Tu Yan's mean tone and the rumbling sound of the Flame Hell motorcycle.

Still galloping nearby.

I have seen arrogant people, but I have never seen such arrogant people!

But under the precise and accurate command of 9527.

Every encounter that Tu Yan had with Tianshui Villa was a near miss.

During this period, Tu Yan also killed a higher-level mourning beast.

A ‘ding’ sound.

Tu Yan's warrior level has been raised again!

It is now level twenty-eight.

Able martial artist: Tu Yan

Level: LV28

Strength: 100

Speed: 40

Defense: 2

Attribute points: 5

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, the eye of the illustrated book.

Props: Space backpack, Desert Eagle.

After thinking about it for a while, Tu Yan decided to add these five attribute points to the defense value.

There is nothing wrong with not being afraid of death. But as Tu Yan's strength and speed began to take on a superhuman state.

His body gradually couldn't bear his own strength.

Maybe if he ran hard, the force of the air flow could make Tu Yan's skin break and bleed.

With a full punch, hitting an object, the feedback force could even kill Tu Yan on the spot!

Now we can only slightly increase the defense points.

Otherwise, he would die first before Tu Yan could start fighting.

After continuing to wander like this for a while, Tu Yan also felt that there were more and more zombies and beasts nearby, and they were getting stronger and stronger.

"I really have to thank Master Zhou."

"You are really evil." At this time, a voice came from the sky.

It turned out to be Margaret. She was flapping her wings and landing slowly.

"How? Has it been dealt with?"

"Well, the people of the Mesibon Alliance have already launched an all-out attack. Anyway, we just need to leave the large army of mourning beasts here."

"Then let's go. Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Tu Yan politely extended the invitation, but after a while, he regretted it.

"Okay, flying also requires physical strength."

Then Margaret also took over the motorcycle helmet and rode on with a quick stride.

She was also very familiar with it. She hugged Tu Yan's waist tightly with both hands, feeling the speed of the Yanjing motorcycle.

This was very painful for Tu Yan.

The last time I felt this turbulent feeling was when I was carrying Heerlen.

If it was a small river last time, then it is a vast ocean this time!

Tu Yan didn't expect Margaret to be so talented.

"Uh, sister, can you get so close?"

"Hey, little virgin?" After hearing this, Margaret went even further, leaning closer to Tu Yan's ear, and even blew a gentle breath into Tu Yan's ear.

"Hello, sit tight!"

Tu Yan's whole body felt like he was being shocked by electricity. He quickly tightened the accelerator and sped towards the southwest.

Margaret smiled.

He leaned his head on Tu Yan's back, turned around, and stared directly at the Twin Towers.

"Twelve generals of the mourning beasts, hehe, I will definitely defeat you this time!" Margaret said softly.

After a while, Tu Yan came to the southeast of Quan'an Mansion.

Mark and 9527 were already waiting for them in the small shop next to Quan'an Avenue.

"Mark, this is the leader of the Methbon Alliance, Margaret, a Flügel."

Tu Yan also introduced each other to both parties.

The two sides also had a preliminary understanding to facilitate the battle later.

"Margaret, what are the specific abilities of your Flügel? I need a general understanding before I can plan my tactics." 9527 said calmly from the side.

"Oh? Are you an artificial intelligence? A Flügel. It's a long-range one. The main thing is the magic that destroys the world. The shortcomings are melee combat and the other one is that the casting time is too long."

"Oh, I understand. Mark is a medical staff, a priest, and a doctor. If something happens to you during the battle, you can step back immediately and let Mark help you treat it."

"And the main force this time is Tu Yan."

"Oh?" Margaret couldn't help but become interested after hearing that the main force was Tu Yan.

"Yes, Margaret, I know your level is relatively high, but please believe that Tu Yan will be the savior!"

Hearing 9527 talk about himself like this, Tu Yan couldn't help but feel a little shy.

"Okay, no problem. Anyway, you were planning to kill the Twelve Generals, so I'll just follow your lead."

"Well, Margaret, remember, no matter what happens to Tu Yan, you don't have to go over to save him. You just need to take care of yourself."

"That's it for now, I wish you all a good start."

"What we say over there is that martial arts will be prosperous!" Mark said.

"I think about what the Flügels say, it seems like, God bless you," Margaret said with a smile.

Then Mark and Margaret looked at Tu Yan, their eyes full of curiosity, wanting to know what the human species meant.

"Um, then how about long live the long live? Or come on, come on? How about fuck daddy? Or Fighting?"

"Hehe. Forget it, then... we must come back alive. Let's go, everyone!"

go ahead! Twin Towers!

There is a small group of mourning beasts patrolling in front of the Twin Stars TV Tower.

Margaret flapped her wings and moved forward at super high speed, preparing to launch a sneak attack.

Tu Yan took out his sniper rifle and aimed at the head of one of them.


This gunshot started the charge of this battle that will be recorded in history!

One shot to the head, but failed to kill him!

The level of the mourning beasts around here is already very high, and Tu Yan can no longer let him chop melons and vegetables.

Mark also used the Desert Eagle as an assistant.

Margaret rushed forward and muttered a spell silently.

"Nine God-killing Styles—Demon-Slaying Armor!"

After becoming an ally with Tu Yan, Tu Yan generously gave him a set of 'full body armor'.

And this demon-slaying armor also covered Margaret's body, turning her directly into a 'Valkyrie'!

Both hands held two blazing knives burning with black flames.

The body is covered with angular black and red armor.

He took a closer step, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed at the mourning beast next to him!


Tu Yan's sniper rifle continued to provide remote assistance.

After a while, they cleared away the beasts in front of the TV tower.

keep going!

After entering the Twin Towers, they immediately came together.

To avoid being raided from nowhere.

"This is my first time coming to this TV tower. I feel a powerful force down there."

Margaret knelt down and touched the floor gently and said.

Suddenly, a black whirlwind blew up from the platform on the first floor.

An eerie voice came from inside.

"Ouch, rare visitor, rare visitor, orc species? Human species? Is there a Flügel Margaret? Hahahaha."

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