Behind Tu Yan, at the corner of the square.

There are several computers and testing equipment.

The old man from before died in this corner.

One of the computers was originally in a black screen state, but was awakened by Tu Yan's 'clay bomb' and turned into a flashing blue screen.

A series of electric currents sizzled from inside the computer.

It's like a supernatural event.

But Tu Yan and the others didn't have the time to care about this.

They are struggling to deal with the madness of Zima monsters.

The Zima monster, which was seriously injured by the clay bomb, seemed to have learned a lesson.

It flaps its wings and flies to high places, constantly using a variety of long-range attacks.

Suppress Tu Yan and the others.

Heerlen's blood volume has dropped to a worrying level, and he is afraid that if he is attacked a few more times, he will either die or become a zombie.

Tu Yan has also died three times, and the pain all over his body is unbearable, as if he could faint from the pain with just a pinch.

"Damn, that's so hard to deal with."

Tu Yan squinted his eyes, and when he saw that Heerlen was in bad condition, Tu Yan gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

"Heerlen! Prepare to kill me!"

Tu Yan endured the pain, picked up the knife, and cut off his ear!

The blood spurts out endlessly!

Tu Yan held on to ‘Broken Ear’ tightly! Throw it hard! It's exactly the direction of the Zima monster in mid-air!

Heerlen didn't know why, but he still listened to Tu Yan's words, raised his bow and arrow, and pointed it at him.

"Now! Fire at me!" Tu Yan shouted loudly!


There was a clean sound of an arrow leaving the body.

It hit Tu Yan's heart accurately!


Tu Yan was dragged several meters away by the bow and arrow.

The head was thrown back, knocking the whole body into the air. This death actually seemed a bit peaceful.

Death comes so quickly and resurrection comes so easily.

Tu Yan was resurrected in mid-air!

The resurrection medium this time is the ‘ear’ thrown in the air, getting closer and closer to the Zima monster!

And the original body has become a cold, lifeless corpse.

Just like Tu Yan and Zima monsters.

By shrinking in size, you approach the target, and when you are in front of or behind the target, you instantly return to its original size, and a set of powerful attacks greet you!

It's like moving instantly!

But only Tu Yan knows how high the price is!

Cut off his own ear and throw it up.

Then he was hit by Heerlen’s ‘One Hit Kill’.

pain! Unbearable pain!

But it's not over yet!

Tu Yan relied on inertia to get closer and closer to the Zima monster in mid-air.

Then he pulled out a chainsaw from his backpack!

Press the switch and the chainsaw starts running like crazy.

Death chainsaw!

The red handle and sharp reflective blade look very eye-catching.

Moreover, there is a black death pattern engraved on the back of this chainsaw blade!

This is what appeared in Tu Yan’s death reward today!

"Death Chainsaw: Melee weapon, just press and death will come."

"With its sharp blade and its speed of one thousand revolutions per minute, no one can withstand the Death Chainsaw!"

"When the Death Chainsaw is in use, it can cause 40 points of damage per second to objects it touches."

"The additional damage caused by level and strength has a great chance of cutting off the contact object."

This death chainsaw is much more powerful than an ordinary chainsaw.

Ordinary chainsaws usually make four hundred turns per minute, but this Death Chainsaw can actually reach a speed of one thousand turns per minute!

The faster the speed, the greater the damage and destruction to items!

Tu Yan grasped the 'Death Chainsaw' tightly with both hands, exerted force on his waist, and followed the inertia to somersault along the front in the air!

The buzzing sound of a chainsaw hit one of the wings of the Zima monster hard!

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Relying on the power of the electric saw, Tu Yan stayed in the air briefly, and his waist suddenly sank.

It already has 60 points of strength.

Including dying four times, death stacking increases all attributes by 40%.

Tu Yan's power at this time actually broke through the Zima monster's defense!


‘Khuziz! ’ ‘Chucha! ’

The Death Chainsaw directly separated the entire wing!

Black, sticky blood spurted out instantly!

The Zima monster let out a piercing scream, which was actually a bit heartbreaking!

And it was baring its teeth and claws like crazy!

After Tu Yan succeeded in the attack, his head fell straight to the ground.

But in the process of falling, Tu Yan looked at Heerlen not far away.

Said softly.

"Go ahead."

And Heerlen, who was already ready and placed his hand on the blue-white bow and arrow, seemed to feel Tu Yan's gaze.

With a slight glance from the corner of his mouth, "Leave it to me."

"God-killing blasting arrow!"

A strong white light flashed!

Powerful energy was released from Heerlen's hand and shot towards the Zima monster, which was panicking in pain!

It explodes at the first touch!

The Zima monster was blown to pieces!

Tu Yan also slowly closed his eyes, preparing to accept death again.

After falling so high in the air, with only two points of defense, he didn't think he could survive.

"Tu Yan!\

,"At this moment, Heerlen rushed forward, slid past, and caught Tu Yan accurately!

The force was too great, and Heerlen broke one of his ribs with a click.

"Why did you catch me? I just fell to death and came back to life."

Tu Yan stood up and quickly checked Heerlen's injuries.

"You feel pain, don't you? You've died four times, the pain has increased a lot, right?"

Heerlen showed a rare expression of heartache.

"You don't have to do that."

Tu Yan quickly took out some medical supplies from the space backpack and bandaged Heerlen temporarily.

"Happy cooperation, your chainsaw is good."

After being bandaged, Heerlen stretched his muscles and bones, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he also blinked and stared at Tu Yan.

"Why, this chainsaw is a reward, there is only one, I can't give it to you."

"Tsk, stingy guy."

"I won't give you the bulletproof vest tomorrow."

"Hey, don't be like this."

The two who survived the disaster couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and chatted happily.

"The demon species is really powerful and gave me a lot of experience energy." Tu Yan looked at his own warrior attribute board and complained.

"That's right. This Zima monster is level 38. It's a pity that the extra experience was given to me. Otherwise, you would definitely be able to continue to level up."

"That's right, but without your final blow, I might not be able to kill him. If I keep dying like this, I might faint from the pain."

"Death? Monster species? Who are you? What are you discussing?"

A cold, electronically synthesized voice suddenly sounded.

It was the computer in the corner that was secretly emitting blue light!

This computer can actually speak on its own!

"Damn, what is it?"

Tu Yan walked towards the corner in confusion and found the computer.

"Me? I'm not anything, and I'm nothing."

"Can you speak human language?"

"Human? I'm not a human, I'm an AI."

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