The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 194: Homicide, the murderer remains a mystery

"There is an enemy attack, and the former human traitor has appeared with unknown creatures!"

9527 was like a 'revelation', and made a detailed analysis of the matter.

"Enemy attack, unknown creatures, and the same kind."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's what I mean!"

After solving this mystery, 9527 was very happy, but this happiness also stopped in an instant.

After all, this is the truth about the death of Tu Yan's parents.

"9527" Tu Yan opened his mouth.

"I know, I will help you check if there are any humans who suddenly disappeared on the earth twenty years ago, or even earlier, the kind that the police can't find."

"And I have a suspect. That is this traitor, who is also an astronaut!"

"Only astronauts can know the location and layout of the space station!"

"Okay, I'm going to be busy. If there is good news, I will tell you, Heerlen, Tu Yan will be in your care."

9527 hung up the phone directly, and it seemed that he had a sudden impulse.

Only Tu Yan and Heerlen were left with two confused faces.

After Heerlen recovered, he glanced at Tu Yan.

After Tu Yan noticed it, he also smiled.

"It's okay, I was an orphan. Now that I know the truth, I feel better for a while, but I must know the truth about the recording."

Tu Yan gritted his teeth.

In his eyes, there was not only sadness but also anger.

"Yeah, I'm just worried that you are in a bad mood." Heerlen looked at Tu Yan with endless love.

"It's okay, and thank you for your comfort just now. Let's go. It's dark and I'm so hungry."

"Yeah, let's go."

Tu Yan, who left the orphanage again, was obviously in a different mood.

The idea of ​​finding out the truth was entrenched in his mind.

But he also believed in 9527's ability.

Now he just needs to wait patiently for 9527's news.

The base camp of the Guardian Alliance.

It's still on the old site of the city wall in the eastern suburbs.

When Tu Yan returned to the place where he had fought before.

In the deep night, he couldn't help but sigh that 'things have changed'.

After seeing his old friends one by one: 'Major General Yue Zhiming', 'General Long Zhihua', 'Orc Silver Wolfman Terry' and other old friends.

Tu Yan's mood was gradually infected by the enthusiasm around him.

After eating and drinking, alcohol and bonfires bloomed on the city wall.

Originally, Tu Yan didn't want to drink, after all, the Zang Beast Corps has not been completely expelled from the earth.

The crisis is always lurking around.

But under the repeated assurances of Yue Zhiming and Long Zhihua - there will be special people patrolling.

Tu Yan couldn't stand their enthusiasm.

Under the dual effects of alcohol and nicotine.

Tu Yan also felt a sense of 'relaxation' that he hadn't tried for a long time.

The gentle evening breeze blew, accompanied by the wonderful life of the bonfire.

It was something Tu Yan couldn't dream of in the past month.

Looking at Heerlen who drank too much and started singing and dancing next to him.

Tu Yan just wanted time to continue. If this was a dream, then he would never wake up.

Under the influence of alcohol and darkness, Heerlen's figure continued to leave her exclusive mark in Tu Yan's heart.

When the night passed, the sun opened on time to work.

A hangover all night would only make people nauseous and retching.

Deeply regret yesterday's revelry.

Tu Yan also slowly opened his eyes after being sunburned.

"Ah, I drank too much. Water. What's wrong with my hand?"

Tu Yan, who was about to get up, found that his arm seemed to be pressed by something.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Heerlen!

At this time, Heerlen was also sleeping soundly, lying on Tu Yan's body, with her head resting on Tu Yan's arm.

Heerlen's beautiful face was close at hand.

This kind of distracted heartbeat made Tu Yan sober up a lot from the "drunk".

Tu Yan swallowed heavily.

He wanted to get up, but he didn't want to disturb Heerlen's sweet dream, nor did he want this strange beauty to end now.

'Click, click'

The sound of taking pictures next to him attracted Tu Yan's attention.

He took a glance.

It turned out to be Yue Zhiming and the silver werewolf Terry who woke up.

The two of them were holding their mobile phones and cameras, pressing the shutter button fiercely at Tu Yan and the others, constantly taking precious pictures one after another.

"Hey! Damn it!"

The frustrated Tu Yan had no words to say, and he wanted to stop them, but he couldn't alarm Heerlen.

But he moved slightly and woke up Heerlen who was sleeping.

"My head is so heavy, where is this."

There was transparent saliva at the corner of Heerlen's mouth. It seems that she is still a girl who likes to drool when she sleeps.

After smacking her lips, she realized that she was sleeping in Tu Yan's arms.

She woke up suddenly and sat up quickly.

He glared sharply at Yue Zhiming and the others who were taking photos behind him.

"Well, seeing how loving you are, I'll take some photos for you, hahaha."

Yue Zhiming scratched his head and looked at Heerlen in panic.

After having more contact with Heerlen, Yue Zhiming naturally knew that Heerlen was in a bad mood and had a bad temper!

After knowing that Yue Zhiming was taking photos, Heerlen's face turned red like a red apple.

As if she had gone through some ideological struggles, she gritted her teeth and said.

"God-killing Explosive Arrow"!

Heerlen stood up and stretched out her hand to aim at Yue Zhiming and the others.

Tu Yan, who was standing by, was extremely excited when he saw that Heerlen's target of attack was no longer him this time.

He even pouted in the direction of Yue Zhiming.

He signaled Heerlen not to be polite and to use more force.

But who would have thought that at the moment when the 'magic bow and arrow' was about to be shot.

Heerlen bent down her waist, turned around, and aimed directly at Tu Yan!


A new day, in the explosion, began again.

The resurrected Tu Yan did a carp jump.

He came to Heerlen angrily.

He questioned.

"Why are you hitting me again, and with the God-killing Explosive Arrow? It hurts!"

Tu Yan looked so frustrated that Heerlen laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, your death reward is going to be triggered anyway, so I'll just hit you."

"I didn't take the photo."

Tu Yan could only shrug his shoulders to express his helplessness.

Seeing that he was fine, Yue Zhiming and Terry hurriedly took their water cups and ran over to "flatter".

Heerlen even grabbed Yue Zhiming's hand and said quietly in a threatening tone.

"Send those photos to me later! Got it!"

"Uh, okay, got it." Yue Zhiming had no choice but to agree.

Before he could complain about Heerlen's "childishness".

Tu Yan's question drew his attention back.

"Yue Zhiming, do you know someone named Lu Feng?"

(Recommended book, the author seems to be a woman. This time I won't fool people. "The Heavenly Son-in-law of Wuhun Continent")

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