The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 84 Feiyan's Strength

"It's none of your business, why don't you come here quickly and die?"

Tu Yan took a deep breath and tried to adjust his breathing.

"Haha. No matter what your tricks are, I will kill you again!"

Fei Yan said angrily.

Then he was suspended in the air, and with a strong movement of his feet, he rushed towards Tu Yan.

After dying once, Tu Yan's attributes have been increased by 10%.

I could barely see Feiyan's movements clearly.

Of course, seeing clearly is one thing.

It's another thing to have that speed to react.

Tu Yan also had to take out the death chainsaw and wave it randomly in that direction.

"Too slow, too slow! Too weak, too weak!"

Fei Yan's sarcastic voice echoed from all directions around Tu Yan.

Like a tabby cat teasing a mouse.

Constantly jumping left and right, circling lightly with his claws.

But just don't give him a fatal blow!

Fei Yan was teasing Tu Yan right now!

The nails on his hands became sharp and long, and they continued to shine slightly.

Then he appeared on Tu Yan's right and scratched Tu Yan's body.

Then he flashed to Tu Yan's left side and continued to attack him.

Extremely disgusting.

Tu Yan only felt extremely painful all over his body.

It was a sour pain.

Fei Yan seemed to be torturing Tu Yan, but his attack only caused skin breakage and bleeding on Tu Yan's body.

It's not a fatal injury.

It's chilly and freezing cold.

And Fei Yan is also a master of using poison!

Tu Yan began to feel dizzy and numb.

Even Fei Yan, who was already very fast in front of him, appeared in a double shadow state!

"Damn it. Puff, cough, cough!"

Before Tu Yan could complain, he coughed violently.

I kept coughing up congestion and blood from my chest!

"Haha, Tu Yan, Tu Yan, I originally wanted you to die happily, but this time you will be in my poison and die slowly!"

After saying that, Fei Yan stopped what he was doing and even yawned.

He knelt down and looked at Tu Yan who was twitching all over with interest.

Tu Yan wanted to commit suicide directly at this moment!

Because it is too painful!

Death in previous battles had been swift.

But this time was different, he felt like all the internal organs in his body were burning!

It felt like there were hundreds of ants crawling around throughout my lungs!

Extremely itchy!

He had to keep coughing, trying to cough out the ants!

Even so, he didn't get better.

During several violent coughs, it seemed like the entire lungs were about to be coughed out!

There were several times when he wished he could commit suicide and be resurrected to avoid suffering such torture.

But if you commit suicide, the ‘death superposition’ cannot be triggered.

Unable to achieve optimal returns.

Thinking of this, Tu Yan still chose to continue to suffer such pain!

"Oh, that's good. Why don't you commit suicide? Haha, don't worry, no one can cure my poison. Death as soon as possible is the best solution."

At this moment, ‘biu’!

A low gunshot sounded.

Echoes throughout the underground square!

It turned out that Mark, who had been hiding on the fence upstairs, fired the shot!

He knew what the toxins on Fei Yan's body were all about based on his sense of taste alone.

It is a new type of virus that resides in the lungs of the human body. It is a poison that is difficult to take root in and can cause unimaginable torture to people!

Mark had no choice but to shoot quickly to help Tu Yan escape from the sea of ​​misery.

"So there's a little mouse there?" Fei Yan turned around and looked at Mark with squinted eyes.

Even with a silencer installed, the Desert Eagle's gunfire is still too recognizable.

Feiyan quickly found Mark's hiding place.

Mug Feiyan was so stunned that he took a few steps back, and his trembling body roared.

"Tu Yan! Come on!"

"You don't need to tell me! Death Chainsaw!"

Immortal! launch!

Death stacks up! launch!

After his resurrection, Tu Yan endured the shadows caused by the pain just now.

He picked up the death chainsaw and slashed horizontally at Fei Yan!

One hit!

Fei Yan's attention just now was entirely on Mark's side.

He couldn't even notice Tu Yan behind him.

The roar of the chainsaw was endless!

The sound of trying harder as if encountering difficulties turned into the solo of a chainsaw!

"Fei Yan! Go to hell!"

Tu Yan roared!

But there was a 'pop'!

Fei Yan stretched out her right hand and grabbed Tu Yan's head, squeezing it hard!

The brains and blood exploded!

Tu Yan was killed by a headshot!

"Fuck, what kind of creature are you?"

Seeing that Tu Yan was clearly poisoned by his own poison and shot to death with a pistol, he was still alive and kicking and continued to attack him.

It's all so incredible.

He began to wonder if Tu Yan was of human origin.

"Oh, no matter what your abilities are, no matter if you are human or not, if you get shot in the head like this, you will still die."

Fick looked disdainfully at the headless body lying on the ground.

"Death? Not necessarily."

Tu Yan was resurrected for the third time!

30% attribute improvement!

He quickly distanced himself from Fei Yan.

The stunned Fei Yan looked at Tu Yan in front of him in disbelief.

The headless corpse from just now was resurrected and had a new head?

"Tu Yan! How on earth could this happen! Are you immortal!"

Fick growled.

"It's none of your business, come and die quickly."

As Tu Yan retreated, he did not forget to place clay bombs on the ground.

He also took out five or six barrels of oil and placed them in front of him.

Then he took out his sniper rifle and aimed it at Fick.

"Haha. Hahahahahaha, Tu Yan, Tu Yan, you are so interesting. If you are really immortal, then congratulations, you can join our army of mourning beasts unconditionally."

"Although our Corps of Mourning Beasts will dissect you, it doesn't matter. As long as we figure out the 'secret of immortality', we won't treat you badly."

"What? Join us. As long as you are willing to join us, we can stop immediately. We don't want this earth, or we can let you rule the entire earth."

Fei Yan's attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees after he learned that Tu Yan could be resurrected.

The eyes he looked at Tu Yan were full of desire, longing, and dreams.

"Of course, it's okay, you can refuse, but I will definitely catch you alive! Hahahaha!"

Fei Yan's eyes were red, and she walked towards Tu Yan step by step!

The aura throughout the body is also gradually increasing, and it is like a wall of air appears in the air!

"To respect you, I decided to go all out!"

One step, another step!

Feiyan gradually changed back to her original form! Big black and red bat!

In human form, the strength of the twelve mourning beast generals is somewhat suppressed.

But after transforming back into their true form, the twelve generals will be invincible!


Feiyan passed by, and clay bombs exploded all the way, but there were no skin injuries!

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