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Wanjiang, who was walking behind, said helplessly:"Boss Wu, if we let them all go, I'm afraid those brothers will..."

Before he could finish his words, Wu Zihao said directly:"Since they can't adapt to the rules I set, then there is no need for them to stay here. Let them go according to the rules you set!"

Seeing Wu Zihao's attitude, Pi Wanjiang shut his mouth wisely. He didn't want to offend people on both sides, otherwise he would really have no place to stand in this doomsday.

Pi Wanjiang did not follow Wu Zihao back to the office, but started to do what he ordered.

Although these people were reluctant, they could naturally tell which was more important, a female slave or their life. They would not lose their lives for a moment of pleasure. That was what only idiots would do.

"Do you think this Demon King Wu is mentally ill? He actually asked us to release all the female slaves that we captured with so much effort!"

"That being said, I think Wu Mowang did nothing wrong."

"That’s right, then you’ll know how hard it is!"

"Yes, yes, without these slave girls, how can we get through the long dark nights?"

"But do you think that if we go to Hou Shanliang's place, the situation will be better than here?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent. After all, the other party looked down on them. Even if they surrendered to him, they would definitely do the worst jobs and would probably not live as freely as they do now.

These people stopped talking and honestly followed Wu Zihao's instructions to load all the female slaves into the car. Now their bosses were all hanging out with the other party's men, and they didn't want to lose such a good shelter.

In the office, Wu Zihao took out the food stored in the system space, leaving enough for one hundred and fifty people to eat for one day, and then left two hundred cans of canned food. After all, he had just recaptured the other party and confiscated the other party's entertainment methods. If he didn't compensate from another aspect, he was afraid that it would be difficult to convince the public.

After doing all this, he sat on a chair and waited for Pi Wanjiang to come in.

When Pi Wanjiang saw this scene, he almost dropped his jaw in shock. This was a room full of meat and vegetables, as well as rice and canned food. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Boss Wu, these things..."

Pi Wanjiang's voice was trembling again. Even the leader of the Shadow Organization would be jealous of these things!

Seeing the other party's excitement, Wu Zihao was not surprised and said slowly:"These things are for brothers to replenish their energy first. I will come to investigate tomorrow. If you dare to embezzle them, I will definitely show you your color. By the way, there is your management fee for this month in the drawer."

Pi Wanjiang, who had reacted, was very happy. I followed the right person, and I followed the team. Fortunately, I didn't fight to the death with the other party, otherwise we would definitely die. Eat these foods for a while.

Wu Zihao continued:"This is a meal. Don't guarantee it for me. All of them will be consumed within one day. I will continue to send food tomorrow, and I want everyone's mental outlook to be similar to that of a soldier."

He also took out his own set of tactics in the army to rectify the atmosphere of the Pi Family Gang. No matter what, they can't continue like this, otherwise they will be scattered and fly away.

Hearing this, Pi Wanjiang nodded. Wu Zihao said so, and he dared not disobey.

In his heart, Wu Zihao is now his breadwinner, the one who feeds him, and he only needs to do things according to his requirements.

"Also, always pay attention to the situation over there. If you need to go to the original villa to find someone, I will tell someone to stay there."After Wu Zihao finished speaking, he left the office and walked downstairs.

Everyone he met along the way greeted him cautiously, and some of the more timid ones didn't even dare to raise their heads.

The female slaves had all gotten on the car. After using the golden finger to confirm that the other party had no hidden things, he walked out of the villa door and came to the yard. Seeing two large trucks of female slaves, Wu Zihao was a little helpless and had to point three people to let them go with him.

"Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and get on the car."Pi Wanjiang patted the three people who were standing there in a daze and said.

The three people reacted and got in the car quickly. They drove to the place where Wu Zihao parked the car, and then followed the car to the villa area.

Half an hour later, Wu Zihao arrived at the villa, opened his personal terminal, called the women guarding here, exchanged cars with the three brothers, and after seeing the other party go away, he let them drive to Changyun Villa.

He didn't have to worry about whether the car had a tracker, because in the electromagnetic interference, as long as it exceeded fifteen kilometers, all electronic equipment would fail, not to mention Changyun Villa, where electromagnetic interference was stronger. He walked leisurely again. After walking for half an hour, Wu Zihao and his men also arrived at Changyun Villa, but they went directly to the underground shelter. He also had to solve the problem of these female slaves.

Yao Lin found that two large trucks suddenly came up. She and Zhou Min hurried to greet them, followed by a dozen female soldiers. They were afraid that someone would come here by accident.

When they got closer, Yao Lin found out that it was Wu Zihao, so she dismissed everyone and asked them to rest. They would have to take turns to stand guard and supervise later!

The truck stopped steadily in front of Yao Lin. The other party observed with some curiosity. When he found that there were so many female slaves in the trunk, he couldn't help but look at Wu Zihao with some curiosity.

"No need to look, these are all female slaves rescued from Pi Wanjiang." Wu Zihao jumped off the truck and said to Yao Lin. Zhou Min asked curiously,"Boss, did you take down Pi Wanjiang's headquarters by yourself?" You have to know that your boss has such strength. If it were someone else, Zhou Min would be very surprised, but Wu Zihao's operation would be ordinary!

Seeing the other party's curiosity, Wu Zihao deliberately kept it a secret and said,"Guess, how did I rescue so many people!"

But Zhou Min racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. He shook his head and said,"Boss, you better tell me. I really don't know how you did it."

"I have already taken in Pi Wanjiang, and they are now our peripheral organization."Wu Zihao said.

Yao Lin and Zhou Min couldn't believe their ears at this news, and asked in unison:"What did you just say?"

The expression of the people was not at all unexpected to Wu Zihao, and he said more bluntly:"The Pi family gang is my people now, and I will specialize in collecting crystal cores in the future."

Yao Lin, who had recovered, fell into deep thought. It is impossible for people to be single-minded in this world now._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation, and sharing

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