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"Boss, have they been scared away by us?" The younger brother beside him said flatteringly, holding a pistol.

Shang Xitian scratched the back of his head. In fact, he really hoped that the other party was still here, at least he could get some supplies.

"Search the surroundings carefully and find the Wu who dared to steal our goods."Shang Xitian ordered the younger brother.

Upon hearing the order, the younger brother also took action and began to order others to search the situation outside the villa and report immediately if they found anything. After the younger brother finished everything, he hurried to Shang Xitian's side and bowed his head and said,"Boss, I have arranged it."

"Then why are you still standing here? Why don't you go find someone? Do you want me to follow you?"

Shang Xitian was impatient with his empty-handedness and kicked his little brother on the buttocks, cursing:

"OK, OK, I'll go right away."The younger brother rolled and crawled out

"Wu Zihao, you'd better not be found by me, or I will let you know what strength is!" Shang Xitian was sitting on the sofa in the hall of the villa, cursing.

When he came here, he always thought that he would definitely catch a turtle in a jar this time, but now he hasn't even seen the other party's hair.

Moreover, in three days, he will hand over the crystal core to his superiors. Without Pi Wanjiang, the materials he can get will be reduced accordingly, and it will be difficult to explain to the superiors.

Wu Zihao must be found. The technology hidden in him will definitely allow him to be promoted to a senior member of the organization, Shang Xitian thought to himself.

Now he has regarded Wu Zihao as his own thing. As long as he finds him, he will definitely be able to deal with it. After all, he also understands the other party's strength, otherwise he would not be so high-profile, and the first team is full of elites.

But Shang Xitian didn't know that all his movements were being observed by Wu Zihao, especially when he assigned people out and only left a few confidants.

Yao Lin saw more than a dozen people walk out of the villa into the yard, get on armored vehicles, and begin to disperse in all directions.

""Honey, is the other party's boss stupid? He actually sent all the people out. Isn't he afraid that we will take care of them?" Yao Lin said.

Wu Zihao's mouth curled up slightly. He originally wanted to stay out of the spotlight, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually send all the people out. Isn't this giving himself a chance?

"It seems that the other party recognizes my strength!"Wu Zihao said to Yao Lin with a smile.

Wu Zihao would certainly not let go of such a good opportunity. It was just right to meet this area manager.

"I will go and talk to them later, you guys go to the parking lot and wait for me to come back," Wu Zihao ordered.

Yao Lin nodded and whispered to Wu Zihao,"You have to be careful!" They walked downstairs together, and after watching the three people leave, Wu Zihao flashed and ran towards the villa.

A distance of several hundred meters was only a matter of seconds for Wu Zihao.

He had just asked the golden finger, and he was 100% able to retreat.

Now there were only Shang Xitian and his belly in the villa, and everyone else went to look for Wu Zihao.

"Boss, I don't think this is a good idea. After all, we are in the open while others are in the dark. If they come back, it will be difficult for us." Xin, who was standing next to him, said worriedly.

"Do you think Wu Zihao will come back? Besides, I have a treasure on me. You know, even the branch boss can't escape this laser beam."

"But what if it is really as Pi Wanjiang said?"

Shang Xitian laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Do you think Pi Wanjiang will tell the truth? He just wants to find an excuse for the lost crystal."

After hearing this analysis, the confidant also felt that it made sense. Since Wu Zihao had that kind of strength, why did he give Pi Wanjiang vegetables?

Even if he wanted to give him some unimportant food, how could he trade such an important food as vegetables?

"If that Wu Lao Bie dares to come back, I will definitely skin him alive and drink his blood."

The sturdy man standing on the other side licked his lips bloodthirstily.

"You should......"Shang Xitian was about to speak when he felt a stream of warm liquid splashing on his face.


The muffled sound brought Shang Xitian back to his senses and he quickly pulled out the dark blue pistol from his waist.

""Who is it? Who is it?" Shang Xitian shouted.

Another confidant also looked around vigilantly. He didn't expect that the big man was suddenly wiped on the head.

The key point is that there was no human figure in the whole hall. This is the most terrifying thing.

"Didn't you just talk about me? Why are you scared now?"Wu Zihao saw the blue pistol in Shang Xitian's hand and did not show up immediately.

"Can I dodge the laser gun?"


This probability forced Wu Zihao to be careful. He didn't want to risk his life for something he was not sure of.

"Are you Wu Zihao?"Shang Xitian had never expected that the other party would actually show up. It was totally beyond his expectation.

He now knew that he had underestimated the other party's strength. At least when Da Zhuang fell down just now, he didn't feel anything at all. If the blood hadn't sprayed on his face, he wouldn't even have noticed.

Although he was holding a laser gun in his hand, he didn't feel safe at all. The other party was really the same as Pi Wanjiang said. The confidant on the side slowly approached Shang Xitian, carefully guarding the surroundings.

"Boss, be careful. We cannot handle the opponent's strength."

"Of course it's me, who else do you think it is!" Wu Zihao's voice echoed throughout the room.

He was able to succeed in his sneak attack just now because the other party was completely unprepared. Now it's different, especially with the laser gun, he is still a little afraid.

At this time, Shang Xitian suppressed his fear and shouted:"Are you coming back to die?"

"If you don't want to die, put down the gun in your hand now, otherwise you will die ugly later." Wu Zihao's voice was very clear in Shang Xitian's ears. The two people standing in the hall looked at each other, but at this moment, Wu Zihao moved.

He had actually been hiding not far away. With Wu Zihao's current physical fitness, he could disarm Shang Xitian in an instant.

When Shang Xitian turned his head, he glanced at a face out of the corner of his eye. Even a tough guy like him was shocked. When did this person appear next to him? The well-dressed confidant on the side also noticed Wu Zihao, but he didn't dare to shoot now. The distance between the two was too close. He was not sure that he could kill the other party without hurting Shang Xitian.


Wu Zihao grabbed Shang Xitian's hand, raised his foot and kicked him away, and a powerful force burst out instantly._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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