"Lord Heerlen, how should we deal with this traitor? Kong Hongcai, kneel down!"

Yue Zhiming kicked Kong Hongcai sideways.

Kong Hongcai knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times, trying to beg for mercy.

Just now, the big lizard showed its power and Lilith was forced to fight.

Hundreds of soldiers suddenly ran away. Even if they were tied up tightly, it was more than enough for Kong Hongcai!

In a short while, Kong Hongcai was subdued.

It was still Yue Zhiming who controlled the situation, so that the angry soldiers would not spit and drown Kong Hongcai.

Yue Zhiming wanted to keep him and wait for the judgment of Heerlen, the highest commander of this camp! 、

"Lord Heerlen, forgive me, forgive me, I was bewitched by Lilith, and I was bewitched."

Kong Hongcai kowtowed and his head was broken and bleeding. People who didn't know thought he was very loyal to Heerlen.

This is also his cunning side, lurking in the background like a poisonous snake.

After finding the next stronger backer, he will strangle the previous one.

But unfortunately, he met Tu Yan, who can't die, and it's his bad luck.

Tu Yan looked at Kong Hongcai in front of him with interest.

In the past, he was always a high-ranking person in Keli University, who told him to be the president of the student union.

But he was respectful in front of the teacher and the principal, like a pug wagging his tail and pretending to be powerful.

In the end times, this characteristic of his was even more exaggerated, which led to this great crisis.

Tu Yan also took a special look at Heerlen.

This silly and cute elf girl has never come into contact with humans, and she doesn't know the evil of human hearts.

After the first contact with Heerlen, Tu Yan felt that this elf girl was a naive person, who didn't know the evil of the world and the dark of human hearts.

Then Tu Yan said to Heerlen.

"Actually, I've always wanted to tell you, do you know what is the scariest thing in the end times?"

"What? Zombies? Or other races?"

"The scariest thing is always the people around you, the scariest thing is always the human heart."

"Be on guard against others, this sentence is a gift from the earth to you."

After saying that, Tu Yan patted Heerlen's shoulder.

And Heerlen nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and put on a fierce aura.

"Borrow your gun." Heerlen reached out.

Tu Yan also naturally gave her the Desert Eagle.

"Lord Heerlen, please don't, don't, spare me, spare me, I have always been your most loyal servant, please."

Kong Hongcai gritted his teeth and opened his eyes wide when he saw that he couldn't stop it. He stared at Tu Yan fiercely.

"Tu Yan, I fuck your mother!"


Unexpectedly, Kong Hongcai's last words were such a sentence.

After being shot in the middle of his brow, Kong Hong slowly fell down, and he became a lifeless corpse.

Tu Yan looked at Heerlen with a trace of relief.

After this lesson, Heerlen will probably be much more mature when getting along with humans.

"Yue Zhiming! How is the camp!"

After resolving the crisis and the traitor, Heerlen once again turned back to the look of planning and strategizing.

Yue Zhiming also told the details of the past two days.

At the same time, he also asked the soldiers to rescue the ordinary citizens who were locked in other tents.

The little lizard was crying beside him, and it attracted Tu Yan's attention.

"What's wrong? Stinky dragon."

The little lizard was touched by Tu Yan lightly, and he could no longer control himself and vomited directly.

With a "plop".

Two wings were spit out directly from the dragon's mouth.

It turned out to be Lilith's wings.

Perhaps it was because the blood-crying dragon could not digest it after it became smaller, so it vomited it directly.

Just when Tu Yan didn't know what to do with the wings.

A voice came from his mind.

"Leave the wings to me."

"Who!" Tu Yan yelled.

The people around him stared at Tu Yan closely.

"It's okay, it's okay, ahahaha."

Tu Yan also reacted. It turned out that it was the artificial intelligence 9527 talking to him in his mind.

He immediately tried to talk to it in his mind.

"Fuck, why did you come out now? I almost died just now."

"You can't die, I was in seclusion just now to sort out the data." 9527's tone was as annoying as ever.

"Uh, what do you want the wings for?"

"For research, Flügel species? Not bad, let me see how much potential you have."

"Uh, how can I get it to you?"

"Don't you have a space backpack? Just put it in there. Actually, I really want to dissect that dragon cub. I have a 30% chance of analyzing the structure of the dragon species, and mass production of mechanical dragons is not a problem!"

9527 said confidently, as if only the mystery of the race or scientific research could arouse its passion.

"No, no, I can't afford the 70% chance."

Although Tu Yan said so, even if he could succeed 100%, he would not dissect the little lizard. After a few days of getting along, they also have feelings.

Seeing this, 9527 did not say more, but instead instructed that next time if he encountered other races, whether zombies or ordinary ones, zombie beasts would also be fine.

He would leave a corpse for it to study.

After agreeing to 9527, Tu Yan also put the wings into the space backpack.

Then he helped to clean up the soldiers' camp.

After they finished working together.

Tu Yan, Yue Zhiming, and Heerlen came to the office meeting room to discuss the next step.

After arriving at the meeting room, Heerlen closed the door and bowed deeply to Yue Zhiming.

"Major General Yue Zhiming, I'm really sorry. Kong Hongcai was brought by me, and then he betrayed us, causing our soldiers to suffer such humiliation."

Heerlen's tone was extremely sincere.

She originally planned to apologize directly in front of everyone outside, but fortunately Tu Yan saw her thoughts.

Stopped her directly.

It's a good thing to recognize your mistakes, but at this end of the world, you will never survive without some swift and decisive means.

And Heerlen still has to continue to lead the soldiers' camp, so he still has to maintain his dignity.

Things like apologies can be done privately, as long as you know it and I know it.

"Why are you so polite, Lord Heerlen."

Yue Zhiming also hurried forward and waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary.

"It's also my fault. I didn't pay too much attention to Kong Hongcai's abnormality. Fortunately, there were no casualties this time. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

"No, no, no, it's my fault."

Tu Yan saw the two people pushing each other and hurriedly stopped them.

"Enough, stop apologizing, don't force it, let's get to the point."

"Ahahaha, Tu Yan is still straightforward, that's right, let's get to the point. Tu Yan, why can you be safe and sound under the full force attack of the Tianyi species."

Yue Zhiming directly asked the biggest question in his heart.

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