Everyone in Wanchao County seemed to feel that a ‘ferocious’ beast was emerging from the ground,

and they all looked up at the sky.

Watching the ‘Y3 intercontinental cruise missile’ flash across the dark night sky.

After hitting the target.

The violent flash that broke out instantly looked like a ‘mushroom cloud’ representing death!

Tu Yan also saw the bombing site through the satellite cloud map as if he was there.

In one word, it is hell on earth!

Many tanks and war vehicles were directly blown to pieces and could not be used any more.

“This power is so powerful”

“If you want, do it again before they have time to use anti-missile weapons.”

“Then. Do it again while it’s hot!”

Just do it.

9527 quickly debugged and installed the missile and set the route.

Tu Yan pressed the red switch hard.

Y3 intercontinental cruise missile, launched again!

But when it flew to mid-air.

It was shot down by the ‘anti-missile weapons’ of the Yanlong army.

Mushroom clouds were bombing in the air.

Even the dark night sky seemed to have a brief day.

"I didn't expect the reaction speed of the Yanlong army to be good. Okay, Tu Yan, go and die."

9527 reminded.

"Can you please stop saying it so harshly?"

"Your role is to go and die. Put the headphones here, and I will communicate with you through brain consciousness. By the way, call Jiang Shan here."

"Okay, respected 9527."

"Hehe, remember to show your absolute strength until they are defeated!\

,""You understand without me saying it."

Tu Yan left casually and walked to Wanchao County Avenue. After finding Jiang Shan, he hurried to the direction of the Yanlong army.

Walk out of the city wall and take out the Yanyu chariot.

Driving quickly.

The helicopters that kept attacking in the air were very spectacular.

The human soldiers of the Free Army also prepared at their posts early.

In terms of anti-aircraft missiles, human soldiers are mainly responsible.

The Yanlong army was caught off guard.

They also launched a counterattack immediately.

Anti-missile equipment was used immediately.

Then, planes and tanks were dispatched!

The full-scale war officially began!

Tu Yan drove the Yanyu chariot and rushed forward!

He sat in the driver's seat and looked at the free soldiers driving fighter jets.

A warm current surged in his heart.

It was an emotion called pride.

When he drove at full speed and turned over a hill, he saw the traces of the Yanlong army.

From a distance, the lights were bright, and there were at least 10,000 people!

All kinds of war machines were used.

It seems that for the Yanlong country, Wanchao County is a must.

"Hehe, then come on. Roar of Flame!"

Tu Yan leaned out of the window, holding a sniper rifle, and shot at the crowded place!


The Yanlong army could not expect that someone would rush forward.

They were struggling to deal with the fighter planes in the sky.

With Tu Yan's intervention, the casualties were even more severe.

"Someone come! Stop the chariot in front of me!"

Sitting in the heavy armored vehicle, the Yanlong soldier who commanded the entire army was the highest commander of this "Wanchao County Recapture War".

Marshal Long Junli.

He was in his fifties and stepped onto the battlefield again this time.

He was also solemnly entrusted by the leader of Yanlong Country.

No matter how much it cost, Wanchao County must be recaptured.

Before the outbreak of the apocalypse.

Long Junli was a legendary soldier.

He was brave and strategic.

It can be said that all the soldiers of Yanlong Country were related to him.

Either colleagues, apprentices or grandchildren, or apprentices of grandchildren.

In the apocalypse, he also had a strong ability as a warrior.

He protected the Yanlong leader and other government officials, as well as many civilians.

But after a month's deadline.

Long Junli was instantly sidelined.

Because the leader of Yanlong Country wanted to take the whole world into his pocket.

Now that he had weapons again, the Corps of Zombies was no longer important to him.

The most urgent task was to gain greater benefits in this chaotic apocalypse.

And an old antique like Long Junli would naturally try his best to stop it.

Just when the leader of Yanlong Country was overwhelmed by people like Long Junli.

Something happened in Wanchao County.

He also hurriedly sent Long Junli here.

Long Junli had fought for his whole life and had never been able to understand the power of the country.

But when he heard that Wanchao County was occupied by someone, he also rushed to the battlefield.

Tu Yan didn't know who his opponent was, but no matter who it was, he would fight!

After a "Flame Roar" passed, he also hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

A button turned the Yanyu Chariot into a Yanyu Motorcycle!

The rumbling engine sound was roaring.

With a slam of the accelerator, Tu Yan sped rapidly on the snow.

Bullets rained down on Tu Yan like a rainstorm.

Tu Yan swung his butt like a dragon, swinging his hips constantly.

He swung around like a "social youth" riding a "ghost fire".

He barely managed to avoid the first round of shooting.

"Damn, I'm so awesome, I'm still alive like this?"

Before Tu Yan could be proud of his driving skills.

A white ‘battlefield annihilation tank’ fired a ‘laser missile’!

Tu Yan was unable to dodge and was hit accurately!

“Damn!” Tu Yan screamed in pain before he died.

After resurrecting, Tu Yan stared at the nearly 100 tanks in front of him in anger.

“Fuck your mother! You can hit me, but why did you hit my beloved car!”

Tu Yan was very angry.

He wanted to show off, but he didn’t expect to play big. The Yanyu motorcycle was blown up to the point that not even a slag was left.

But the person sitting in the tank was stunned.

The ‘laser missile’ just now definitely hit the person in front of him, and even the snow on the ground was melted by the explosion.

Why, this person is still unharmed!

The soldiers sitting in the tank quickly told the situation to Marshal Long Junli.

After hearing the news, Long Junli licked his lips and realized that he might encounter an opponent who could not be understood by common sense.

"Could it be that he is the Tu Yan who has an immortal body?"

Long Junli narrowed his eyes and looked at the scene transmitted in front of the display screen.

As early as yesterday, Liuchuan Long, who was still stationed in Wanchao County, told the people in Yanlong City about Tu Yan's information.

And today during the day, when Liuchuan Long saw that the whole city was about to collapse and there was no way to save the situation, he also informed the army coming to support him about Tu Yan's immortal body.

But after the high-level officials of Yanlong Country discussed, they still looked at the situation on Marshal Long Junli's side. It would be best to directly capture Wanchao County.

If it really doesn't work, good things can't be given to the enemy if they are broken!

Then it will be an atomic bomb!

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