"Well, then you might as well 'sacrifice yourself for your country'."

Although he couldn't see 9527's expression, Tu Yan knew that 9527 must be 'rolling his eyes' at this moment.

"Damn, what should we do now!" Tu Yan was very anxious.

"What can I do? Throw it away from a distance. Besides, the duration of the death superposition is about to end."


After being reminded like this by 9527, Tu Yan also noticed that something was wrong.

I am under the condition of "190% improvement in all attributes".

To fly at such a fast speed.

If you wait until the death stack's one-hour duration expires.

Do you still have the strength and speed to push the atomic bomb forward?

Everything is unknown.

"Keep on holding on, we'll reach Orange Blossom City in ten minutes."

"Hold on you ghost, I feel like my strength is constantly disappearing."

A strange feeling of 'familiarity' suddenly spread in Tu Yan's heart.

He knew that the effect of death superposition was gone.

Even if you die now, you still have to stack them up again.

What's more, Tu Yan used the 'Gundam' at this time.

If you die, the Gundam will also disappear.

Now we have to fight hard!

"Rely on weight."

The disappearance of the death superposition effect not only made Tu Yan feel that his speed and strength had dropped a lot.

It also made him feel very tired and wished he could go to sleep now.

But he knew he had to persist.

The atomic bomb cannot be detonated yet.

"No way! Tu Yan, your body can't hold on any longer!"

"I know that too. What can I do?"

Gradually, Tu Yan's consciousness began to blur.

In front of his eyes, several moons seemed to appear.

"Throw it, use all your strength, and throw it in the direction of 30 meters east."


Tu Yan gritted his teeth.

I saw Strike Gundam letting go of the atomic bomb in his hand.

He accelerated and came to the bottom of the middle of the atomic bomb.

Grasp the sides of the atomic bomb with both hands.

Hold on tight!

Use force!

One throw!

The atomic bomb is hurtling forward at super high speed!

Then Strike Gundam suddenly stopped.

He turned around magnificently and ran back in the direction he had just come from.

As the saying goes, real men never look at the explosion behind them!

We haven’t even waited to see how far the Strike Gundam can fly.

A violent explosion erupted from behind him!

It was as if the whole earth was shaking.

Tu Yan glanced back slightly from the corner of his eye.

A mushroom cloud!

A real mushroom cloud bloomed from behind it.

Like a ‘flower of evil’ from hell!

For a moment, the whole world seemed to feel the shock of this atomic bomb.

It seems that I also feel the anger of the Free Army and Tu Yan's anger!

The shocking explosion pierced Tu Yan's ears.

The aftermath of the explosion can be felt from a distance of dozens of kilometers!

"Wow, wow, the power of the atomic bomb."

Tu Yan complained.

But at the same time, he gradually closed his eyes.

With his energy exhausted, he could no longer return directly to Wanchao County.

The Gundam Mecha also turned into dust light from his body and disappeared into the air.

Tu Yan's whole body fell straight from the sky to the ground.

He died directly.

After being resurrected again, he immediately fell into a coma.

Fortunately, he was relatively far away from Orange Blossom City in the first place.

The power of radiation did not affect him.

9527 also tried to contact Tu Yan several times, but failed.

He also understood that Tu Yan might have completely passed out.

Go to the rescue? It takes almost ten hours to drive there.

It would be better to just ignore it and let Tu Yan come back on his own after he wakes up.

After making up his mind, 9527 ignored Tu Yan's situation.

Instead, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the post-war reconstruction of Wanchao County.

Before this job starts.

9527 also specially hacked into the communication systems of all countries.

Take the precious picture just captured through the satellite cloud image - Orange Blossom City was attacked by an atomic bomb.

One by one, they were sent to the political leaders of various countries.

He also specifically wrote, ‘This is what will happen if you invade the Free Army. Please think twice before doing anything. ’

And 9527 also passed the 'X-ray heat cloud image' and the 'satellite communication' of Yanlong Kingdom.

It was repeatedly confirmed that most of the entire Yanlong Kingdom leadership had been wiped out.

Originally, these senior leaders included the leader of Yanlong.

Seeing that it is impossible to return to the capital city of ‘Yanlong City’ for the time being.

Only then did everyone come to Orange Flower City, ready to slowly capture Yanlong City.

Unexpectedly, the entire team was wiped out.

Who would have thought that someone could actually catch an atomic bomb with their bare hands?

They can only dream about the wonderful moment of returning to "Fire Dragon City" in 'Hell'.

As for the question from San Lin, Jiang Shan and others - "Where is Tu Yan? Where did Tu Yan go?"

9527 just replied in unison, "He died somewhere else, just wait until he comes back on his own." and dismissed them directly.

that's all.

The offensive and defensive battle of Wanchao County finally came to a real end.

This offensive and defensive battle also killed more than half of the Yanlong Kingdom's top leaders.

Rounding things off, it can be said that the Free Army achieved a complete victory.

Not only Wanchao County was saved.

If you want, you can take Yanlong Country into your pocket now.

What you need to do now is to wait for the leader of the Free Army, Tu Yan, to wake up.

The moon goes down and the sun comes back.

It's a new day again, but this new day is a little different.

But the leaders of various countries also know one thing in their hearts, that is, this day is really a new day.

Yanlong Country, I'm afraid it's going to change its master!

Various countries also analyzed the atomic bomb and Gundam through satellite cloud maps.

They made up their minds at the same time - never provoke the Free Army casually, otherwise the word "death" is easy to write.

And Tu Yan slowly woke up under waves of saliva licking.

"Where is this?" Tu Yan licked his dry lips.

He looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a small grassland, empty beside him. There is no tree.

But there is a figure standing in front of him.

The dazzling sunlight stung Tu Yan's eyes.

He couldn't see who was in front of him.

But looking at this figure, an inexplicable sense of "reassurance" instantly hit his heart.

"Are you still sleeping? The sun is shining on your butt."

This soft voice rippled in Tu Yan's heart.

It made him feel slightly warm, as if it had softened Tu Yan's entire life.

He didn't need to look, he knew who the owner of this voice was.

The elf girl, Heerlen.

"Hey, long time no see, hahaha." Tu Yan greeted Heerlen with a smile when he saw her.

His face was full of joy of reunion.

He looked closely and found that the one who had just licked him was the king of monsters - Bai Ze.

Bai Ze has a special ability that can quickly remove the fatigue of Tu Yan's body.

After being licked by Bai Ze for a few times, Tu Yan felt a lot more comfortable all over.

It seemed that all the fatigue from last night was eliminated.

"Haha, you big-headed ghost." Heerlen looked at Tu Yan with disdain.

"Hahaha, we haven't done this for a long time. You used to throw a 'God-killing Explosive Arrow' at me when we met."

After seeing Heerlen, Tu Yan just smiled foolishly.

"Hmph, if 9527 hadn't asked me to show mercy, I would have used the 'God-killing Explosive Arrow' when I saw you!"

Although Heerlen said this.

But her eyes were obviously full of worry.

"Oh? Did 9527 ask you to come to me?"

"Yes, I was woken up by his phone call early in the morning."

"Hehe, thank you."

The distance between Orange Flower City and Nat City is much closer than Wanchao County.

9527 thought about it, after all, Tu Yan is the leader of the Free Army.

It's really not right to leave him out in the wild.

So he took the initiative to contact the 'Guardian Alliance'.

Given an approximate location, and asked them to find Tu Yan.

When Heerlen heard this, he quickly agreed.

Volunteered to go to the wild with Bai Ze to find Tu Yan.


A noisy ringing sounded.

Heerlen took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

It turned out to be a call from 9527.

“Oh, not bad, you can use a mobile phone now?”

Watching the elves using the mobile phone.

Tu Yan had an inexplicable feeling, as if he saw a girl ‘COS’ an elf, making a phone call.

This ‘fantasy’ modern feeling was really weird.

“Oh, I found Tu Yan, do you have something to tell him? Okay, I’ll give him the phone.” Heerlen nodded with the phone in hand, and then handed the phone to Tu Yan.

“Hi, you have a conscience, and you still let Heerlen come to find me.” Tu Yan took the phone and said ‘thank you’.

“It’s because I feel sorry for you. But you should continue to stay in Nat City these days.”


When he thought about staying in Nat City and being able to continue to get along with Heerlen.

Tu Yan was very happy.

But he didn't understand why 9527 didn't let him go back to Wanchao County right now.

"It's closer to Yanlong City from Nat City. Wanchao County will take a few more days to recover and then go to capture Yanlong City."

"Yanlong City is still in the hands of the Zang Beast Legion. If you really want to dominate the world, Yanlong City is the only way for you."

"This is the way to control the entire Yanlong Kingdom."

9527 analyzed carefully.

"And you've been fighting all the time recently, so I'll let you rest for a while."

Tu Yan seemed to feel the slight concern in 9527's tone in a trance.

"Oh, I didn't expect it. You care about me so much?"

"But forget it. You're in Wanchao County, you're too much of an eyesore. I can't start my work." 9527 said 'one thing and one thing'.

"Okay, okay, I got it. If you want to leave, just tell me in advance." Tu Yan didn't point out 9527's 'arrogance' and quickly agreed.

"I know. You can also tell Heerlen and the others. When the time comes, the Guardian Alliance will also set off together."

"Tell me when you return to Nat City and record a video for me. I need to collect your portrait data, and then I will help you make a live video broadcast. The content is to announce the victory over the top leaders of Yanlong Country. Your next goal is Yanlong City, to announce to the world the results of last night's battle!"

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