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Bloody Heaven Organization is a killer organization, their business scope covers the entire world, and they are distributed in every country. However, due to the strict control of weapons in China, their reputation has not been made.

However, it is also widely circulated among some upper-level personnel. Some things that are not suitable for them to handle are basically handed over to this organization. Moreover, the other party protects the privacy of employers very well, and the task completion rate is also very high. It has a very high reputation in the industry. The middle-aged man contacted this organization. Although he knew that the fees were expensive, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

This may be the most embarrassing thing he has encountered in his entire life. His son was beaten, and he didn't even dare to breathe. In the end, he left with a suffocated look and said"get out".

"It's just so terrible, I must make him die, I must make him die!" The middle-aged man said fiercely.

When he didn't know that his son was going to be amputated, he wanted people on the street to teach him a lesson, but now he just wants Wu Zihao to die, so that he can calm the anger in his heart. After thinking about it in his mind, there was no news about Wu Zihao at all, it was as if he appeared out of thin air.

Although he contacted Bloody Heaven, he didn't have any news about Wu Zihao at all, and was sitting in a chair worried.

Suddenly he thought of someone, who was known as a tracking expert and had many information resources. He would definitely be able to find out the other party's identity by looking for him. After searching on his mobile phone, he finally saw a WeChat with the note"Monkey", and he called the other party directly.

"Hello, Boss Ye, what can I do for you?" A voice in Cantonese and Hong Kong dialect came from the other end of the phone.

The middle-aged man looked very unhappy, and said directly:"Come to the Armed Police Hospital right away, and I'll give you a big order!"

He hung up the phone immediately after he finished speaking, because his son had come out, but he was different from when he went in. The forearm of his right arm had disappeared, and only the elbow was still wrapped with tape. The other party also woke up from a coma. Fortunately, the hospital had already anesthetized his right arm, so he did not feel pain during the whole operation, but he saw the scene of his whole hand being sawed off.

It was too much of a blow to him at the time. Now seeing his father, he cried and shouted:"Dad, I must make him die, I must make him die!"

"Mr. Ye, please calm your son down first. He just had surgery and can't be too excited!"The doctor quickly walked to the middle-aged man and said,

"Don't worry, I won't let him live in this world."The middle-aged man said viciously without any demonstration.

Accompanying his son into the ward, the middle-aged man immediately hired two special nurses to take good care of his son.

After finishing all this, his mobile phone WeChat call also rang. It turned out to be Monkey calling

"Come to the 39th advanced ward."

The Armed Police Hospital is not far from the city center. It can be said to be very close. Monkey drove through three red lights in a row and rushed here without stopping. When he came to the advanced ward, he saw the middle-aged man and the pale man, and shouted in his heart,"Refreshing!"

"I didn't expect that Ye Rongyuan and Ye Ke would end up like this!" Monkey shouted in his heart.

Ye Rongyuan had already been discredited in the underworld long before. No one dared to mess with him because he was the son of the Ye Group. His son Ye Ke was even worse than his father. He was a scumbag. He was addicted to drugs, pornography, gambling, etc. He was even involved in several deaths.

"Now that you are here, follow the young man coming out of the No. 3 VIP ward. This is 100,000 yuan, and I will give you the balance as usual." After Ye Rongyuan finished speaking, he threw a card to Monkey.

Monkey took the card, looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, put it in his pocket and said with a smile:"Don't worry, Boss Ye, I will definitely find out who that person is for you!"

But Ye Rongyuan was in no mood at all, waved his hand and asked him to go out.

No. 3 VIP ward, it seems that the person inside is not simple. I have to be careful this time. If something happens, my head will not be saved. After leaving the ward, Monkey thought to himself.

In Zhejianghai City, everyone knows that the VIP ward at the front of the Armed Police Hospital is basically only for people with big backgrounds to live there. Now Monkey himself is going to follow the people in it. If he is not careful, something big will definitely happen.

In Ward No. 3, the old man is now talking about the past with Wu Zihao.

""Zao Zi, are you curious about why I didn't give the position of chairman to my eldest son?" Old Master Ye said bitterly.

This matter really made Wu Zihao very curious. This matter was caused by the position of chairman.

"Actually, it is like this!"When the old man talked about the past, his eyes were full of regret.

"Rongyuan was not a bad kid, but the company had some problems at that time, so I had no choice but to send him to study abroad. Rongzhi followed my father, so he did not go out."

"But because of this, I lacked discipline for Rongyuan. After he went abroad, he spent his days drinking and partying, and finally got addicted to drugs. You should know that it is impossible to quit that kind of thing. Of course, after I solved the problem and took him back to China, he became even worse."The old man finished speaking, his eyes were full of regret.

"Isn't he still taking drugs now?" Wu Zihao said in surprise.

Old Master Ye could only nod helplessly and continued:"This is not the most important thing. He actually started to play with his cousins. Fortunately, Rong Zhi knew the power and didn't���Otherwise, the Ye family would have been finished long ago."

Ye Xintong frowned deeply when she heard this. This was the first time she had heard of this. She had never heard her father and grandfather talk about this before.

"Xintong, I'm sorry, this is a shameful thing after all, I really don't dare to publicize it."The old man looked at Ye Xintong with great distress and said

""It's definitely not that simple, sir?" Wu Zihao said.

"Indeed, he was involved in a murder case later. It was a girl, a little girl. It was the best time of her life, but she still didn't appreciate the beauty of this world and left!" When the old man talked about this, his eyes were obviously very dim, and it was obvious that it had become a heart disease for him.

"You mean, Ye Rongyuan has a murder case?" Wu Zihao said in surprise. Mr. Ye doesn't seem like the kind of person who would cover up for someone to do such a thing._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, share

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