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's not talk about anything else. Let's just say that they arrived nearby ten minutes ago and had already fired twice. Logically, the other party should have discovered them long ago, but why did they wait until now to react?

The other party wanted to escape, but why didn't they escape earlier or later, but had to wait until now to load the car? And they just happened to be seen by us?

The more they thought about it, the more strange it seemed, as if the other party deliberately wanted to lure them over.

However, it was too late to say anything now. The only thing in Mr. Yao's mind and eyes were the other party's baskets of fresh vegetables and the women who moved the vegetables. He didn't care about whether it was a trap or not!

Mr. Yao, who had been following behind before, now drove to the front with his eyes burning, as if he was afraid that others would steal the credit from him.

In Yao Sanpao's eyes, since there were no perverted zombies, he was already fearless!

As for whether it was a trap or not, the other party only had a few women and at most a stinky boy. What kind of waves could they make?

Under the absolute strength of their 100-man army, all conspiracies and tricks were useless!

When they rushed to 300 meters from the entrance of the community, they all clearly saw an off-road vehicle of the other side trying to come out, but when they saw their large army, they turned the car head and returned to the community in fear.

Yao Sanpao's eyes turned red when he saw this scene, and he hurriedly shouted loudly with the loudspeaker in the car:"That's the car! Those women are inside, and there are fresh vegetables. Go, take them down, the good things inside are ours!"

Before, only their Master Yao and the little brother who was on the lookout had seen the target, and they just followed orders and chased up!

However, now they saw the other side with their own eyes, and even saw the terrified expression of the little woman driving inside, how could they not be enthusiastic and excited!

It seemed that the terrified face of Zhou Min, who was driving, gave them courage, letting them know that the other side was also afraid, making them more confident to kill the other side.

Even the minions who originally belonged to the four small gangs and had seen Wu Zihao's skills were now controlled by strong confidence and greed, and rushed forward with crazy faces.

When they arrived at the gate of the community, except for the first few cars that drove in, the rest of the cars behind were piled up here and it was difficult to go in.

Seeing this, a group of impatient brothers abandoned their cars and rushed in on foot, their faces full of madness and greed!

However, when they chased to the depths of the community and saw the off-road vehicle, they found that the other party did not seem to be in a hurry to escape, and they were not even a little panicked. Instead, they had already set up weapons in advance and were waiting for them to come!

Yao Sanpao had sharp eyes. When he saw the opponent's weapons, his pupils shrank instantly. He immediately shouted loudly through the loudspeaker:"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

After shouting that sentence, he didn't care about these brothers and immediately took the lead to drive back to the gate of the community.

Because he was sure that there were no perverts before, he was fearless. The car that was originally behind was forcibly driven to the front by him and arrived at the gate of the community first. The only car that came in was the one in front, and his was one of them.

Originally, he came in with full confidence, thinking that they had everything under control, whether it was fresh vegetables or a few girls.

However, after seeing the weapons displayed by the other party, he immediately became scared and turned around and ran! He had to run!

The other party actually built simple fortifications in this place in advance and set up a fully automatic heavy machine gun! If he didn't run, the other party would shoot him with a burst of bullets, and he would have to die here.

He wanted to vomit blood in his heart. You know, there is only one such fully automatic heavy machine gun in their Pijia Gang, and it is used as a defense guarantee for the entire base.

And this is not what they got, but it was sent down by the people above.

There are only a few people on the other side, where did they get such a powerful thing?

It's incredible!

Yao Sanpao saw that the situation was not good and reacted quickly and ran first, but the rest of the brothers were not so lucky! They were already rushing crazy, and it was not easy to brake, let alone let them turn around and run?

Before they could react, Zhou Min had already pulled the trigger, and immediately a hail of bullets swept towards the other side.

The first few cars suddenly became empty frames. Under the heavy machine gun fire, not a single piece of intact glass remained. The people in the front passenger seat were shot into sieves because they did not dodge in time.

Even the brothers who ran over on foot from behind were hit by stray bullets and fell to the ground instantly! Those who were hit in the vital parts were killed directly, and some who were only slightly injured and scratched suddenly fell to the ground, but were trampled by the brothers behind them. They were breathing more than breathing.

Zhou Min still did not stop. The boss gave them an order today, each of them must kill at least five!

There are three sisters here, and they must kill twenty of them first!

On the other side, Wu Zihao finally started to act. Among the group of minions running in from the middle of the opponent, he used his extreme speed like a tiger into a flock of sheep, and with lightning speed, he took off the weapons on the opponent and put them into the storage space, and knocked them out one by one.

Yao Sanpao, who turned the car around and was running back, saw this scene just as he was about to step on the accelerator to speed up and escape.

Mr. Yao, who was usually so arrogant that he didn't take Wu Zihao, who was praised as a god by King Kong and others, seriously, was almost scared to death at this moment! He quickly turned the car around again and drove to the other side!

He remembered that there was a side door on the other side of the community. Although it was not big, it was big enough for driving.

He was really scared. He originally thought that King Kong and others were bragging. How could there be such a god in the world!

But after seeing it with his own eyes just now, he was really scared!

Just one person, in a moment, had knocked down more than a dozen people, and they couldn't even catch the afterimage of the other party. What frightened him even more was that the other party would take away the weapon of a person when he knocked him down, and when he looked again, there was nothing on the person's body! Where did all those weapons go? Could it be that the man ate them!

It was like seeing a ghost! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP

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