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Wanjiang didn't know whether Wu Zihao's words were sincere or just to comfort him, and he didn't dare to explore!

He just felt cold all over now. The weird things he encountered today were the nightmare of his life!

Even a few months ago, when he encountered the perverted zombies, he watched the brothers around him being torn to pieces and bitten by the other party one by one, but it was not as terrifying as the ten minutes without any blood today!

Although the evil star in front of him was a living person, he was more hideous and terrifying than the perverted zombie!

Wu Zihao ignored the other party's fear and continued to smile and said:"Don't be afraid, Boss Pi! If your superiors really ask, just tell the truth and tell them everything about our conversation today. I guarantee that you will be fine!"

Pi Wanjiang no longer cares about what will happen to him in the future. Anyway, he has already promised, and the crystal cores in his hand will be handed over soon, and there is no way to turn things around!

Listening to Wu Zihao's words, he just nodded subconsciously, not knowing how much he had heard!

Until Wu Zihao said,"Okay, the deal is done, it's time for me to see the goods, right? Boss Pi, where is your crystal core?"

"Uh~~ Uh? Oh!"Pi Wanjiang just reacted and quickly took Wu Zihao to his bedroom and opened the safe. There were more than 400 energy crystal cores lying inside, most of which were red, and there were only 20 to 30 orange ones!

This was the total of their Pijia Gang's spoils of war for nearly a month, plus all the crystal cores handed in by this small gang. They had to be handed over to the higher-ups in two days in exchange for next month's supplies, and they were all in here!

Looking at these energy crystal cores, they had to hand over all their efforts for a month to this evil star next to them. Pi Wanjiang's face suddenly flashed with a trace of pain.

Wu Zihao looked at the crystal cores in the safe. Even though he had some estimates in his heart, he could not... Seeing these is also a feast for the eyes!

Although the total amount of energy crystal cores he has absorbed now is almost equivalent to these! But if you really gather them together, it still looks quite spectacular!

It is indeed more interesting to rob such a big gang!

The ones he exchanged with those small gangs before, there were only a few dozen of them added up to 20 or 30, how can they be compared with these more than 400?

Of course, he was in a good time. There are only two days left before the Pi family helps deliver the goods to the upper level. These are their inventory for nearly a month, of course, different from the spoils of those small gangs for two or three days!

If Wu Zihao came a few days later, he would not be able to see so much!

"Don't feel bad! Boss Pi!" Wu Zihao took all the energy cores and said,"It's useless for you to keep these things anyway. It's much more economical to exchange them for vegetables!"

"Let me count for you, the red ones... um~~ are 389, and the orange ones are 36, which can be exchanged for 230.5 jin in total. I'll make it an even number for you, so I'll give you 131 jin! I've left it at the door, remember to pick it up later!"

Wu Zihao said as he reached the shadow and left a final sentence:"Look forward to our next cooperation!"

Then he disappeared in the next second, and no trace could be seen by the naked eye!

"Finally gone!" Seeing Wu Zihao's figure disappear in an instant, Pi Wanjiang finally breathed a sigh of relief!

However, before he could completely put his heart at ease, he suddenly heard that devilish voice again:"Uh~~ By the way! I almost forgot something!"

Pi Wanjiang was so scared that he almost jumped up. When he turned around, he found that the other party appeared in his sight again.

Hey my ancestors! Can't you just finish your words and leave? Why do you have to make such a fuss?

He complained in his heart, but he had to maintain a flattering smile on his face:"Uh? Grandpa Wu, is there anything else?"

Wu Zihao smiled and said,"Look at my memory. Now that we have reached a deal, we are partners! Since we are partners, how can we not even have contact information! Let's add a friend first!"

Speaking of this, Wu Zihao opened his personal terminal and waited for Pi Wanjiang to report his number.

Pi Wanjiang was really overwhelmed. He wanted to add me as a friend. Was he waiting for you to torture my spirit every day?

However, he couldn't refuse, so he had to pretend to be flattered and reported his personal terminal number reluctantly.

"All right! Now we are good friends, so that Yao Sanpao is of no use! I will kill him when I go back. I despise people who betray their own boss the most!" Wu Zihao spoke, his tone full of contempt and disdain for Yao Sanpao!

Pi Wanjiang was taken aback again, and felt a little sad in his heart!

Although he was angry that Yao Sanpao was timid and spineless, and revealed all his affairs, he was his confidant after all, and had been with him for such a long time!

But compared to his own life, brothers and confidants are not important!

So he was just stunned for a moment, and then he quickly agreed:"Yes! Grandpa Wu is right! Scum like Yao Sanpao who is greedy for life and afraid of death and betrays his brothers does not deserve to live in this world! Even if Grandpa Wu doesn't kill him, I, Pi Wanjiang, can't stand it! Thank you Grandpa Wu for cleaning up the mess for me!"

He said at the end with an indignant look, as if he was really heartbroken!

Yao Sanpao: Boss, do you feel guilty when you say these things? Don't say it's me, Yao Sanpao. If you met this devil, you would definitely be quicker than me!

"Don’t worry, Boss Pi! I will definitely not let that Yao Sanpao see tomorrow’s sunrise!" Wu Zihao said as he walked into the shadows again,"Well, Boss Pi, we are friends now, and we can contact each other through personal terminals for future cooperation!" As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace again!

Pi Wanjiang was more cautious this time, and after Wu Zihao disappeared, he looked around the house carefully, then went to the door, opened it and looked out, and finally made sure that the evil star had left, and the flattering smile on his face stopped!

"Is he really gone this time? This devil……"

"Hey, Boss Pi! I forgot one more thing!"Pi Wanjiang was only halfway through his muttering when he heard that ghostly voice again. He was so scared that his heart started twitching again, and even tears were already welling up in his eyes!

Ancestors! Can you not be so scary? It's easy to have heart problems!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, share

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