For Tu Yan, it seemed like a lifetime.

But it actually took only a few seconds.

Feeling the whistling of the wind in the air, the water droplets and snowflakes in the air stung his face.

It hurt!

This was the first time Tu Yan knew that air moving too fast could kill people.


Tu Yan even smashed a small hole in the cement road!

Eternal immortality! Start!

Death superposition! Start!

“Fortunately, I was not smashed into a pulp.”

After being resurrected, Tu Yan stretched his limbs and moved his body.

Then he looked at the situation nearby.

There was no one, only smoke, residual fire, and a dilapidated scene.

But some conversations came from not far away.

Tu Yan quickly tiptoed and walked in that direction.

"Tu Yan, this is the parasitic device I put in your brain. I will let Mark wear the headset device and walk along the high-rise buildings towards the direction of the Twin Towers. If you have any information, you can tell me through this device. Don't use your mouth, just use your subconscious mind."

"Okay, got it."

Tu Yan bent his waist and approached step by step. There were only three or four people in front of him, and they should all be people from Tianshui Villa.

The people of Tianshui Villa are very easy to distinguish.

I don't know if it's because the owner of Zhou Villa is the city owner, or because of the general Long Zhihua.

They are basically dressed in soldiers' uniforms or military training uniforms.

And the clothes that are fighting against these three or four people are very messy.

But they are not human species, but three elves, and one Tianyi species!

Tianyi species!

It's the race whose wings don't grow properly on the back, but on the waist!

Tu Yan secretly found a place and tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hey, I can see people from your Tianshui Villa here too." The Tianyi species in the lead said.

"Flügel? There are also elves, not bad, it seems that you Meisibang Alliance also know this news?"

It turned out that the survivor camp north of Quan'an Prefecture was called the 'Meisibang Alliance'.

This name tells us that it is mainly composed of other races, and humans are not the protagonists.

"Hehe, it's none of your business, I suggest you get out of here quickly. This is our territory."

"Yours? Hehe, you aliens, this is the Earth, this is the Yanlong Kingdom, this is Quan'an Prefecture!" The human was very disdainful.

"Oh? Yours? If it weren't for our races from other planes, you humans would have been wiped out by the zombies long ago! We are all grasshoppers on the same boat now."

"Yes, grasshoppers on the same boat, then let your leader, the beautiful lady of the Flügel, come and play with our young master, hahahaha."

As soon as these words came out, several people in Tianshui Villa showed obscene smiles.

They also focused their eyes on the beauties of other races in front of them, and their expressions were like a group of big perverts.

"Heh, go to hell." The Flügel had a fierce look on his face.

Act quickly.

How could the human race without guns be the opponent of these other plane races.

These people in Tianshui Villa are also arrogant and domineering on weekdays.

They didn't expect that other races would resolutely attack!

Although they relied on their ability as warriors to fight a few rounds with the Flügel and the elves.

But they were defeated in a short while.

The screams and begging for mercy were mixed with the smell of blood, like a hell on earth.

I don't know if this Flügel has accumulated a lot of anger.

He was not in a hurry to kill the people in Tianshui Villa.

Instead, he slowly tortured and threatened them with words.

And Tu Yan also obtained a lot of information through this.

It turned out that it was just last night.

Tianshui Villa and the Meisibang Alliance obtained a piece of information.

That is, there is anti-drug in the Gemini TV Tower!

It can treat the zombie virus and save the race from becoming zombies!

As soon as the news came out, although some people doubted why this information was transmitted through a note.

And who was the person who transmitted this note.

But it still couldn't resist the only hope of saving the world and saving others.

The two large camps of Quan'an Prefecture also decided to go out in full force to find out the truth.

After hearing this, Tu Yan couldn't sit still anymore.

Anyway, those people in Tianshui Villa would definitely die.

There was no reason for him to go and save them.

So Tu Yan sneaked away.

Then he found a safe corner and contacted 9527 through the micro-device in his brain.

He quickly told 9527 the information he knew.

"From this point of view, this must be a trap." 9527 said lightly after analyzing the information he had.

"I think so too, but the temptation is too great, anti-drug Qing." Tu Yan swallowed his saliva.

"I think it's a trap. It should be the idea of ​​the twelve generals of the Gemini TV Tower."

"Since Quan'an Prefecture is their base, and the South Gate and West Gate have been opened, the East Gate and North Gate have not been opened yet."

"Then we just need to attract the forces of the camps on both sides and eliminate them in one fell swoop, wouldn't it be a permanent solution?"

"But if that's the case, why didn't the twelve generals go out in person?"

At the end, 9527 expressed the doubts in his heart.

"In person?" Tu Yan asked back.

"Yes, the strength of the Twelve Generals can completely crush Tianshui Villa and Meisibang Alliance."

"It doesn't need to let the two camps attack it together, it just needs to deal with them one by one."

"It's impossible. Maybe it's because of some reason that the Twelve Generals can't come out of the Gemini TV Tower!"

"Tu Yan! I want more information! Why were the South Gate and West Gate breached by the Zang Beast Army!"

After a set of analysis, 9527 has a clearer understanding of the development of the entire situation.

So he quickly asked Tu Yan to continue collecting intelligence.

"Okay, I know. Where are you now?"

"The rooftop should be not far from you. It will be safer if you jump from the rooftop to the next high-rise building."

"Okay, then contact me later."

Tu Yan also continued to act.

He walked directly on the avenue.

Now we know the ideas and goals of various forces.

There is no need to hide.

Now we just need to stay in a random race and torture them severely, and we will definitely get the information we want.

And this race, preferably human, native to Quan'an Prefecture.

Thinking of this, Tu Yan couldn't help but have a goal.

He grinned and walked into the path next to him.

Because he had smelled the scent of prey.

The harsh voice came from this path, and the voice was a bit sharp, as if he was speaking with his throat pinched.

Between the lines, there was a natural sense of arrogance, and the four words "arrogant and domineering" were extremely suitable for him.

It was the young master of Tianshui Villa!

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