The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 54: Pull the dragon and pull the people to fight

Afterwards, Ao Fang got busy by himself. He originally wanted to find some beastmen or demons.

But when he told them that he wanted to sneak attack the 12 demon generals ‘Du Shaliang’, they quickly refused.

After facing the ground wall again and again, Ao Fang cursed.

“Heh, a bunch of cowards, how can people who do big things succumb to fear!”

He had no choice but to find his compatriots - human beings.

Together they discussed how to achieve success and complete hegemony.

Other humans didn’t know the horror of the 12 generals.

They only regarded the zombies as zombies, the dull and slow-moving walking corpses.

Under Ao Fang’s instigation, they also readily agreed.

After all, becoming a battlefield hero can be said to be every man’s heroic dream.

And they also planned to quietly move out at dawn.

This time can be said to be the most sleepy time, and it is also the best time for a sneak attack.

After everything was agreed, the team of fifty people also hurried to sleep and prepared for the upcoming war.

When Ao Fang returned to his tent, he took a special look at the scene under the wall.

The dark army of zombies still stood still, as if waiting for something.

The gravel and soil below, as well as the corpses of zombies, seemed to be telling Ao Fang about Tu Yan's various achievements.

As the saying goes, the more you think about it, the angrier you get.

Ao Fang clenched his fists and slammed the bricks on the wall.

"Damn! Tu Yan, I am the protagonist. I, Ao Fang of the Ao family, will not be taken away by you, you traitor, deserter!"

Ao Fang said to himself angrily.

And where is the deserter in his mouth - Tu Yan at this time?

Sorry, he got lost.

That's right, Tu Yan got lost on the way back to the soldiers' camp.

Although he rode the "Yanyu Motorcycle" all the way here today, it was during the day.

It's night now, everything around is pitch black, and the only thing he can rely on is the headlights of the Yanyu Motorcycle.

"Can't you install a GPS?" Tu Yan complained about 9527 while looking for the way.

"It won't work even if I install it. The satellite signal is still paralyzed."

"Then help me find the way? Don't you have a good brain?"

"I want to correct your statement. To be precise, I don't have an organ like a brain, but I have a computing core."

"Okay, okay, I know. You're so long-winded. How do I get there?"

"Turn right ahead."

"Ahead? It's a dead end."

"You passed it. Oh, keep going. Turn right after about 100 meters. Don't drive too fast."

After spending most of the time on the road, Tu Yan finally returned to the soldiers' camp.

He rushed in and parked the Yanyu motorcycle under the office building.

Tu Yan took out the 'Eternal Gasoline Can' and threw it to the guard soldier next to him.

"Please help me fill up the gas tank. 9527 will tell you where the gas tank is."

He hurriedly pulled up Yue Zhiming who was sleeping soundly.

After explaining the situation to him, he finally decided that Yue Zhiming should lead hundreds of soldiers here, and then Tu Yan would lead the remaining soldiers to help.

"Tu Yan, you know, no matter what, we have to stay here." Yue Zhiming said seriously.

"Well, I know, no problem."

"When do you think the group of zombies will attack? Do you want our soldiers to go now?"

"It's hard to say, but let's go and check the situation first."

"Okay, ten minutes. I'll be ready immediately."

"So fast?" Tu Yan was a little surprised.

When he was with the Natdong Army, the beastmen, elves, and demons left him a very good impression in terms of military regulations and combat qualities.

But the human race is not like that.

After all, the human race of the Natdong Army used to be just ordinary citizens or gangsters.

After a whole day of getting along, Tu Yan gradually became a little disappointed with the human race.

Now meeting the regular army of the soldier camp, the feeling is really different.

"Of course, have you forgotten our duties? Take a break."


After a long journey, Tu Yan took advantage of these few minutes to close his eyes and take a short break.

Ten minutes, just ten minutes.

One hundred and fifty-five soldiers were assembled in the barracks, ready to go.

Tu Yan was stunned, and still couldn't get out of this fast, neat, and obedient style.

"Okay, go ahead, come on." Yue Zhiming patted Tu Yan on the shoulder.

"Yeah, ah, by the way, I almost forgot about the stinky dragon."

Tu Yan hurried back to his tent and put the sleeping little lizard into the space backpack.

In this way, the group took the jeep, and Tu Yan drove the "Yanyu Motorcycle" to open the way in front.

Heading towards the old site of the city wall in the east.

This time, Tu Yan was very deliberate in controlling the speed.

Firstly, at night, the vision is impaired and it is easy to be attacked by zombies. Tu Yan must protect the people behind him who are willing to go through life and death with him.

Secondly, it is also because it is pitch black. It is not good to drive too fast and get lost.

In this way, the reinforcement team took three hours to resist the vicinity of the old site of the wall.

It was a safe journey, and they only encountered a group of more than a dozen orc zombies.

Tu Yan and his team easily repelled them.

The dark night gradually faded the deep eyes, covered with a light blue eyeshadow, and the sky was about to dawn!

At the same time, Ao Fang also took action.

Through the lifting rope, their team of fifty people moved quickly.

Before they set off, they were ambitious and thought they could leave a strong mark in the history of the earth.

Little did they know that they were indeed remembered in history.

But they were only remembered as "negative teaching materials" and "idiot examples".

Thinking they were smart and not being discovered, they quickly approached the zombie army not far away.

"Lord Du Shaliang, there are mice coming." Rhinoceros Niu Huang woke up the sleeping Du Shaliang and said softly.

Du Shaliang rubbed his eyes and yawned. He was about to get angry and blame Rhinoceros Niu Huang for disturbing his sweet dreams because of trivial things.

He remembered that before he went to sleep, he did tell Rhinoceros Niu Huang that if prey appeared, he must wake her up.

Why go to such great lengths? For fun.

"Okay, ah. It's really not the right time to come. Let's go."

Du Shaliang smiled slightly, revealing two fangs.

Turning around, he quickly came to Ao Fang and the others.

"Hey, human beings." Du Shaliang glanced at the fifty people in front of him, stretched out his eager tongue, licked his long-dried lips, and thought to himself, 'What delicious food, fifty human beings? Hahaha. '

"Who are you!" Ao Fang took out a lightsaber, crossed it across his chest, and looked at Du Shaliang.

"Twelve Generals, Du Shaliang, what about you?"

Du Shaliang raised his eyebrows and laughed softly.

"You are Du Shaliang!?"

Ao Fang asked back in disbelief. He didn't know that Du Shaliang was such a beauty. What Heerlen had disappeared from Ao Fang's heart.

This enchanting beauty in front of him is his favorite dish!

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