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But although it sounds satisfactory, Wu Zihao will not agree so easily.

Who knows if the real situation is what they described?

He must go to the site for an on-site inspection.

Tao Qianqian has been staring at Wu Zihao's expression, and she knows that he is somewhat tempted. She quickly smiled more sweetly and said,"Sir, if you are sure that you like this villa, we can accompany you to see the house now!" Wu Zihao pondered for a moment, and finally turned to look at Ye Xintong:"What do you think?"

Ye Xintong nodded slightly, and was a little afraid to look at Wu Zihao's eyes, and whispered:"You make the decision, I have no objection!"

Such a low-browed and pleasing expression, like a homely little woman conquered by a man, but it appeared on the face of the ice queen Ye Xintong, which made Wu Zihao feel more accomplished.

""Okay, let's go and look at the house!" Wu Zihao made the decision immediately.

Tao Qianqian was beaming with joy. It was a big order of 180 million. If this deal was successful, she could earn more than one million in commission alone. After completing this order, she could even quit her job and never worry about her life again.

After greeting the company, Tao Qianqian led the two to the underground parking lot and came to one of the luxury cars specially prepared for accompanying big customers to look at houses.

Ye Xintong drove here this time, but she was not at all at ease with Wu Zihao and this Tao Qianqian being alone in a car. Anyway, they had to come back after looking at the house, so she got in with them.

The back seat of the car was very luxurious and spacious, and it didn't seem crowded at all with three people sitting in it.

Because they still had to discuss some specific content with him, Wu Zihao sat in the middle, and on the left was Ye Xintong, whose ears were a little blushing. On the right was Tao Qianqian with a charming smile on her face.

Although Ye Xintong had sat side by side with Wu Zihao before, she was driving at that time and Wu Zihao was sitting on the passenger seat, with a lot of space between them.

The car drove smoothly for more than half an hour and finally arrived at the destination.

When they arrived in front of the luxurious gate that Tao Qianqian mentioned, the driver in front handed over a magnetic card to prove his identity, and was allowed in after a strict inspection.

Wu Zihao used mental induction to explore and found that there were more than 20 security guards at the gate alone. All of them were tall and strong, and they were not the ones who only cared about money. With so many security guards with electric batons on their waists guarding, there was absolutely no problem in terms of safety.

Finally, they arrived at the destination, and everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

Tao Qianqian finally didn't have to endure the cold eyes of that cold beauty while being decent. The atmosphere was livening up, and at the same time, she was being fed dog food invisibly.

She could see that, among the two, the man was really interested in the beauty. Of course, any normal man would not be indifferent to such a beauty. What surprised her even more was that it seemed that the cold beauty was watching the man very closely, and sometimes she was even more nervous than the man.

This made her quite unable to understand the aesthetic point of view of this beauty.

The man's appearance, apart from being wretched, had no obvious features.

As for his temperament, it was either old-fashioned or flashy.

Women are all animals that focus on appearance, so why would she fall for such a man?

Even if the man was very rich, she wouldn't watch him so closely, right? The nervous look just now was definitely genuine.

Ye Xintong also breathed a sigh of relief. , finally, the three of us don’t have to be in such a small space for a while. It was so uncomfortable to be squeezed all the way.

Several people came to the luxurious manor mentioned by Tao Qianqian. After just a quick glance, Wu Zihao was attracted by the scene in front of him.

The high turquoise walls enclose a different world. The neat green lawns are matched with retro bluestone paths, and the lush small trees that pop up from time to time on both sides of the road add a sense of natural beauty of winding paths. Then going into the villa, the spacious and bright lobby and the magnificent chandeliers make the entire first floor look more luxurious.

Going up further, the handrails of the stairs have been carefully carved by people. They feel round and thick to the touch, and they are also beautiful.

Just seeing this, Wu Zihao was already quite satisfied. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP

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