A strange voice came from behind the zombies.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be an orc!

A fox man!

But it is not a zombie!

Not only can it speak, but it also moves normally, and there are no wounds on its body.

It is a normal orc!

Tu Yan reacted immediately.

This fox man must be the "race traitor who surrendered to the zombies and defected to the zombies" mentioned by Heerlen!

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Dayou asked in confusion.

"Me? I am not a ghost, I am a human from Earth. I am an orc from the great "Barbarian Star", a fox man."

"Surrender, ah, no, if you surrender, we will eat you as food, ah ha ha ha ha."

The fox man laughed strangely, which was extremely harsh.

"Hey, fox man, why don't zombies attack you?"

Tu Yan asked loudly.

"That's because of the protection of the Lord of the Zang Beasts. The glory of the Lord of the Zang Beasts has come to the earth. You bastards, why don't you surrender quickly!

"This is my zombie army, an army I am proud of, but... who is it! How can you humans use explosive magic!"

The clay bombs prepared by Tu Yan killed several orc zombies.

The fox man thought that an elf was using explosive magic.

Tu Yan stood on the second-floor platform and said condescendingly, "Who knows, a race traitor like you dare to show up?"

"What do you know! Lord Zang Beast is an existence of supreme glory!"

"There must be an elf among you, otherwise how could you see through my tactics!"

"Oh? Tactics? Isn't it just launching attacks at the same time period for several consecutive days, forming inertia, and then launching attacks.

"Tu Yan said disdainfully.

"It's you! ? How can the human race know my tactics!" The fox man showed an expression of disbelief.

"Don't underestimate humans! "

As Tu Yan roared, the Desert Eagle roared!

It hit him right in the forehead, a headshot!

The fox man was beaten back several steps.

Unfortunately, under the level suppression, Tu Yan's Desert Eagle could not cause a headshot to kill him instantly, so he had to forcibly deduct his blood.

Orc: Fox Man

Level: 22

Strength: 95

Speed: 35

Defense: 50

HP: 5000


Belonging to: Orc

"Ahhh! Human! Go to hell! "With the order of the fox man.

The zombie army launched an attack!

The power of the orc zombies is not comparable to that of human zombies.

Although they are huge, the escalator can only accommodate one orc zombie.

But they can often beat the soldiers half to death with one punch.

Relying on tenacious resistance, the soldiers barely withstood a round of attacks.

But the most annoying are the elf zombies!

Their magic bows and arrows are everywhere!

They can attack the soldiers directly on the first-floor platform!

Even Zhang Dayou was hit by a bow and arrow, but fortunately it did not cause damage to the defense and would not be infected.

But two soldiers have been infected by human zombies after being hit by several magic arrows.

"Kill the infected companions! "

Zhang Dayou suppressed his grief and gave the order without hesitation!

We can't be soft-hearted at this time, otherwise the defense line will collapse completely!

The twenty clay bombs that Tu Yan had previously deployed have all exploded and can now be regenerated.

He also quickly took out all the clay bombs.

Then he yelled at Zhang Dayou.

"Zhang Dayou! Now!"


Zhang Dayou quickly came to the fence, stretched out his right index finger, and aimed at the pile of gasoline barrels in the middle of the first-floor platform!

Chain array!

The periphery is full of clay bombs, and the center is a gasoline barrel.

The clay bombs first blow up some zombies, and then when they all gather together to attack, they detonate the gasoline barrels.


The oil barrels piled into a hill exploded instantly under a ball of open fire!



"Boom boom boom! "

Dozens of oil barrels exploded at the same time, shocking the entire Nat City!

Night turned into day in an instant!

More than half of the dark zombie army was gone in an instant.

Even Tu Yan, the owner of the 'Eternal Gasoline Barrel', reached level 15!

"Fuck! Elves! Get out of here!"

The fox man was also knocked against the wall behind him by the earth-shaking explosion.

If he had taken a few steps forward, he might have been killed on the spot.

He panicked and thought that there was an elf on the second floor who was secretly assisting, and mistook the gasoline explosion for the magic of the elves.

"What is this? God-killing and Dragon-killing Bomb? Burning Heaven and Earth and Annihilating Demon Explosion?"

Tu Yan ignored him and answered directly with the roar of the Desert Eagle!

Fired seven shots in a row, each shot in the head!

The fox man was directly embedded in the wall and could not come out!

If it weren't for the cover of other zombies, I'm afraid the fox man would have been killed by Tu Yan directly.

"Damn! Still can't break the defense? "

Tu Yan gritted his teeth.

After the one-minute cooldown of the Desert Eagle was over and the bullets were reloaded,

Tu Yan directly attacked the other zombies.

The level of this group of zombies was about level 10 or above. Even if Tu Yan shot them in the head, he couldn't kill them with one shot.

He had to shoot them patiently.

Seven shots in five seconds!

Continuously shoot out!

There are still fifty-five seconds left in the cooldown!

What are you going to do during this time?

Of course throwing clay bombs!

Twenty clay bombs were thrown out!

Boom boom explodes directly!

As long as the clay bomb is consumed, it can be regenerated!

Such an infinite loop!

Tu Yan alone was able to completely withstand the zombie army's crazy offensive!

Although this is also based on the soldiers stationed at the only access point on the first and second floors - the escalator.

It was their desperate resistance that gave Tu Yan the opportunity to perform solo!

Under the command of the fox man, the elf zombies concentrated their firepower and fired magic bows and arrows crazily at other soldiers on the second floor!

Often with just a few shots, they can be infected into zombies or killed directly!

Even Tu Yan kept moving to avoid the bow and arrow attacks.

He is indeed not afraid of death, but he is worried that he will not die but will turn into a zombie, which will make him a troublemaker.

"Tu Yan! There are too many zombies, I can't hold on like this!"

Zhang Dayou rushed over after cutting down an orc zombie with an axe.

"Yes, I know." Tu Yan on the side was also panting.

Continuous and endless fighting made his physical strength gradually unable to keep up.

Tu Yan also didn't expect that his opponents this time would be zombie orcs and elves, and under the command of the fox man, their attack was very orderly.

At this moment, Tu Yan felt his heart heat up.

The little lizard, who was sleeping soundly, woke up. It blinked and looked around.

Also understand what happened.

Then he got out of the clothes bag on Tu Yan's chest.

A dragon roar that shook the sky!

The little lizard's wings gradually opened.

Soared into the air.

The bloody dragon!


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