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Zhiyong and others stood behind Wu Zihao like bodyguards, looking at Aqiang fiercely.

If it weren't for Aqiang, they wouldn't have been beaten into pigs. They must stay quiet during this period.

If they go out like this, their reputation in the underworld will be completely lost.

Wu Zihao understood everything, stood up, clapped his hands, and now he was waiting for the auction to stir up a bloody storm and make the four old bastards seriously injured.


"Brother, can we do whatever we want with this man?" The man with the pointed chin and monkey cheeks rubbed his hands excitedly. Putting away his phone, Wu Zihao saw the golden light in the other party's eyes and said,"Don't give me any scars, you can do whatever you want with the rest." Hearing Wu Zihao's words, A Qiang hurriedly said,"Brother, I have told you everything, you should let me go!"

A Qiang's words instantly made Wu Zihao laugh.

"If I let you go, how will I deal with those four old men tomorrow? You are my treasure now. Don't worry, they won't eat you. They will only talk to you about life and ideals."Wu Zihao said with a smile

"Big brother, big brother you can't treat me like this, otherwise Fatty Jin will skin me alive!" Ah Qiang wished he was free now so that he could hug the other party's thigh and beg for mercy.

But Wu Zihao ignored him and slowly walked to the office beside the basement to take a rest first, and then give the four old immortals a fatal blow.

After Wu Zihao left, Brother Ma walked directly to his side and said with a smile:"You kid actually dared to hit on my brother, you really think you have lived too long!"

"This is not the key point. You actually ran into us. Are you mentally ill?" The man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks also walked over.

"" Brothers, why are you still talking nonsense? Let's start the torture." Yu Zhiyong shouted.

Suddenly, bursts of laughter came from the whole basement. The office had no sound insulation at all, so Wu Zihao, who was lying inside, could hear it clearly.

Wu Zihao shouted,"Can you be more careful? I still need to rest!"

The man with a pointed chin and monkey cheeks was frightened by Wu Zihao's shout. He retracted his neck and said quickly,"Okay, don't worry, brother, there won't be any more noise!"

"Take off your socks and cover his mouth."Ma Ge said fiercely.

The other two nodded. Yu Zhiyong took off his socks directly, and the man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks picked up the socks thrown beside him.

"Don't come over here, don't pass by." Ah Qiang didn't want to keep stuffing his mouth with smelly socks. No one could stand the smell.

But now he didn't even have a chance to resist. His mouth was stuffed with socks.

"Come on, let's start the torture." Ma Ge Xiao Shen said.

Since Wu Zihao said that he couldn't let him get hurt, the best way is tickling. Don't underestimate this. You should know that in ancient times, people could be laughed to death.

Laughing makes you exhausted. Even if you don't want to laugh, your physiological reaction will make your voice constantly alert. As long as you are slightly moved, you will continue to laugh. Then you will find that the person being executed exhales more and inhales less, and finally suffocates to death by laughing.

Although they can't do anything to Aqiang, they can't let go of the mental torture.

Three big men kept tickling Aqiang's feet with a few feathers. The other party had a sock stuffed in his mouth. It turned out to be It was difficult to breathe, and when she smiled, her whole face turned red.

At six in the morning, at No. 98 Jiangdu Garden, Aqiang's wife turned over, but found no one around her. She quickly got up, found the phone and dialed it.

But there was only a prompt tone, and no one answered the call. This made Aqiang's wife panic instantly, and she began to look for him in the villa, but after looking around, she didn't find Aqiang at all.

Why is he gone? Didn't he say that he had something important to do at ten o'clock today?

And at this time, it is impossible for him to go out. Did he meet an enemy?

Many questions were hanging in Aqiang's wife's mind, but after thinking about it, she still had no clues.

"Nothing should happen. Forget it. He hasn't told me about his affairs. Let's wait until he comes back."

Time passed slowly. There was still more than an hour before the auction started, and Ye Xintong was getting more and more anxious.

Although Wu Zihao had guaranteed her, she didn't get a definite answer to this matter after all. She rested all night in fear.

In comparison, Du Fu on the side seemed to be fine and was not worried at all."Miss, the auction is about to start. Let's go!"

Ye Xintong took out her mobile phone and made a call, but found that Wu Zihao's phone was turned off.

"Uncle Du, there is no news about Pride yet. What should we do if we can't produce Shuguang at the auction?"Ye Xintong was no longer as calm as before.

Du Fu smiled and said,"Miss, don't worry, you don't know how Mr. Wu does things! He only does things that are sure!"

"Although I know this, it concerns the company!"Ye Xintong rubbed her temple and said

"Don't worry, we'll go to the ranking venue first." Du Fu opened the car door after he finished speaking, and then walked to the driver's seat and drove to the convention center.

On the other side, Wu Zihao was already ready, and took Aqiang, who was still sleeping, and Yu Zhiyong to the convention center.

Aqiang almost died of laughter several times yesterday, but Yu Zhiyong and the others grasped the right degree and let him rest.

It can be said that this night is unforgettable for Aqiang, and he finally knows what it means to be worse than death. Sometimes I really feel that physical pain is nothing, and mental pain is the most terrible.

""Brother, where are we going?" Ah Qiang asked curiously.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just sit in your car." Yu Zhiyong said harshly from the passenger seat.

Wu Zihao said,"How can you talk to our guests?"

"I want to take you to see the world this time. I wonder what you think about the auction?"

Hearing this, Aqiang was shocked. This is taking me to die!

""Brother, can you not go to the auction?" Ah Qiang said in a tearful voice. Wu Zihao asked,"Why? Have you seen the auction scene?""

"Yes, yes, so you don't have to take me there."

"That's great, I haven't seen it before, you can introduce it to me when you go over." Wu Zihao said with a smile._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Flylu Novel APP

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