Unless the other party has a reason to cooperate with this so-called genius jewelry designer. If this cooperation cannot be achieved, the other party will have unbearable consequences.

That's right, that's it!

What kind of problem did the other party encounter that made him want to find a genius jewelry designer to cooperate?

It seems that something has happened to Ye's business, and a genius designer is urgently needed to save the situation!

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao suddenly became enlightened, and then there was a surprise.

God-given opportunity!

If it were before, I could only secretly fantasize about an iceberg president like Ye Xintong.

But now that the other party has trouble and asks me for help, do I have a chance to develop with her?

It has to be said that as the ability increases, people's ambitions will gradually increase. If it were in the past, Wu Zihao would not dare to think about these things. After all, the gap between the two people is too big, and they are not at the same level at all.

But now he is different from the past. He is no longer the little security guard who barely makes a living and dares not say a word when bullied. He feels that he deserves anyone in this world, including the iceberg president in front of him!

Wu Zihao was burning with anger inside, but his appearance was calm as usual. He looked up at Ye Xintong and said,"I'm afraid what Mr. Ye said is not entirely true. I can't believe that just for a mere designer, Mr. Ye would condescend to ask me to come here in the name of apology. I really want to know what Mr. Ye will do if he can't find this talented jewelry designer!"

Ye Xintong felt bitter inside. She really couldn't hide it!

But she was also prepared. It would be wrong to ask someone for help without telling the truth.

Now that it has been seen, just go with the flow!

He sighed and said truthfully,"To be honest with Mr. Wu, the current situation of Ye's is not very optimistic."

"Oh?" As expected, Wu Zihao was surprised and said,"I'd like to hear more about it."

When Ye Xintong talked about this, her eyes dimmed slightly and she slowly said,"Last year, because my father was seriously ill and my brother was young, I had to take over the job by myself."

"But I was still inexperienced and lacked prestige. Some competitors in the same industry took this opportunity to suppress Ye's market share, which was gradually eroded. After a year, it was less than one-fifth of its heyday."

"If Ye's fails to launch a new and outstanding flagship product to enhance its reputation and expand the market, it will file for bankruptcy!"

"However, just a few days ago, a key designer who had been working in our company for many years was also poached, taking away some professional talents, which was like adding insult to injury."

"If we can't find another talented jewelry designer to help us save the situation at this time, then my father's years of hard work will really go to waste!"

At the end, Ye Xintong's voice was a little choked, and it was obvious that the pressure in her heart had reached its peak.

Even Wu Zihao felt a little pitiful when he saw her almost crying, and subconsciously wanted to agree to help her.

In the end, he still had reason and reacted in time, and was not mesmerized by the other party's weak offensive.

Touching his chin, Wu Zihao said:"So that's the case! But even if you find that genius designer, what kind of conditions can you offer based on the current situation of your Ye Group?"

Brother appreciates you, but I won't help you work for nothing. Being a hero saving a beauty is also conditional, and it won't work just by pretending to be pitiful!

There is a way! Ye Xintong's eyes flashed when she heard this, and she looked at Wu Zihao and said,"If he can really save our Ye Group from the dire straits, I am willing to give out 10% of the shares to hire him as the chief designer of our Ye Group!"

That's more like it. Who would be willing to work for you for free if there is no benefit?

But isn't only 10% a little too little?

Wu Zihao pondered for a moment and said,"Ten percent is not enough. It must be at least 30%!"

30%?! You really dare to ask for such a high price!

Ye Xintong and Du Fu looked at each other, and were all stunned by Wu Zihao's condition.

Then they frowned and pondered. For them, this 30% was too difficult to choose.

Seeing their hesitation, Wu Zihao spoke again,"You have to think about it. If you don't have me to save you, your entire company will go bankrupt."

"In comparison, I don’t ask for much, just 30%, and I just want shares, the company is still yours!"

"You all know the value of these things of mine. People will be eager to get them wherever you go. It doesn't necessarily have to be you!"

Wu Zihao had already thought about it. Company management is too troublesome. He doesn't know how to do business, and he doesn't have time to take care of so many things. So he just wants to take shares and leave the rest to them. As long as they make money for me, that's enough.

Moreover, he is not interested in the jewelry industry in the future. He can travel between modern times and the end of the world. He is exposed to black technology from two hundred years later. No matter which one is put in the modern era, it will be a treasure pot.

Let's play with high technology, and play with those unique ones that you can't copy even if you want to.

And to support these, it certainly requires some start-up capital, and this income is just right to cover it!

He is too lazy to sell black goods anymore. Not to mention the trouble, it is easy to be noticed by those who are interested.

As for whether the Ye family can be saved, Wu Zihao is not worried at all. Isn't it just jewelry design? Just get some information two hundred years later.

Ye Xintong thought about it after hearing what he said, and asked:"Mr. Wu, can I understand that you are the designer of this batch of jewelry?"

Wu Zihao smiled confidently when he heard this, and said,"You can understand it this way! I can fully guarantee that I will give you a large number of designs that have never appeared in the world and meet your requirements. They are absolutely unique and will not appear in the hands of others. Solving your current problems is not a problem at all."

Ye Xintong looked at Wu Zihao suspiciously when he heard this. Did you admit it or not?

However, although Wu Zihao said it confidently, Ye Xintong could not believe him so easily. After pondering for a long time, she said,"If you can prove what you said, then I can agree to this condition and give you 30% of the shares."

Wu Zihao smiled heartily when he heard this:"Mr. Ye is really straightforward. How about this, next time I will bring the design drawings, and you will draft the contract! When we meet again, as long as you think the drawings are fine, we can sign the contract, right?"

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