After killing all the ordinary players of the other team, Wu Zihao did not feel any joy, but frowned.

Something is wrong! Where is their captain? Even if he is following at the back, there is no reason why he has not come up yet?

At this moment, Wu Zihao felt a strong sense of crisis enveloping him.

He did not have time to think about it.

He casually took out a riot shield from the storage space and threw it behind him to block his sight.

Then he disappeared from here in an instant and returned to the modern era.

At the moment when Wu Zihao disappeared, a rocket launcher behind him accurately hit the riot shield thrown by Wu Zihao.

A violent roar sounded, and the riot shield, which was originally quite solid, was instantly blown to pieces!

The air wave caused by the explosion swept the entire office. In an instant, everything turned into slag, and the glass windows facing the outside were shaken out, including the window frames.

When Wu Zihao appeared here again the next second, there was even a heat wave containing residual energy that made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his physical attributes have reached 23, whether it is resistance, recovery or���The toughness has reached a rather abnormal level, so it won't have too much impact.

Wu Zihao, who came back again, didn't hesitate to think too much. As soon as he appeared, he took out the fully automatic light machine gun seized from the police station yesterday and aimed it at the outside to suppress the fire.

The female captain outside didn't expect that Wu Zihao was still fine after being caught off guard by another rocket launcher, and even counterattacked so quickly. He was hit by several stray bullets and was forced to the other side of the corridor wall.

Rubbing her chest, the female captain was scared. Fortunately, she was wearing a bulletproof vest, otherwise she would have been completely dead after the gunfire just now.

The whole team was armed from head to toe, with bulletproof helmets, bulletproof vests and bulletproof pants, otherwise Wu Zihao would not have to get close to kill them.

Wu Zihao once again sighed at the advantage of luxurious equipment, suppressing the machine gun while moving and retreating.

When the sound of the fully automatic light machine gun stopped completely, the female captain dared to stick her head out, but she could no longer see Wu Zihao's figure. I don't know where the other party has hidden again.

The female captain took a deep breath, threw away the rocket launcher, and took out the pistol she carried with her.

Now there were only two of them left. In this narrow corridor, heavy weapons like rocket launchers were no longer useful, and would affect their flexibility.

In this kind of encounter where both sides were hiding, once they collided, it would be a short-range contact.

Both sides were superpowers, and their speed was far beyond that of ordinary people. Before you could point your rocket launcher at someone, they would have already rushed to you.

The female captain held the gun in both hands, leaned against the side of the corridor, held her breath, and paid attention to the movements around her with a tense expression.

In this case, whoever takes the initiative will have the upper hand and take the initiative. The other party doesn't know where he will appear from, so he must be fully prepared.

The female captain didn't know where Wu Zihao was, but Wu Zihao knew the position of the female captain very well because he had a golden finger.

The other party didn't know where he was, so he had to be careful every step he took.

But he was different. He knew the other party's position very well, and he could move freely in places where the other party couldn't see him.

Just as the female captain cautiously kicked open the door of another office and explored, Wu Zihao was already prepared under the window of this office.

The female captain carefully looked around and found that Wu Zihao was indeed not here. Then she slowly backed out of the door and walked cautiously to the next room.

At this time, Wu Zihao quietly climbed into the office and quickly followed him out, attacking him from behind.

The female captain had just checked the office behind and confirmed that there was no one there. It was inevitable that she would relax her vigilance in the back, but she didn't expect to be attacked by Wu Zihao from behind. The female captain felt a cool breeze coming from behind, and she was startled and rolled forward subconsciously.

What a quick reaction! Wu Zihao secretly thought it was a pity that the dagger that could have stabbed the opponent's back was only stabbed in the back by this dodge, and was blocked by the opponent's bulletproof vest.

The female captain reacted quickly. After rolling over, she didn't even look at it. She just raised her gun and shot at Wu Zihao based on her feeling.

At this time, she didn't care whether she could hit it or not. She just hoped to slow down the opponent's offensive so that she could have a breath and deal with the next battle.

We are already close, how can I let you fire at will?

Wu Zihao did not retreat but advanced, kicking the female captain's right wrist, directly kicking away the gun in her right hand that had just fired two bullets, and stretched out a dagger to stab the opponent's door.

In a hurry, the female captain had to use the left pistol to hold it, and took the opportunity to take out the dagger with her right hand to deal with the following hand-to-hand combat.

The stab missed again, but it knocked away the opponent's other gun. When the offensive slowed down, the opponent had already held the dagger in his hand.

Damn! Isn't it just a hand-to-hand combat? My physical attributes are much higher than yours! Who is afraid of who?

Wu Zihao also knew that the original sneak attack had been lost, and now it had turned to a direct hand-to-hand combat.

But so what? He didn't believe that he couldn't beat this little cold girl with his higher speed and strength than the opponent!

However, the following battle made Wu Zihao more and more frightened, because he found that no matter how fast or how strong he shot, the opponent could deal with it calmly, and even take the time to give a sudden counterattack.

After all, she had been a soldier. Although the combat training in the army was not top-notch, she was at least excellent. However, these were useless here.

After a battle, although Wu Zihao was mostly attacking and the opponent was defending, he was helpless.

Gradually, Wu Zihao also found that although he was fast, as the attacker, his movements were larger.

Although the opponent's physical attributes were not as good as his, and his speed was not as fast as his, as the defender, he only needed to make small movements around his body and separate or dodge his attacks.

Of course, the most important thing was that the opponent's equipment was good. If she wanted to hurt the opponent, she could only attack the opponent's face, neck and hands. As for other parts, she would defend if she could, and dodge if she could. If she couldn't defend or dodge, she would just resist.

But she was different. As long as the opponent found an opportunity to attack, she had to defend. She didn't have as good equipment as the opponent. Similarly,

Wu Zihao lamented that the soldiers trained by the army in peacetime could not compare with the survivors who had been tempered between life and death in terms of combat experience.

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