge in the air, and quickly reached out and grabbed its head.

The big cat's body was suspended in the air. After struggling for a few times, it suddenly stopped.

Then its body was completely relaxed, like a cat strip, quietly hanging in Shen Yuan's hand.

Its eyes appeared from between its fingers, revealing an intriguing look, staring at Shen Yuan motionlessly.

Shen Yuan held the big cat and his eyes fell on its claws.

The sharp nails were not extended....Is there no hostility towards yourself?...

Does it want to play with me?

Then Shen Yuan raised his head a little more and looked at its gender....Little female cat.

The big cat just let Shen Yuan hold it in his hand without moving or making any noise, looking very obedient.

Generally speaking, mutant beasts will launch a relentless attack on humans when they encounter them, as if they have a deep hatred for humans.

But it attacked, but it didn't seem to have a strong desire to attack, and its body shape changed, but its eyes didn't.

It seems to have awakened wisdom, but it looks like its cerebellum has atrophied and it's not very smart.

It's very strange

"Are you a mutant beast?" Shen Yuan said to himself.

""Meow." The cat head in my palm suddenly meowed.

"Hmm? Can you understand me?" Shen Yuan asked tentatively.

Because after the apocalypse, the wisdom of mutant beasts has greatly increased, and it is not uncommon for them to be able to communicate with other creatures.

Of course, they basically don't communicate with humans.

"Meow." The cat called again

"Do you understand it or not?"



After trying to communicate several times , Shen Yuan finally realized that no matter what he said, the cat would only meow in response.

"Okay, I thought too much. Shen Yuan gently put the cat down and said,"Go play.���"

The strange cat shook its neck vigorously a few times, and its two ears hit its face with a snapping sound.

Just like a dog.

The strange cat did not leave, but sat down and scratched its body with its hind legs, and then lay down next to Shen Yuan.

""Yo~" Shen Yuan was happy when he saw it.

Then he squatted down and touched the cat's body. It was smooth, soft and comfortable.

The strange cat did not resist, but made a purring sound in its throat, looking very comfortable.

Its size is too big for others, but it is just right for Shen Yuan.

If you want to pet a cat, you have to pet it with a strong force.

"I found a cat, my family, it's so cute." Shen Yuan squatted on the ground, happily stroking the cat.

"From now on, you are my cat"


"Then I'll give you a name." Shen Yuan pinched his chin and thought for a while.

"Um...Since it is a cow cat, it is large in size and a very special mutant."

"Then...Call you Maverick"

"Meow." The calf looked normal, his green eyes still calm as he lay on the ground.

"Then I'll take that as your promise."


"That's right." Shen Yuan suddenly remembered a rumor.

"Since you live here, do you have any good stuff here, like a treasure chest?"

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