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Arriving in front of the inconspicuous Phaeton, Yu Zhiyong opened the passenger seat. Seeing his embarrassed look, Wu Zihao laughed without conscience.

Yu Zhiyong scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly:"Brother Zihao, please don't laugh at me. You know, I am famous now!"

Now both the black and white worlds know the name of Yu Zhiyong. You know, as a gangster, he can actually get the Good Citizen Award, and the most important thing is that he became a jewelry hero. It's simply a melodrama.

Seeing that Wu Zihao was not too surprised, Yu Zhiyong continued:"Just now the reporter said that the mayor will give me the Three Good Citizens Award. You know, I may be the only gangster in Zhejiang City who has received this award."

But Wu Zihao was not too concerned about this matter and directly changed the subject.

"You have been in the underworld for so long, do you know any food wholesalers?" Wu Zihao asked.

As a gangster like him, he had friends of all kinds. Yu Zhiyong patted his chest and assured:"Don't worry, I happen to know someone who specializes in this business."

Wu Zihao was naturally happy to hear this. At least the food problem was solved. It was just a little troublesome during transportation, but it could be solved by carrying it a few more times.

Under the leadership of Yu Zhiyong, they drove through the streets and alleys and finally stopped in front of a wholesale store with a gold medal.

After parking the car, Wu Zihao and Yu Zhiyong got out of the car and walked directly into the wholesale store. In fact, it was just a storefront, a place to do business, and the warehouse was in another place.

As soon as he entered the store, Wu Zihao saw a burly man sitting on a chair counting money, but the other party's appearance was really scary.

His face was full of flesh, and there was a deep cut at the corner of his eye, which was obviously cut by a knife. Although he was sitting on a chair, it was not difficult to see that the other party was tall, and the small office chair was almost squeezed out by him. When he saw someone coming in, he glanced at him with his peripheral vision.

After the other party found out that it was Yu Zhiyong, he quickly put down the soft sister RMB in his hand, stood up and said in a very loud voice:"I didn't expect it to be the great hero Yu. What a rare guest!"

Wu Zihao estimated the other person's height. Wow, this guy is two meters tall. Although he has a smile on his face, he still looks ferocious and it's obvious that he is not someone who is easy to mess with.

However, Yu Zhiyong just greeted the other person and asked quickly,"Aze, is your boss here?"

The man named Aze said quickly,"My boss is in the office. He said he doesn't receive guests now."

"He is still not seeing anyone in broad daylight. Is he doing something shameful? No, you have to let me in."Yu Zhiyong said.

Unfortunately, Aze's tall body was standing in front of the door, like a door god. No matter how hard Yu Zhiyong tried, he couldn't push it open.

"Dayong is ready, let's wait a while." Wu Zihao saw that the other party was not happy, so he didn't say anything else and just found a seat and sat down. Yu

Zhiyong went over and pushed a few more times, but found that he couldn't push it open at all, so he had to give up and walked over to Wu Zihao and sat down.

""Tell me about this big guy!" Wu Zihao said with great interest.

Hearing this, Yu Zhiyong paused for a moment and said,"Actually, his full name is Kang Yuze. He worked under me for a while before. However, he is too honest and simple-minded, and he is also stubborn. Even ten cows can't make up his mind."

Wu Zihao listened with great interest. In fact, he wanted to take Aze as his younger brother. In the future, when he wholesales things, he will definitely need his help, so he asked about his experience.

"Once, he couldn't stand a little-known gangster bullying a girl, so he stepped forward and beat him up, but he didn't expect that the other party was more powerful than me. After mediation, the other party said that as long as he apologized, it would be fine, but Aze didn't think he was wrong at all, and finally we both fought."Yu Zhiyong paused, looked at Kang Yuze and continued:"The injury to his eye was caused at that time."

Wu Zihao could probably guess what Kang Yuze had experienced, so he continued with Yu Zhiyong's words and said:"After that incident, you sent Aze here to work and make a living."

Looking at Aze with a serious face, Yu Zhiyong said with some pity:"Well, he is also a poor child. In order to pay for his mother's medical treatment, he wanted to make some money by doing things on the road. Unfortunately, his decision was wrong. There is no way to make money quickly in this industry, and he still couldn't be saved in the end!"

After hearing this news, Wu Zihao looked at Kang Yuze with some pity. He was also a pitiful person.

After waiting outside for more than ten minutes, the door blocked by Aze opened. A thin man walked out, and behind him followed a heavily made-up woman. When

Wu Zihao saw this woman, he immediately knew what the other party's occupation was. It was obvious that she was a prostitute.

""My dear, since you have guests here, I will leave first. Come and play with me when the time comes!" After saying that, she left a lip print on the skinny man's cheek and walked out of the store with her hips twisted.

At this time, Yu Zhiyong coughed, stood up and said with a smile:"I didn't expect Brother Xiao Ma to be so interested. He called such a guy in the middle of the day!"

The other party didn't take Yu Zhiyong's teasing to heart. He hugged him and said with a smile:"I say Dayong, you are a celebrity recently. How do you have time to run to my store?"

The two men met each other, and Yu Zhiyong introduced Wu Zihao and said:"This is my brother. He wants to discuss a business with you."

Wu Zihao, who was standing behind, just nodded to Brother Xiao Ma, as a gesture of greeting.

"Since he is your brother, he is also my brother. Just tell me what you want to say!" Brother Xiao Ma was quite generous. He asked everyone to sit down and said with a smile. Since the other party said so, Wu Zihao said:"Dayong said you have food wholesale, so I want to wholesale from you, and then just send it to the designated place."

Seeing that there was business coming to the door, Brother Xiao Ma became more enthusiastic and said:"That's easy to say. I have as much as you want here."

"But I have one request, that is, the ingredients must be as fresh as possible!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ma brother quickly explained:"Don't worry about this, no matter what, I will give you the rotten goods."

Yu Zhiyong also nodded. Xiao Ma brother may not look so decent, but he is really good at doing things.

"That's good. You can give me your bank card number and I will transfer the money to you directly."

That's how it was settled._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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