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Lin, who was cleaning up the zombies outside, suddenly felt a tremor in her heart, as if something bad had happened. She immediately turned her head to look at the boiler room, and happened to see the scene of flames rising to the sky.

Through the glass window protected by iron railings, you can clearly see that the inside is red, as if the entire boiler room is filled with flames, leaving no room for anything.

Although it was only a moment, Yao Lin felt that it was as long as a lifetime, condensing all her tension, worry and fear together.

She felt that her heart was empty, and with this moment of flames, her world collapsed. With such a large-scale group attack, I'm afraid there is no safe place in the entire boiler room. That man went in and never came out, how could he escape?

""Husband!!!" Yao Lin shouted. How could she be in the mood to deal with these ordinary zombies? She subconsciously rushed to the boiler room door at a very fast speed.

At this moment, she almost used up all her strength, even the strength of eating, and rushed to the place where the fire had just burst out.

At this moment, she felt that nothing mattered. She just wanted to be by his side immediately, even if they turned into ashes together!

""Don't come in!!!" Just as Yao Lin rushed to the door and her hand was about to touch the door handle, a familiar shout suddenly came from inside.

Hearing this voice, Yao Lin's movements immediately froze, and she subconsciously froze her body.

This... is this his voice? He is not dead! He is still alive!

The sudden great sorrow and joy, this huge turn of events shocked her brain and almost made her numb. For a moment, she felt nothing in her heart. However, the tears that flowed subconsciously from her eyes and the natural and pure smile on her face symbolized the whole process of her heart from great sorrow to great joy.

Before she was overwhelmed by these two sudden changes, she was shocked. When they recovered from the shock of the mood, the door of the boiler room was immediately pushed open from the inside, and a dusty figure rushed out, hugged Yao Lin's body and quickly moved away from this place, and stopped in front of the car.

The door of the boiler room opened, and a roar of zombies came from inside.

When the ordinary zombies who were still approaching Wu Zihao and the others heard this sound, they suddenly seemed to feel fear, and even ignored the living blood food in front of them.

This is the power of the domain released by the third-level zombies. Wu Zihao and the others knew it, but it didn't matter anymore. For them, the most important thing now is the one in their arms.

"Why are you running over here when it's so dangerous? I said I won't be in this world, and there's no such thing as something that can kill me.……"Holding the person tightly in his arms, Hao subconsciously spoke, criticizing her

"Husband!"As if he would disappear in the next moment, Yao Lin also hugged Wu Zihao tightly, feeling the warm breath on his body.

The scene just now really scared her.

She was really afraid that he would be gone, no longer be able to accompany her, give her warmth and support, give her that feeling of home, no longer hear his ruffian voice, saying that he would make her proud of him, no longer feel his enthusiasm, giving her the ultimate pleasure of ascension.

She hugged him tightly, as if she wanted to squeeze him hard into her arms.

Only in this way could she really feel his existence, know that he was still alive and by her side.

If she felt that her world had collapsed and the most important part of her heart had been lost at the moment the fire burst out just now, and now holding him in her arms again, it was like her collapsed world instantly restored to its original state, even more brilliant than before, and the lost place in her heart was completely found.

Wu Zihao, who originally wanted to criticize her impulsive behavior just now, subconsciously stopped talking after hearing her affectionate call, and swallowed all the words that had not yet been uttered.

"Okay! Don't be afraid! I'm fine! It's okay, it's okay! I'm here……"

She must have been terrified just now, right? Worried that she couldn't get out, afraid that she would be killed.

She was worried about him, wasn't he worried about her too?

The moment he was engulfed by the flames just now, he had no room to escape, and could only flee back to the modern world in an instant to avoid such a large-scale attack.

Originally, he could stay in the modern world for a while longer. After all, this attack was different from the explosion that only lasted for a moment. This time it was a flame attack, and it was in the room. After a moment of explosion, the surrounding flammable items would be ignited, and the fire would still exist for a while.

Although it was no longer so lethal, it was no different from an ordinary fire. If it happened to an ordinary person, even if he didn't die, he would suffer some physical pain.

He could wait for the fire to weaken over time and then come back, but he couldn't this time.

Because Yao Lin was still outside.

Seeing the situation here, she would definitely be worried, afraid that she would die, and even rush in regardless of everything.

She was not like him who could travel between two worlds at any time. If she rushed in and was set on fire by the zombie again, she would definitely die.

So he couldn't stay in the real world for long. He had to go back immediately and make a sound to tell her outside that he was fine and alive, to stop her impulse.

Sure enough, the fire was still raging for only two seconds, but this would not have any effect on Wu Zihao, whose physical attributes far exceeded those of humans. He would only be smoked and covered in dirt at most.

The moment he rushed out of the door and saw Yao Lin, Wu Zihao secretly felt relieved and felt a little scared.

Fortunately, he came back early and made a sound in time, otherwise Yao Lin would rush in even if he was a second later. What if the hateful zombie inside set the fire again when she rushed in? He couldn't imagine it.

The two hugged each other tightly for a long time before Yao Lin reacted from the great sorrow and joy just now and calmed down the violent ups and downs in her heart.

Raising her head from Wu Zihao's arms, Yao Lin reacted and slapped Wu Zihao hard:"You bastard, can you not be so reckless every time? It was so dangerous just now! Do you know how scared I was just now?"_

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