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Wu Zihao turned a deaf ear to the screams behind him!

He was thinking about the information he had just obtained.

In fact, he could get a general idea of these things by just using the golden finger to guess and explore bit by bit.

But since there were prisoners, he was too lazy to waste those brain cells!

The golden finger could only answer a series of percentage data, and some more profound questions would only be left with question marks.

If he wanted to get accurate answers, he had to imagine it out of thin air and try them one by one. How could it be as simple as interrogating prisoners?

As long as he asked, everything the other party knew had to be spit out!

With the golden finger, he could test at any time, and the other party couldn't lie to him even if he wanted to!

Now that the other party had said all the useful information he could, it was of no value!

A person with not very healthy limbs was no different from a waste to him, and he didn't need to support a person who ate dry food!

Thinking of the so-called action plan of the other party just obtained, Wu Zihao showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. He had to���, the so-called plan of the other party is indeed simple and violent.

Just send a few waves of people to stand in front and wait, to ensure that there is no real danger, such as advanced zombies or other survivors!

As for the main target they want to deal with - themselves, they don't take them seriously at all!

In their eyes, I am just a young man with a bunch of women, and they can be dealt with in minutes!

Just by the fact that their Master Yao ordered that they can take action at will after seeing me and others, it can be seen!

It can be said that the reason why they sent a few waves of"scouts" here is actually to prevent other accidents, such as some powerful zombies nearby, or some armed forces of the same level, or even superiors passing by, all of which must be prevented.

You must know that their main purpose this time is the opponent's fresh vegetables. No matter who sees this thing, it is a coveted and priceless treasure!

They don't want the fat meat in their mouths to be taken away by outsiders.

Of course, another reason is that this place is inside the electromagnetic interference area. Although this place is also under the jurisdiction of their Pi family, they have always kept a distance from it.

There is not even a signal in this broken place, and the communication is completely cut off. Normally, no one is willing to go in, and they don’t know what is inside.

If the target location this time was not here, they would not even go in.

They are afraid of unknown things. Normally, who knows if a zombie that they can’t deal with will suddenly jump out of here?

They have to figure out all these and never move, otherwise there is a possibility of annihilation.

This is also an important reason why they sent several waves of forwards in advance.

Otherwise, they would just wait until the time comes and drive in with submachine guns and shoot them all!

It’s just a young man with a bunch of girls. Why should they be so cautious?

After going out for a simple rest, when they came back, they saw that the person had been beaten to a pulp by Zhou Min and several female soldiers. He was only hanging there with one breath. They deliberately didn’t let him die, and wanted to torture him a few more times.

"Okay, don't waste time on him. Get ready, the next wave of guests is coming!"Ignoring the groaning man on the ground, Wu Zihao said casually

"Yes! Boss!"This time Zhou Min did not hesitate any more, and stabbed with a dagger.

The decisiveness and cruel expression made it impossible to tell that this was her first time to kill someone!

It was because she was tortured so badly by those scumbags that an indelible strong hatred was buried in her heart, the kind of deep hatred for these beastly men.

This hatred completely offset the discomfort brought by killing. For her, she just killed not a human, but a beast, a scumbag, a beast who wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

Wu Zihao nodded secretly when he saw this. What he needed was such a courageous and ruthless subordinate, not a group of indecisive and timid waste.

In this world, what is believed in is the law of the jungle. It is completely meaningless to pursue romantic happiness like before the disaster and pretend to be a lady.

If you don't want to be bullied, your heart must be cruel and your means must be more vicious.!

Only when you are stronger and more ruthless than others will others be afraid of you and dare not treat you as a soft persimmon to squeeze you!

Zhou Min did a pretty good job on this point!

In the abandoned factory more than ten kilometers away, King Kong began to get restless.

From the beginning, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart has been lingering in his heart!

After sending people today, this feeling is particularly strong. Until now, there has been no news from the people sent out to fight in the front, and even the people from the Pi family gang have not sent back any news, so he became more nervous.

Looking at Master Yao who was still conquering the female slaves above, King Kong couldn't help but feel bitter!

If you haven't seen other people's skills with your own eyes, it seems that you will never understand how terrible they are!

Master Yao in front of him is an example. At what time, he actually has the leisure to play with women here?!

After thinking about it, he still stepped forward and said,"Master Yao... Master Yao, there is still no news from the people we sent out before. Do you think you can find out first?"

Yao Sanpao, who was enjoying himself, suddenly heard such a spoiling voice, and his face was immediately unhappy!

"Why are you in such a hurry? What time is it now? Maybe they have already met the guy named Zihao you mentioned, killed him and are on their way back!"

Jin Gang cursed in his heart when he heard this: The guy you sent is not as good as me! You want to kill Wu Zihao? This is not the way to do it even if you are daydreaming!

"Ahem! That Master Yao! Look, it’s already past eleven o’clock. Even if they really killed Wu Zihao, they should be back now, right?"

Yao Sanpao was stunned when he heard this:"It’s already past eleven o’clock? How come time flies so fast?""

Damn it, how many slave girls have you changed this morning? Don’t you have any idea?

Although each time is not long, you have a lot of halftime time!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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