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Every praise for the Shuguang jewelry in front of the booth, every price increase by tourists, was like a knife cutting into their flesh and stepping on their hearts, making them feel a deep pain and extremely uncomfortable!

Thirty million?! The treasures of the four families combined are not as much as this! And the Ye family, who was almost driven to the bottom by themselves and others, can actually have such a high value for a set of jewelry!

You have to know that their treasures are carefully thought out by the top design team of their own company for several months, and they have been adjusted and modified again and again to reach the point of perfection that cannot be changed!

Even so, they were completely overshadowed by the small Ye family that was on the verge of bankruptcy. How could they accept that several of them combined were not as good as one of them?

Also, how did such a half-baked design team, whose talented people had been poached, design such perfect jewelry in front of them?

You have to know that this dawn, even their mortal enemies had to marvel at its perfection, and they couldn't find any flaws!

Even if all the designers of their four companies were added together, they might not be able to design such a beautiful work!

But this work suddenly appeared on Ye's booth, and they didn't notice it at all, and they were not mentally prepared at all!

Now think about it, Ye Xintong's words"let the product speak" are not a bluff? It is clear that she is waiting for this moment to make a splash!

And Du Fu, from the beginning, he was full of confidence and announced in a high-profile manner that Ye's work would be the best of the show!

This old thing is very cunning and never acts so impulsively. How could they ignore this?

Thinking about what they said before, all kinds of sarcasm about the master and servant in front of them, the four people now feel hot on their faces.

Now it seems that they were just like a few clowns who were directing and acting in a passionate performance, while they were really calm and didn't take them seriously at all!

This is undoubtedly the biggest irony for them! This is not the most important thing. Even if they are embarrassed and uncomfortable, there is no actual loss of interests. What they can't accept the most is that with today's Shuguang jewelry set, with this top-notch treasure that overwhelms the whole audience, Ye's will regain its reputation and take back part of the market that originally belonged to Ye's.

And on this basis, they will stand firm again. Then they will slowly recover their vitality and compete with them again!

The four of them have been jointly suppressing the nearly bankrupt Ye for a year, and there is a trend of resurgence!

They can't accept this at all!

You know, in order to completely drive Ye's to the bottom in the past year, they have spent too much manpower and material resources, and also used most of their favors, and finally reached today's point.

If Ye's finally turned the tables and stood firm again, then their cooperation and efforts for more than a year will be completely in vain!

In the end, Ye's is still Ye's, and they still can't eat this big cake.

And if they continue, they will face Ye's crazy counterattack!

After all, their joint suppression action aimed at completely destroying Ye's has already been regarded as a complete break with Ye's. They have offended everyone they can, and there is no room for easing. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if they don't shake the foundation, they will be injured!

What's more hateful is that now they can only watch all this, watching the Shuguang jewelry in front of them sell at a sky-high price, watching the fame of Ye's spread throughout the jewelry exhibition, and even spread all over the country.

Watching them rise again step by step, reviving from the ashes!

They hate it so much, so unwilling, but they can only watch like this, there is nothing they can do!

This feeling makes them feel suffocated, as if there is a bloating in the chest that they can't swallow, and they can't vomit it out, so they can only lie there, irritating them. The cheers on the stage are almost no less than an auction, and even some people who are not short of money have raised the price to 50 million!

However, Du Fu's next words stopped everyone from bidding:"Everyone! Dear friends, please listen to me!"

Finally calming down the crazy people temporarily, Du Fu secretly wiped his sweat, it was really enough for me, an old man, to choke! But it was worth it to see Ye's works achieve such results.

Du Fu cleared his throat and said loudly:"Don't worry, dear friends, everyone must be wondering why our set of Shuguang has no price tag, and there is no label of not for sale, right? Let me tell you the answer now!" After hearing what Du Fu said, the crowd in front of the booth finally stopped making noise. Although there was still a lot of movement, it was much quieter than before. They all wanted to hear the reason why this set of jewelry had no price tag.

Du Fu took a breath and continued:"Dear friends, the reason why our set of Shuguang jewelry has no price tag is because it is not sold at this jewelry exhibition. It is just for everyone to appreciate first!"

Du Fu's words, the corner of the exhibition that had originally quieted down suddenly boiled again, filled with countless dissatisfied voices:

"Shit! Are you kidding me? Why are you putting this up there if you don't sell it? Are you trying to fool us?"

"That's right! If you don't want to sell it, you should put a label saying it's not for sale in advance! We were so disappointed!"

"Are you kidding me? I've already raised the money, and you're telling me this thing isn't for sale?"


Most of these are from the wealthy people who bid before. They really like this set of jewelry and want to own it all. Even if they don’t wear it, they can just put it in the collection room and take it out from time to time to look at it!

Of course, most tourists don’t react so strongly, because it doesn’t matter to them whether this thing is sold or not, and they can’t afford such a high price.

They just regret that they don’t know how much such perfect jewelry is worth in the end, and how much it can be sold for!

"Dear friends, please be patient!" Du Fu continued to explain:"I haven't finished what I just said!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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