The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 16: Conquer the dragon and go to Dingfu Square.

"Ding, the warrior is completely dead, and the passive skill "Eternal Immortality" is activated!"

"Ding, the martial artist is completely dead. The skill "Death Superposition" is activated. All attributes are increased by 10%, and the pain is increased by 5%."

"Ding, the martial artist died for the first time today, and the skill "Death Reward" is activated!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the 'Clay Bomb' ability."

"Damn! Who is it!"

When Tu Yan was resurrected, he glared angrily and turned the carp upright, only to see that it was the little dragon cub that had just rushed over.

All the anger turned into nothingness in the pitiful eyes of the dragon cub.

"What are you doing? You don't know that I'm very fragile. I'll die if I touch it."

The dragon cub tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression.

"This is the earth, I am a human, and you are a dragon. We have no stories, okay? I am going to save the world now. You can go wherever you want."

To the blood-crying giant dragon cub, Tu Yan's previous words were all nonsense, except for this last sentence.

You can go wherever you want, it will listen to your heart.

Two dragon claws tightly grasped Tu Yan's right leg.

"Uh... no... you want to hang out with me?" Tu Yan also understood at this time.

Does the emotional dragon cub think that he is its parent? Want to be with you?

The dragon cub nodded quickly.

"I'll make a big straw."

Thinking that there might be scenes of dragon knights fighting zombies in the future, Tu Yan couldn't help but feel a little stomachache.

"Okay, let me give you a name. Let's call you...little lizard?"

Seeing that the dragon cub did not refuse, Tu Yan actually called it a little lizard.

"Then, the most important thing, remember, I am a human being and I am very fragile. Don't stick to me at every turn."

Immediately, Tu Yan packed up the remaining food and water and prepared to set off to visit Nat City.

During this period, Tu Yan also discovered that the little lizard could retract its wings.

It really turned into a lizard.

Tu Yan rubbed the little lizard's head and said speechlessly.

"Although I call you little lizard, you are a dragon. Don't forget your identity."

One person, one dragon, and one motorcycle.

Left the orphanage located in the northern suburbs.

The bleak breeze blew, and the little lizard wrapped around his chest at least gave Tu Yan the slightest warmth.

Tu Yan didn't have to be too sad when he left the orphanage.

The roar of motorcycles echoed on the empty cement road.

Pointing directly at Tu Yan's next destination - the commercial plaza.

With a space backpack, you can naturally carry as many things as you can.

There is another purpose to going to the Commercial Plaza - to find survivors.

The Commercial Plaza should be the first choice camp for many survivors, where the police or military may be found.

Now that he has decided to defend the earth, Tu Yan must share the information with the top government officials.

Or joining the army is also a good choice.

Just as Tu Yan was thinking about the next path.

He has arrived at the commercial square in the center of Nat City.

Dinfu Plaza is the most first-class commercial plaza in Nat City.

Whether it is the flow of people or purchasing power, Big Brother exists in Nut City.

The rent for shop space here can be said to be very high.

The bustling scene of people coming and going in the past has disappeared.

Only the bleak autumn wind blew the smell of corpses, and the screams of zombies filled the air in all directions.

Tu Yan saw the lights on the second floor of Dingfu Plaza and thought there might be someone there.

He turned the accelerator and rushed forward.

Are there zombies blocking the way? Collide!

When driving in front of the gate, I hit the accelerator and rushed!


The glass door was smashed into pieces.

There seem to be more zombies in the square.

They were trying to get up the escalator to the second floor.

At the escalator exit on the second floor, there were several young and strong men beating zombies with wooden and iron rods.

There are also many people who, because the exit is too narrow, can only come to the fence and throw bricks at them.

It cannot be said that it is embarrassing.

Because these people are soldiers in uniform, but they do not use the firearms they are proud of, they can only use ordinary weapons.

The people on the second floor platform were also attracted by Tu Yan.

He is so handsome as he drives his motorcycle roaring.

Tu Yan rode his motorcycle and made a circle.

Decided to go straight up!

But the escalator is full of zombies!

He pursed his lips and decided to give it a try.

Tu Yan squeezed the brakes tightly, but at the same time tightened the accelerator!

The front wheels are completely motionless!

The rear wheel of the motorcycle was sizzling and spinning. Under the huge friction, a burning smell came out along with white smoke!

Tu Yan stood up, arched his waist, held on tight, and suddenly released the brake!

Then Tu Yan leaned his upper body back!

The two motorcycles stood up!

Using only rear-wheel drive, I rushed towards the escalator!

But the road in front of them was blocked by the black zombies.

Tu Yan grasped the front handle of the car tightly with both hands, and with one push, the car completely flew into the air!

It is as high as a person from the ground!

Jump into the air like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate!

When the wheel landed again, it had only advanced less than half the distance.

However, the wheel hit the zombie's head accurately!

As long as you keep accelerating, the zombie's head is the way!

Such a bold move shocked the people on the second floor.

They quickly moved out of the way to let Tu Yan come up.

Tu Yan just 'taken the lead to clear the way' and came to the second floor platform with a 'humph'!

Jumping up again, Tu Yan twisted his body's center of gravity in the air. When he landed, he took the position of a raptor!

Safe landing!

This is not over yet!

He quickly took out the Desert Eagle and scored seven consecutive points!

Temporarily repelled the zombies that almost swarmed!

Others also reacted.

Continue to pick up melee weapons such as baseball bats, wooden bars, crowbars, etc. to resist the surging zombies.

A set of operations is as fierce as a tiger, but when I think about it afterwards, I am as tired as a dog.

If Tu Yan hadn't been immortal, he would not have been so crazy.

But it’s all so cool!

You wouldn’t even dare to shoot a movie like this!

Only people like Tu Yan who can't die and are not afraid of death would dare to do this.

Otherwise, you will die in a matter of minutes.

Is Tu Yan a hero?

Maybe not.

Tu Yan, who had temporarily repelled the crisis on the second floor, was now being confronted by several people wearing green soldier uniforms holding machetes.

"Sorry, the situation is urgent. Thank you very much for your help, but can you please take off your clothes and pants?"

"We need to check."

The leader of the soldiers saluted first, and then spoke plausibly.

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders helplessly, knowing that there was really nothing he could do about it.

hero? Haha, the infected hero can also become the rat that everyone shouts to beat!

Tu Yan neatly took off his clothes and accepted the examination.

Fortunately, he was not injured just now, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

"Hello, you are not infected. Hello, I'm really sorry to treat you like this. I am the soldier captain stationed in Nat City. Just call me Zhang Dayou. What do you call me?"

"Tu Yan, a student of Keli University."

"Although the situation is urgent, please raise your hands and answer me! Where did you get your pistol! And... how can you shoot!"

Zhang Dayou's eyes were powerful, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

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