The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 11 Tu Yan and Heerlen's first fight

But Tu Yan took several steps back and took out the bucket from his space backpack again.

He poured it on Heerlen!

It turned out that after Tu Yan got the lighter, he was not in a hurry to go to the basketball hall.

Instead, he went to the toilet and found many buckets.

Then he started the plan of unlimited gasoline production!

He took out the "eternal gasoline barrel" first.

It was a red cuboid, and judging from the appearance, it could hold three liters of gasoline.

Tu Yan found the water hose in the toilet and poured all the water into the "eternal gasoline barrel".

After all the water turned into gasoline, it was poured into the previously collected bucket.

In this way, Tu Yan prepared thirty buckets of gasoline!

He put them all in the space backpack, and when he was ready, he came to the basketball hall to find Heerlen!

The second bucket of gasoline did not arrive as expected and was poured on Heerlen.

She had reacted, stretched out her hand and used the "elf shield" to resist the invasion of gasoline.

"What is this!" Heerlen said angrily.

She was originally a clean spirit. If these liquids were water, it would be fine, but they were extremely sticky and uncomfortable.

"Oh? You don't know, this is gasoline."


"It seems that we are really not from the same world."

After saying that, Tu Yan put a barrel of oil at his feet.

Stay away from the barrel, take out a lighter, and throw the fire into the barrel.


A strong explosion sounded, and the flames flickered!

"Gasoline is equivalent to the fire magic additive in your world. How about cooperating? You have been poured with gasoline, and you will be disfigured if you are ignited by my fire."

"Haha, a trivial trick."

After saying that, Heerlen created a barrier out of thin air and wrapped Tu Yan and her in it.

Occupied half of the basketball hall, excluded everyone else, so that they could not see what was happening inside.

"Prepare to die, this barrier is the place where you will be buried!"

Heerlen's move was just to avoid harming her temporary base - the basketball hall.

She was completely enraged, and was going to kill Tu Yan with her strongest killer move!

"Come on, come on, who's going to hit who?"

Tu Yan challenged, and rushed towards Heerlen at the same time!

"Killing Sky-Destroying Arrow!"

Heerlen once again had a bow and arrow out of thin air, and put it on his hand.

The arrowhead transformed from air burst out with a black sharp breath!

Even Heerlen was struggling to use this move, and there were traces of sweat on her face.

"Go to hell!"

'Boom! '

An arrow went over, bringing a tiger-like sound wave!

Tu Yan quickly put his index finger to his mouth!

His eyes widened! He was dumbfounded!

He bit hard and bit off his finger!

Then he threw it hard in the direction of Heerlen!

Before the arrival of the 'Killing Sky-Destroying Arrow', he completed the preparation plan and waited for death peacefully.

"Bang"! "Boom"!

After using this move, Heerlen took a breath and said disdainfully at Tu Yan, who was left with nothing in front of him.


But at this moment, the vision suddenly changed!

"You are the trash!"

Tu Yan's voice came from behind!

'Eternal Immortality' was activated!

Tu Yan was resurrected again!

This time with the broken index finger, Tu Yan could be resurrected from the index finger after death.

And Tu Yan had already thrown the index finger hard and threw it behind Heerlen!

Tu Yan held a lighter against Heerlen.

A light tap, and the flames flew!

Heerlen couldn't dodge in time, and half of her clothes were burned.

But fortunately, she quickly used 'Water Waves' to let the water put out the fire on her body, otherwise she would be disfigured!

"You!" Heerlen looked at Tu Yan behind her with her eyes wide open.

The move just now clearly hit Tu Yan, why did he suddenly appear behind her!

"Dear elf girl Heerlen, can you cooperate?" Tu Yan smiled and said, enduring the pain.

"Dream on!" A blue, slightly transparent long sword appeared in Heerlen's hand, and she rushed forward at an accelerated speed!

With lightning speed, she directly cut off Tu Yan's right arm!

Tu Yan endured the pain, clenched his left fist and swung it over!

But Heerlen gently slapped him, and the blue long sword pierced Tu Yan's heart!

"Die! Human!"

Eternal Immortality was activated!

Tu Yan was resurrected again through the broken arm!

After two deaths, Tu Yan's speed had increased by 20% at this time!

He took out the oil barrel and hugged it, and came to Heerlen with a brisk step!

"Morning" Tu Yan said with a smile

A fire!

While the gasoline had not yet evaporated, Tu Yan detonated the oil barrel!

Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!

Only Tu Yan could do such a suicide attack!

Tu Yan was resurrected again. He tried to see Heerlen's position through the black smoke.

But he couldn't see it. Just as he was muttering, "Was he killed by the explosion?", he finally saw Heerlen staggering.

Tu Yan first activated the "Eye of the Illustrated Book" to see the situation.

The Eye of the Illustrated Book can see the situation of creatures that are not higher than its level 20.

Elf: Heerlen

Level: 30

Strength: ???

Speed: ???

Defense: ???

HP: ???

Skills: ???

Belonging to: Elf

All question marks, the only thing we know is that her level is thirty.

And Tu Yan happens to be level ten, so he can know Haierlu's level.

There is a gap of twenty levels. Maybe if he dies more than ten times, he can defeat her?

Tu Yan couldn't help but think of this.

"Tu Yan!"

This is the name that Haierlun called Tu Yan for the first time.

Although she was blown up, she was only slightly hurt because of her high level.

"I can't die. I die once and revive once. Every time I revive, I can improve my attributes."

Seeing that he had shown almost everything, Tu Yan said straight to the point.

"Indeed, if you keep fighting, I will definitely not be able to beat you, but I am not afraid of consumption. You will eventually be consumed to death by me. You only have one life, which is not enough for me to play with."

Tu Yan forced himself to calm down. His heart had already jumped to his throat.

Indeed, if he died more than ten times, with the attribute prompt of "death superposition".

Tu Yan will definitely defeat Haierlun.

But before that, Tu Yan might have fainted from the pain!

Death superposition brings not only 10% of all attributes, but also 5% pain enhancement.

In addition, 'Death is like the wind, always with me' also increases the pain ability by 50%.

And Heerlen was really shocked by what Tu Yan said.

But she also believed Tu Yan's words. The explosion just now, the blue sword piercing the heart, and the 'killing sky arrow' at the beginning.

They all killed Tu Yan, but Tu Yan was still resurrected!

After thinking for a while, she took out the Desert Eagle and asked Tu Yan.

"Is this yours?"

"Yeah, you picked it up from me. I was pretending to be dead at that time."

After seeing that Heerlen's tone was better, Tu Yan also admitted it generously.

"How did you get it, and why can it still be used?" Heerlen asked hurriedly.

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