I don’t know if it’s because of past life memories or zombie instinct.

The girl who was kicked by the young village owner into a group of zombies and eventually turned into a zombie.

When he saw the young village master flying over in mid-air, he actually let out a roar!

It miraculously jumped up!

Tu Yan was stunned when he saw it!

This may be the first zombie that can jump!

The girl zombie bit the young village owner in one bite and dragged him to the ground.

The stone in the young village master's mouth also fell down.

"Tu Yan! Fuck you! Ah ah! Help! Someone come and save me!" The young village owner screamed and kept beating the girl zombie with both hands.

Trying to get away with it.

He looked towards the bald man and the others, trying to seek support.

But his loyal follower seemed to have figured it out and just stood there and looked directly at the young village master.

The young village owner was stunned and immediately cursed!

"You guys are eating the inside out! Why don't you come and save me! Damn it!"

The screams, accompanied by the swallowing sounds of the girl zombie, finally stopped.

Everything was calm again.

The girl zombie also bit the young village owner to pieces beyond recognition, not even a piece of flesh was left!

Then she looked at Tu Yan, something seemed to be flashing in her eyes, but in the end it was covered up by the ferocious aura.

Tu Yan looked at the girl zombie calmly and nodded.

He didn't know if the zombie girl just wanted to express her gratitude to him.

But he had something he had to do.

Tu Yan took out a few clay bombs and threw them at the girl zombie.

"Boom, boom," fire splashed out, and the bomb exploded.

Also blew up this side of the story.

"Rest in peace. No matter what, you took revenge. I'm really sorry. I couldn't save you just now."

Then Tu Yan turned behind him with an expressionless face. Looking at the group of followers, he said with a mocking tone.

"I won't kill you, so as not to dirty my hands, but please face your conscience and know what you should do and what you shouldn't do."

After saying that, Tu Yan walked towards the bald man and the others.

Pass them gently without a trace of cloud.

Tu Yan walked to the roadside, turned a corner, and ran away immediately.

It's such a joy to just show off and run away!

Why don't you run around now?

Are you waiting for the large troops from Tianshui Villa to arrive and besiege Tu Yan?

Tu Yan would not be stupid enough to waste time there.

He did do the right thing in this matter.

Not long after he left, Master Zhou and the main force of Tianshui Villa arrived.

They were nearby and ran over immediately when they heard the explosion.

After asking about the situation, Master Zhou cried so hard that his heart broke!

"Ah! My Ying'er, Ying'er, you died so miserably!\

,"Zhuangzhu Zhou was like crazy, trying to find some physical remains of the young Zhuangzhu among the black and charred corpses.

But alas, not at all!

Having no choice but to find the corpse of the girl zombie, he kicked her violently!

"Wake up! Didn't you eat my Ying'er! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat your mother's pussy!" Master Zhou was so sad that he even picked up a stone and kept hammering at the corpse of the girl zombie!

After venting for a while, he gasped for air and his eyes were red.

Call your messenger.

"Go down! Don't look for Kang Duqing. Find Tu Yan for me. I want him alive! I want to cut him into pieces!"

"Yes! Master!" The soldiers on the side quickly went down to convey the order.

"Wait a minute! Tell Long Zhihua to stop looking and find that Tu Yan!"


"Tu Yan. I will definitely tear you into pieces!" Zhuang Zhuang roared angrily towards the sky!

The bald man and the others were submissive, fearful of making Master Zhou unhappy, so they diverted their anger to themselves.

And what happened to Tu Yan, who was issued a wanted order by Master Zhou?

Then tell 9527 the information obtained about the south gate and west gate of Quan'an Mansion.

He headed towards the Twin Towers.

"It's exactly what I thought."

"Whether it was the south gate or the west gate of Quan'an Mansion, they were all broken through by the Shou Beast Legion from the very beginning. There was no camp to defend them at all."

"It can be regarded as self-defeating without attacking. There is no need for the twelve generals to take action at the south gate and west gate!"

"And after the east gate and north gate became camps, there must be some reason for the twelve generals to be stationed at the Twin Stars TV Tower, waiting for their attack."

"As for the Kang Du Qing, it's probably fake news, but it doesn't matter. The more confusing it is, the better."

9527 calmly analyzed the current situation.

"Then shall I go to the Twin Towers first?"

"If you don't attract hatred, if you kill the young Villa Master, Villa Master Zhou will definitely not let you go and drive the people from Tianshui Villa to the Twin Stars TV Tower."

"If possible, drag down the people from the Mesibon Alliance. Remember, the louder the noise, the better."

"Attract all the troops from the Twin Towers to the northeast, and then we'll gather there in the southwest."

"Okay, I understand, just sell me." Tu Yan nodded, then stopped and started this bait operation.

First, he took out the Flame Hell Motorcycle and held a few clay bombs in his left hand.

"Hey! You bastards from Tianshui Villa, come on, your grandpa and I are over here!"

The rumbling sound of motorcycles, speeding along the entire Quan'an Avenue, mixed with the explosion of clay bombs.

It soon attracted the attention of the nearby.

"Over there, Tu Yan is over there!"

"Damn it, catch him alive!"

Tu Yan's arrogant behavior quickly attracted the attention of Tianshui Villa.

They also quickly locked Tu Yan's position and began to gather together, preparing to capture Tu Yan alive!

Tianshui Villa's actions were naturally noticed by the people of the Meisibang Alliance.

They were wondering why the people of Tianshui Villa stopped arguing with them and stopped fighting with zombies.

So they were also merciless, caught a soldier of Tianshui Villa, and tortured him.

"Oh? Tu Yan? Killed the young master? Ahahaha, good kill, wonderful kill, I have been unhappy with that young master for a long time!"

A Tianyi species listened to his subordinates' report condescendingly.

Revealed a charming expression.

"Ah, you Flügel, get off the planet! Our young master is dead, and you are still here gloating!" The captive, whose face was swollen and bruised, spat on the ground disdainfully to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Oh? What? You are still like this after becoming a captive? You probably don't know who I am?" The Flügel's tone was filled with endless sarcasm.

"Well, you are a Flügel, who else could you be?"

"The Flügel also has a name, I will tell you mercifully, I am the leader of the Meisibang Alliance that your young master has been thinking about day and night - Flügel Margaret."

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