The powerful destructive power completely destroyed the entire Feilong Camp!

Even several iron bars and cement gates were blown away!

As for the people in the music classroom?

They were all killed by this powerful skill!

Except Chen Feilong!

From his angle just now, he could see the elf girl waking up.

After realizing that something was wrong, he immediately activated the warrior ability 'Golden Bell'!

But even if his defense was increased tenfold, Chen Feilong could not completely resist this move.

Half of his legs were blown off, and he was crawling on the ground wailing.

The elf girl stepped forward and stepped on Chen Feilong to the ground.

"I remember it was you who saved me, right?" the elf girl said indifferently.

But its accent is very strange, a bit like a voice mixed with ice cola, full of the flavor of outer space.

"Ah, who are you? Who are you? Damn it, my Feilong camp!"

Chen Feilong didn't know what happened and fell into extreme panic.

"Haha, it seems that I am scared out of my mind. This planet called the Earth seems to be nothing. Oh, those damn beasts! This time, we must! We must completely eliminate them!"

The elf girl said fiercely.

"Ah! You are, you are the classmate who cosplayed into an elf, you are fucking sick! I saved you, and you are treating me like this!"

Chen Feilong looked at the elf girl's beautiful face and finally remembered it completely.

"Cos? Oh" the elf girl was silent for a while, as if collecting information in her mind.

"Oh, is it cosplay? Role-playing? Haha, I'm so sorry. I'm not a cosplayer, and I'm not a human. I'm a real elf."

"What!?" No matter how much pain Chen Feilong felt, he temporarily forgot about the pain. He was so shocked!

Today in the 21st century, a beautiful woman suddenly jumped out and said that she was an elf.

No matter who she is, she will be regarded as a fool.

"Stop talking nonsense. Although I passed out, I still remember your squinting look deeply. What is the proudest armed force on earth!"

The elf girl looked at Chen Feilong condescendingly without any emotion.

"I said, I said, don't kill me!" Chen Feilong crawled on the ground and backed away, then said tremblingly, "That's it, firearms! Yes! Hot weapons!"

"Firearms? Thermal weapons?" The elf girl pursed her lips and then fell silent.

When Chen Feilong saw this, he quickly said, "Right over there, on that body, there is a pistol, Desert Eagle, you can go and have a look!"

"Oh? Can the firearm still be used?" the elf girl said excitedly with her eyes widened.

Just now, she had sifted out the relevant information about 'guns' from the information in her mind.

At this time, knowing that there happened to be a pistol nearby, I was naturally excited.

"Okay, he just fired several shots."

"It's impossible to say! What is the strongest armed force on earth!" the elf girl yelled angrily!

"They are firearms, firearms and ammunition composed of explosive gunpowder." Chen Feilong said quickly.

"Haha, that's good, you're useless."

After saying that, the elf girl bent down and broke Chen Feilong's neck.

Chen Feilong couldn't close his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what was happening to him.

Then, the elf girl clapped her hands and walked towards the pile of corpses not far away.

The body that Chen Feilong was pointing to just now was found - Tu Yan.

"Huh? How come his clothes are in tatters, but his body doesn't seem to be hurt?"

The elf girl asked doubtfully.

But he boldly searched it up directly. Finally, Tu Yan got the ‘Desert Eagle’ on his right hand.

"Is this the strongest armed system on earth? Ammunition and guns? Alas. What a pity."

Then the elf girl put the gun on her waist.

He walked directly towards the gate and walked out.


The sound of violent breathing came from this music classroom full of dead people!

Tu Yan sat up suddenly and breathed violently!

Who knows, his heartbeat almost jumped to his throat when he was distracted just now!

It turns out that the ‘God-killing Explosive Arrow’ just now also killed Tu Yan directly!

At that time, Tu Yan did not have enough time to let go of his broken arms and legs in order to resurrect a new self.

He had no choice but to use this body that had been disemboweled to directly trigger the ability 'eternal immortality'!

If you still use your original body to resurrect, you won't be able to create a second body.

When the elf girl was talking to Chen Feilong earlier, Tu Yan was pretending to be dead!

He felt a heaven-destroying power from the 'God-killing Explosive Arrow' move just now!

At this time, Tu Yan may have to die a hundred times, relying on a 1000% increase in attributes to be able to compete!

Being smart, he simply chose to pretend to be dead and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Although it is a pity that the Desert Eagle was taken away.

But Tu Yan captured the key information in the conversation just now!

Plus, what he saw when he went to the electrician's room just now.

He finally understood what the phrase 'plane fusion' meant before the disaster!

Just now!

Tu Yan saw a giant creature in the air, a giant lizard with wings, a giant dragon!

This creature can only appear in movies, animations, and books!

It actually appeared in front of Tu Yan. At first, he thought it was because he was dizzy or didn't get enough rest.

But combined with what the elf girl said, he could understand the meaning of "plane fusion" after some analysis.

"Damn, plane fusion? The world with dragons and elves merged with the earth? Haha"

When he thought of the scene of dragons fighting helicopters, Tu Yan shook his head again and again, unable to believe it.

"Are creatures from other worlds enemies or friends?"

Tu Yan gritted his teeth and kept thinking.

On the surface, the elf girl did slaughter the entire Flying Dragon Camp.

But she seemed to be irreconcilable with the group of zombies?

What's going on?

Aren't zombies creatures from the plane of the elf girl?

With such doubts, Tu Yan also searched for necessary supplies.

Whether it is corpses or corners, they are very important places to search.

The resources of the Flying Dragon Camp are indeed more than those of Fat Tiger and others.

There are four boxes of mineral water and six boxes of instant canned food in front of Tu Yan.

There is also a baseball bat.

After picking up the baseball bat, Tu Yan took out a hammer and dozens of nails from his air backpack.

He nailed all the nails on the baseball bat, turning it into a homemade "mace"!

Just as Tu Yan was holding the mace and preparing to go out to search for more supplies to survive in this apocalypse.

A female voice resounded throughout the entire Keli University.

"I, Terry Heerlen, am an elf. All the races nearby, come and submit to me!"

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