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Xintong's mouth twitched when she heard this. She made a little fortune! She was planning to buy a car! Just from what she heard, this car must not be an ordinary car, otherwise people would not refuse the car provided by her company and specially let her follow him for consultation.

Judging from this, this little fortune is not an ordinary one.

Why does she always feel that this guy's voice is full of boasting?

"Hello? Miss Ye, are you listening?" No response was heard, Wu Zihao's voice came again,"If Miss Ye doesn't have time, I can wait a while!"

"Oh! No problem for me! Then where shall we meet later?"Ye Xintong hadn't thought of refusing. It was just a car. It wouldn't waste any time.

"Let's go to the intersection in front of the company. We'll meet there later!" Wu Zihao thought about it and decided to go to the intersection not far from Ye's.

This way, it would not be far from here, and it would also be convenient for Ye Xintong.

"OK, I'll get ready and be there soon.���Tong nodded in agreement

"Then I will be waiting for Miss Ye!"

After hanging up the phone, thinking about meeting the goddess later, Wu Zihao specially washed his hair and combed a cool hairstyle, although his face would look similar with any hairstyle.

More than half an hour later, Wu Zihao finally waited for Ye Xintong at the agreed intersection.

Because Wu Zihao said it was a private matter, Ye Xintong did not call Du Fu and the driver this time, but drove a white BMW alone.

Wu Zihao was not polite, and directly opened the door of the co-pilot and sat next to Ye Xintong.

After looking at the car, there was still work to do, so Ye Xintong still wore a fashionable OL suit, dressing herself noble and capable.

Maybe because she was out with him this time, Wu Zihao could see that Ye Xintong had put on some light makeup today, which showed a different style on her usually cold and unpainted face. Wu Zihao couldn't help but stay for a while when he saw this. She was indeed a goddess-level figure, and she was so beautiful no matter what image she was in.

Seeing Wu Zihao's dazed expression after seeing him, Ye Xintong couldn't help but feel a little proud in her heart. Of course, this was just an activity in her heart, and it would naturally not show on her face.

"Have you decided where to buy a car? Mr. Wu! Seeing Wu Zihao not speaking, Ye Xintong could not help but remind him.

"Ahem!" Wu Zihao also felt a little lost, and said,"It's because I don't know that I want to ask Miss Ye to follow me for advice! I don't know much about these things, so let Miss Ye do it!"

He was just a small security guard before, and he could only maintain a small dark room of a few square meters. How could he think about buying a car one day? He would not pay attention to which place in the city sells cars.

So now he wants to buy a car, but he has no direction.

Anyway, Ye Xintong is here, she knows everything, so just listen to her for the time being.

Ye Xintong twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, and continued to ask:"Okay! Then Mr. Wu, what price range of the car you want to buy?"

The price must be the more expensive and luxurious the better! We have plenty of money now, and we are definitely not short of money!

"Just do it at the highest level!" Wu Zihao said directly:"And Miss Ye, you don't have to call me Mr. Wu all the time in the future. It feels so strange. Just call me Zihao!"

Ye Xintong's face was slightly hot when she heard it, and then nodded silently, and whispered back:"Okay...Okay! In private, you can also call me Xintong directly!"

""Okay, Xintong!" Wu Zihao doesn't know what it means to be reserved. If you ask me to call you that, I will definitely not be polite!

"Xintong, do you have any good recommendations?"He really didn't know much about modern luxury cars. Ye Xintong didn't expect Wu Zihao to be so familiar with people. To be honest, no one except her parents and family had ever called her by that name.

Now, hearing Wu Zihao calling her Xintong, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

Without saying much, Ye Xintong stepped on the accelerator and drove Wu Zihao to the largest car dealership in Zhejiang City.

Ye Xintong didn't say much along the way, but Wu Zihao, probably because he finally had the opportunity to get along with her in private with equal status, Being alone with his goddess, and being thick-skinned, he kept finding topics to talk about along the way.

Ye Xintong was originally a quiet person, and she would be quite disgusted when others nag in her ear.

However, this time, for the first time, listening to Wu Zihao talking to himself in the car, she not only did not show an impatient expression, but even enjoyed it in her heart.

Well, it seems that she really has special feelings for him! Otherwise, he would not have repeatedly broken her usual likes and dislikes and habits, always making her have unexpected emotions and actions.

""We're here!" Ye Xintong spoke lightly, looking at the words"Feiteng Auto Store" in front of her.

When they arrived at the largest auto store in Zhejiang City, as soon as they entered the door, a special and polite shopping guide welcomed them in, and introduced the cars inside to them one by one with great eloquence.

It's not that they look down on Wu Zihao, but in anyone's opinion, a peerless beauty like Ye Xintong, who has an elegant temperament and extraordinary manners, is definitely the daughter of the upper class celebrities in the entire Zhejiang City, and she is the real owner of the car today.

And the guy next to him, although he is dressed in the same way, looking at his temperament and demeanor, especially his wretched appearance, he would never be associated with a rich boy.

It feels like a private car of a rich family. The machine is more in line with his position.

Of course, as a waiter of the largest car sales company in Zhehai City, he would not have the quality of looking down on others. No matter who he is to, he is polite in his manners, expressions, and even in his eyes, making people feel at home. What makes

Wu Zihao feel at home even more is the car models here who are wearing open clothes and have hot bodies. Although they are not really as beautiful as the legendary beauties, they are really pleasing to the eye.

It’s a pity that Ye Xintong is still there, and she will turn her head to look at him from time to time, so that he can’t enjoy the feast for the eyes more. However, through the subconscious mental induction, Wu Zihao is still a little solemn... Ahem, that’s not the case! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend, and share

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