"Haha, who are you scaring? Today's firearms can't be used!"

Although the bald man knows that weapons on earth can no longer be used.

But looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, I still couldn't help but break out in cold sweat and tremble constantly.

"Oh? What if I said this is my warrior ability? Do you still dare to try it?"

Tu Yan looked at the bald man with contempt, as if he were looking at a garbage pest.

After being threatened by Tu Yan, the bald man swallowed, and there was panic in his eyes.




"Wait! Remember this!"

The bald man gave up in the end and quickly stood up to make way for him.

He has also seen many warriors, and knows that warriors have all kinds of strange abilities.

The presence of guns is not surprising either.

The young owner of the village strolled up to the bald man under the compliments of a group of people.

He snorted coldly.

"Nonsense, his gun is fake at first glance."

At this moment, Tu Yan suddenly stopped.

Standing at the door, he turned around and looked at the young village owner and the group of bald men beside the fountain.

He slowly raised his arm and pointed the gun at the young village owner.

"That bald guy is indeed a loser, what about you?"

Tu Yan's cold voice struck everyone's hearts, like the God of Death exhaling in their ears.

After all, the young village owner is also a 'trash'.

Being threatened by Tu Yan, he froze nervously.

He pulled the bald man over and asked him to stand in front of him and said.

"Bald man, this is your punishment, stay still!"

The bald man was held tightly by the young owner of the village, and naturally he couldn't move.

But the people next to him had already become a mess and ran away in all directions.

"Ha" Tu Yan sneered, put away the Desert Eagle, and walked straight into the office building, not intending to play with these little brats.

"Fuck you, Tu Yan." When the young village owner saw Tu Yan leaving, he spit on the bald man's clothes, and then kicked him away.

The young master of the village looked calm at this time and just wanted to cut Tu Yan into pieces with a thousand cuts.

He originally had a very high prestige among the young people of Tianshui Villa, not only because of his own strength.

It was also because the highest commander of the survivor camp, Tianshui Villa, was his father.

In a sense, he is a ‘second generation’.

No matter it was before or now.

Because the other identity of this village owner is the city lord of Quan'an Mansion.

He has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and when the end of the world came, he also gained a good ability as a martial artist.

All the younger brothers running errands followed him closely to protect him as before.

Today can be said to be the most frustrating day since he was born.

The eyes of the followers who were gradually surrounding him also showed some changes.

Not to mention the bald man, there was still a trace of resentment on his face. He gritted his teeth and tried to regain his emotions before getting up from the ground.

"Come here, check it out for me. What's the name of this Tu Yan! What's his origin? Damn, he's from Nat City? No one from the Ao family is so arrogant in front of me!"

The ‘Ao family’ mentioned by the young village owner is one of the few big families in Nat City.

What he didn't know was that the young master of the Ao family - 'Ao Fang' had been swallowed by Tu Yan's little lizard.

If the young village owner knew that Tu Yan was such a decisive person, he might not have provoked him.

"Yes! Young Villa Master!" After the bald man calmed down his emotions, he quickly came to the young Villa Master and continued to act like a cow.

"Ha, wait until I go to my father and report the matter, and then come out to settle the score with this Tu Yan!"

The young village owner said viciously, and then walked into the office building alone.

He was arrogant and didn't show much expression to the staff coming and going.

On the contrary, these soldiers who were wearing uniforms and looked like combat units looked respectful when they saw the young village owner again.

This makes other races, such as orcs, elves, and demons, very strange.

In their world, they have always believed that the strong are respected.

But after working with human species, I found that sometimes this was not the case.

Tu Yan only found the 'village owner's office' on the third floor with the help of many staff members.

That is, the office of the highest commander of Tianshui Villa.

After knocking on the door and getting the promise, Tu Yan opened the door and walked in.

There is a large desk and several chairs inside.

Neatly arranged books were placed on the bookcase, covered with dust.

On the contrary, the statues, antiques, and paintings inside are very clean.

At a glance, you can tell that the former city owner and current owner of the village specially took it out from his home or office.


The owner of the village was sitting on an elegant office chair, looking through various documents.

Next to him was a man wearing green clothing. The people who could wear this clothing were the armed forces of the Yanlong Kingdom - soldiers.

"Owner of Tianshui Villa? Hello, I am Tu Yan from Nat City. This is the badge of Major General Yue Zhiming from the soldiers camp in the south of Nat City."

Tu Yan introduced himself and took out the major general badge.

"Yue Zhiming? Did he die?"

The owner of the village said nothing, but the soldiers next to him asked.

"No, I just fought with him. Then he learned that I would go to other cities to see the situation. After getting more information, he specially gave me this badge."

Tu Yan quickly explained.

"Oh, that's good. Hello, citizen Tu Yan, I am the general guarding Quan'an Mansion, Long Tianhua, and I can be regarded as Yue Zhiming's commander."

Long Tianhua stood upright and made a standard greeting gesture.

Tu Yan also responded quickly.

"Oh? How is the situation over there in Nat City?"

At this time, the owner of the village finally raised his head from his busy affairs, looked at Tu Yan and asked.

"Hello, I am the owner of Tianshui Villa in Quan'an Prefecture, Zhou Xiangmin, just call me Villa Owner Zhou." Villa Owner Zhou still sat on the chair and asked directly.

"Yeah, the situation over there in Nat City"

Immediately, Tu Yan gave a general explanation about the situation in Nat City.

Including Keli University, the orphanage, Dingfu Square, the soldier camp in the south, and the old city wall site in the east.

"It seems that although our situations are similar, there are still some differences." After hearing this, Long Tianhua muttered.

"Oh? Different?" Tu Yan frowned and was about to continue asking.

The noise outside the door interrupted him, and as the door was pushed open, it was the young owner of the village who came.

"Dad, listen to me, there was someone just now. Damn, it was you, Tu Yan. Do you still have the guts to come here?"

The moment the young village owner opened the door and saw Tu Yan, he couldn't help but burst into anger.

"What's the matter? Ying'er?" Zhuangzhu Zhou stood up quickly and asked with a concerned look on his face, not to mention how enthusiastic he was.

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