Because the person in charge is an orc!

He is sturdy, about two meters tall, a werewolf, and silver-haired!

Silver werewolf!

Next to him is a graceful human.

He is handsome, but slightly frail, which is out of place in the end times.

On the other side of the silver werewolf is a demon!

A snake!

The reason why it can be distinguished from snakes on Earth.

That's because it has a pair of small fleshy wings! And it's a two-headed snake!

The scales on its body are still moving with the wind, shining.

"Ah? Isn't this Heerlen? Long time no see."

The silver werewolf recognized Heerlen and the others.

He hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Who are you? Silver Sabre! Is it Terry? Hahahaha, long time no see."

A beast and an elf, although they have only met a few times on the previous plane planet, they are not very familiar with each other.

But in the new apocalypse, it is already very good to have someone you barely know.

After all, I don’t know if I can see each other next time.

After a round of greetings, both sides introduced each other.

“This is Tu Yan, he is a lone ranger, and he is an ally of mine. Behind him are my soldiers, 30 in number, who came to help when they saw your flame words.”

“Hahahaha, thank you. Tu Yan, hello, my name is Terry, I am a beastman, a silver werewolf.”

Terry said loudly, which was deafening.

“Hello, hello, nice to meet you.” Tu Yan also looked at Terry carefully.

This was also the first time Tu Yan had real contact with beastmen.

“Come on, this is Ao Fang, like you, we are human.”

Terry pointed to the human next to him and continued to introduce Tu Yan.

“Ao?” Tu Yan frowned slightly, as if he remembered something.

“Yes, Nat Ao family.” Ao Fang nodded and said softly.

The Ao family is one of the largest families in Nat City. It can be said that the entire Nat City is under the control of the Ao family, and even the city lord is just a puppet.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see someone from the Ao family here."

"Do you know me?"

"The Ao family is known to everyone in Nat City. My name is Tu Yan, and I'm a student at Keli University."

"Oh" After hearing the four words "Keli University", Ao Fang realized that the person in front of him was just an ordinary person.

People with wealth and power will not introduce their schools.

His eyes gradually lost focus when he looked at Tu Yan, as if in his eyes, Tu Yan did not exist.

Instead, Ao Fang kept glancing at Heerlen.

Although there are several elves on the Nat East Army side, there is no one as beautiful and graceful as Heerlen.

"Don't look at Ao Fang's thin body, he discovered the flame text on your side."

"It was under his suggestion that we can use the flame text, and that Moore, the one with the code, to contact you."

Terry looked proud.

A series of 'sizzling' sounds came from the side.

"Then this is Hicks, the race is a demon species, a twin snake demon."

"Hello." Hicks nodded slightly, although his tone sounded quite friendly.

But his cold eyes kept looking at Heerlen and Tu Yan.

Perhaps because of the cold-blooded animals, no matter how much kindness they show, they will give people a creepy feeling.

"The Nat East Army will be in charge of the three of us for the time being. Of course, I am the biggest one, hahaha."

Terry laughed heroically, but ignored the disdainful eyes of the man and demon next to him.

Then Heerlen and Tu Yan also introduced themselves one by one.

Then, under Terry's leadership, they first visited the wall.

And Ao Fang and Hicks went back to one side and continued to observe the movement not far away.

"It was a coincidence. I woke up in a building at first, and then I killed enemies all the way and met Ao Fang and Hicks."

"Then the three of us teamed up temporarily, constantly searching for supplies and looking for survivors, forming an army of a hundred or so people."

"Finally, it was at Ao Fang's suggestion that we came to the wall and used it as our base camp."

"Guess how many people we have here?"

Terry asked Heerlen mysteriously.

"How many?"

"Two thousand, a small half of them are beastmen, elves and demons." Terry raised his eyebrows and said proudly.

"Wow, there are my compatriots here? Where are they?"

Heerlen was very excited to finally see his compatriots.

"They are down there, I'll take you down later." Terry laughed.

Tu Yan gradually felt bored, and found an excuse to separate from them, and continued to stroll above the wall, looking into the distance.

'That girl's attention is really strange'

Tu Yan thought to himself as he looked into the distance.

Indeed, when Heerlen heard Terry's introduction just now, he just sighed that there were his compatriots here.

Only Tu Yan realized a problem.

That is, the overall strength of the Natdong Army is definitely stronger than the soldier camp.


Because the soldier camp is basically human!

And there are other races here!

Tu Yan discovered a problem, that is, the races that can survive in the previous plane are all able to fight and are brave and good at fighting!

And their most proud weapons, magic, fighting skills, etc. can still be used!

What about humans? Nothing!

There are still many old people and children who cannot become combat units.

To put it bluntly, there are only a few hundred human soldiers who can fight in the soldier camp, protecting thousands of citizens.

And the Natdong Army can be said to be one thousand protecting one thousand!

The only ones protected are the old, weak and sick of the human race!

Thinking of this, Tu Yan took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

This was extorted from Yue Zhiming. Although he didn't smoke before, for some reason, he always wanted to try the taste of nicotine recently.

Spraying heavy smoke, Tu Yan looked into the distance.

Continue past the wall. It is a fertile plain area.

You can vaguely see the city on the other side.

It seems that there is still black smoke rising slowly.

And below?

A dark mass of zombies!

But for some reason, only a small group of them slowly walked towards the wall.

They were still human zombies, and could only use their hands to constantly scratch the wall.

So the wall platform only relied on human beings to throw stones down, or use the long-range ability of capable warriors to attack.

"What, are you scared?"

At this time, a voice that deserved a beating sounded, it was Qiu He.

When he saw the cigarette in Tu Yan's hand, he cursed and reached out to ask for it.

"Hey, good stuff, give it to me."

"Oh? Really? Then take it." Tu Yan chuckled and handed the cigarette to Qiu He.

Then he took advantage of the moment when Qiu He stretched out his hand and gently stepped back.

Pushed Qiu He down from the wall!

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