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""What are you doing here now!" Jinfafu shouted at Aqiang. He was completely out of control now. After Aqiang came out, all his lies would be exposed.

But Yu Zhiyong came over, snatched Jinfafu's microphone, kicked him directly, and made him fall on his back.

""Hello!" Yu Zhiyong tried the microphone and found that he could speak, so he said:"Don't worry, everyone. I am a brave warrior. I found this Aqiang. He has some criminal information about Jin Fafu. I will ask him to tell me one by one."

In fact, before coming to the auction, Wu Zihao had already contacted the police. When the other party heard that it was related to Shuguang, they quickly notified the director Jiang Wenlu.

After Jiang Wenlu got the news, he immediately dispatched all the police forces still in the bureau. However, they did not take the action in the police car, but took a private car to the auction site, and they were already in place.

"Director, shall we take action now?" asked Cao Cunzhi, the leader of the action team.

"Wait a little longer, Jin Fafu is already in your hands, he can't run away." Jiang Wenlu said into the headset.

On the stage, after Yu Zhiyong finished his introduction, he directly handed the microphone to A Qiang, who had been keeping his head down, and asked him to explain some things about Jin Fafu.

This was the information he got when he punished the other party yesterday. He talked to Wu Zihao in the morning, and it led to the current situation.

A Qiang lowered his head and timidly took the microphone. Jin Fafu, who was sitting on the ground, saw the other party's actions, and his eyes simply wanted to kill the other party directly. He also regretted very much in his heart. Why did he leave all those things to this ungrateful wolf!

""If you dare to say that, your family members will have no chance of survival!" Jinfafu said coldly.

Hearing this, Aqiang trembled. He knew Jinfafu's methods and would really do such a thing.

"Now it's your turn to speak, sit down properly!" Wu Zihao kicked Jin Fafu, who was sitting on the ground, to the ground.

"Ah!!!" Yu Zhiyong didn't control the strength of this kick, which hurt Jinfafu.

However, no one present felt sorry for him, and some even felt relieved by this kick. Although they couldn't say they were noble, stealing Shuguang had already disgusted many people.

"Tell me, if he dares to threaten you again, I will continue to beat him, and then we will see if he can get out of here!" Yu Zhiyong said domineeringly.

After all, he has been in the underworld, and once he released his upper embryo aura, Jin Fafu would shut up directly. He didn't want to torture him physically again.

A Qiang held the microphone, but he didn't dare to move, especially when he saw Jin Fafu's eyes, he didn't dare to move at all, and hid beside Yu Zhiyong.

Yu Yong was very unhappy to see the other party's cowardly look. He kicked the other party's butt and said,"You are still afraid of him, I tell you that the whole venue is full of police now, and the fat man will be taken away next. By then, there will be endless investigations. Do you still think there is time to trouble you?"

Hearing this, A Qiang took a deep breath. You have to know that there are desperate criminals around him. If he is unhappy for a while, he may encounter more troubles.

"I am Jin Fafu's secretary. He has a lot of evidence of his crimes in my hands. And he assigned me to steal Shuguang this time. If he can be punished, get a reduced sentence and protect my family, I am willing to cooperate with the police investigation."After Ah Qiang finished speaking, his back was straight.

Now not only Jin Fafu felt desperate, Sun Changyao also collapsed in the chair, unable to muster any strength.

As for General Manager Chang and General Manager Su, they quickly stood up and shouted:"Although we participated in this incident, I really don't know anything else. I hope everyone will have a clear eye."

"Yes, otherwise, if we were deceived by a double-faced person like us, we would also cooperate with the police investigation."Su said.

Damn, this is a classic example of betrayal on the spot. As soon as something happens, they will push the matter clean. Many people also understand the behavior of Su and Chang. They are also considered tycoons in the jewelry industry in Zhejiang City. Naturally, they will not let their companies go bankrupt for Jinfa Fu.

""Act, arrest all those who participated in the theft of Shuguang, and contact the Ministry of Justice to have them start investigating these four companies to see if they have any illegal behavior." Jiang Wenlu gave an order.

In an instant, more than a dozen people rushed forward and handcuffed Jinfafu and the other three. Ah Qiang was a tainted witness and whistleblower, and was protected by the police so he was not handcuffed.

Yu Zhiyong was the focus of the whole audience. In the eyes of others, he was a hero, a hero who found Shuguang.

Ye Xintong, who was sitting in the audience, was now looking for Wu Zihao. He was the real hero. He not only found Shuguang jewelry, but also saved the Ye Group. The most important thing was to arrest Jinfafu.

Du Fu stood beside Ye Xintong and said with emotion:"It seems that I have to report to the master and let you marry Mr. Wu as soon as possible. It can be said that he is now a lucky general of our Ye Group."

Hearing Gao Dufu's words, Ye Xintong's face turned red. She also felt that her previous decision was very correct. If it weren't for Wu Zihao, the Ye Jewelry Group might not have lasted long and would have gone bankrupt!

Ye Xintong said shyly:"Uncle Du, what are you talking about!"

"Miss, you must not let Mr. Wu go. We still need him for our future development!"Du Fu said very seriously.

���I know this, but if you want to get married, you also need the other party's consent!" Ye Xintong grabbed the corner of her clothes and said in a low voice.

At this time, Wu Zihao returned to the venue and saw Ye Xintong's appearance. He asked curiously:"What happened? It can make the ice goddess blush so much. Did she see a handsome guy?"

"Yes, seeing a handsome guy makes my heart beat!" Seeing Wu Zihao appear, Ye Xintong rushed directly to him, buried in his chest, feeling the warmth of the moment.

Wu Zihao also hugged him and said,"That boy, he actually dared to hit on my woman, Wu Zihao, don't you want to live!"

That look made Ye Xintong, who was hiding in his arms, laugh,"Silly, of course that handsome guy is you!"

Scratching the other's nose, Wu Zihao asked,"I wonder if you are satisfied with the show just now."_

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