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Wu Zihao also fell asleep quickly. He had been lying on the sofa all night yesterday and did not get enough rest. Now that he touched the warm bed, of course he fell asleep directly. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Zihao woke up slowly. Seeing that Ye Xintong was still asleep, he did not disturb her, but put her steadily on the bed, then got up and shook his left hand which was a little sore.

"Let's go buy some food first, and then go to the end of the world tonight. There shouldn't be any big things happening recently, but the problem of labor has not been solved yet. At least the problem of shelters should be solved first!"Wu Zihao made up his mind and went downstairs to drive to the vegetable market.

It was evening time, and there were still a lot of people in the vegetable market. Some housewives came out to buy vegetables and prepare dinner.

Looking at the crowded vegetable market, Wu Zihao shook his head helplessly, quickly swept around, bought all the things he wanted to buy, and then drove back to his residence.

When he returned to the room, Ye Xintong also woke up and was sitting in the living room waiting for Wu Zihao to come back.

Seeing the door open, Ye Xintong stood up happily, and saw Wu Zihao holding vegetables in his hand, so she said,"I thought you were going somewhere, but it turned out that you were going to buy vegetables!" Seeing the other party's happy look, Wu Zihao freed one hand, took the other party's hand and said,"Isn't this what I want to know about my wife's cooking skills!"

Hearing this, Ye Xintong blushed. She had never learned to cook, so she naturally didn't dare to agree.

"How about we go out to eat tonight!" Ye Xintong said in a low voice.

Seeing the other person like this, Wu Zihao also smiled. After all, Ye Xintong was the chairman of a large group, so where would she have time to learn how to cook? So he understood. After eating out, the two returned to the room and stayed together for a while. Ye Xintong reluctantly separated from Wu Zihao and sat in the car, looking back from time to time.

""Miss, I have already told the master about what happened between you two. He seems to be very interested in Master Wu. If you have time, take him there!" Du Fu said with some helplessness, shaking his head.

You know, Ye Xintong was named the Ice Queen of Zhehai City, but now she is still defeated by Wu Zihao. But if she were also a girl, she would also like this kind of person!

The other party can indeed bring a great sense of security. After a series of events recently, if it weren't for Wu Zihao, they don't know how they would survive.

After receiving this news, Ye Xintong nodded and said,"I'll find a time to tell Zihao."

Back in the room, Wu Zihao threw all the food into the space, touched his chest and came to the end of the world.

In the single-family villa of Changyun Villa, Bai Su and Yao Lin were chatting, and suddenly heard a noise in Wu Zihao's room. They hurriedly stood up and walked into the room.

""Hubby, you're back!" Yao Wu Zihao said happily.

Bai Suyun on the other side also couldn't hide her happiness after seeing Wu Zihao.

"Well, is there any movement over there?" Wu Zihao asked.

Yao Lin shook her head and said:"The people I sent out didn't find anything unusual, but the other side was too quiet. I think something big must have happened.

"Then I want to see what the other party is capable of. Let the first team take a good rest during this period, and we will surprise the other party."Wu Zihao said.

He planned to find Pi Wanjiang to learn about the other party's situation first, so that he could find out the other party's bottom line.

Bai Suyun did not participate in this matter. After all, she was just a hacker and could not make any comments on these battles. However, she made very good progress on the matter of the gene lock.

""Honey, I have something to tell you. I have made a great breakthrough in cracking laser weapons. I should be able to develop a software in about ten days. When the time comes, you can crack it with it!"

This news did surprise Wu Zihao. He originally thought it would take a month to solve the problem, but he didn't expect Bai Suyun to develop the software so quickly.

"Really? That's great."Wu Zihao said happily when he heard this.

This news is undoubtedly very useful. In this way, even if he gets a laser weapon in the future, he can use it directly without bringing it back for Bai Suyun to deal with. This can be said to be a good way to enhance combat effectiveness.

"Well, if there are no other problems, it will be completed on time."Bai Suyun nodded and said.

This is indeed very good news. In the end times, if you don't have strong strength, how can you survive? There is no such thing.

After understanding the situation here, Wu Zihao came to Lu Ting's room and found that she was staring at the ceiling blankly and didn't notice that he came in.

"What are you thinking about?" Wu Zihao asked with a smile.

Hearing this voice, Lu Ting quickly looked up, with tears in her eyes, and threw herself into Wu Zihao's arms, sobbing and saying,"I miss home a little, I don't know what happened to my parents!"

Seeing the other party's petite voice trembling constantly, Wu Zihao's heart was also ached, but what else could he do in this doomsday? Surviving is the best.

Gently stroking the other party's head, Wu Zihao whispered,"If there is a chance, I will take you back to find it!"

"No, I'd feel even worse if I saw they were zombies!" Lu Ting wiped her tears and said to Wu Zihao

"Then I will stay with you tonight and not go back!" Wu Zihao said while hugging Lu Ting and lying on the bed.


Lu Ting felt the warmth coming from the other's chest, and the pain of missing her family gradually subsided.

After ten minutes, she found that the other party was breathing evenly in her arms. Wu Zihao knew that she had fallen asleep, so he fell asleep too.

He planned to find Pi Wanjiang tomorrow to see if he could control Shang Xitian.

In the gold-making group base, everyone was on guard, and there was another tall and thin man sitting in Shang Xitian's office.

This person was the second in command of the gold-making base, and Hou Shanliang fell into deep thought._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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