When he arrived at the third floor, he found no more zombies. Wu Zihao easily found the room where the beautiful woman was through the system.

【This beauty hasn't woken up yet?】


Then there is no need to knock on the door. Wu Zihao rubbed his hands, took out the lock picking tool, quickly opened the door of the room and walked in.

The room was a little messy. It seemed that the beauty who had fainted from hunger had no energy to clean it.

Opening the bedroom door, Wu Zihao saw a thin figure lying on the bed at a glance. This was the target this time, a beautiful woman who was still in a coma.

Her figure was so thin that it was unrecognizable. If you ignore the pointed chin that had been thin due to hunger, the woman in front of him was also a top-notch beauty, comparable to the devil female president of his company.

Wu Zihao nodded. Sure enough, God still favored him. Such a beautiful woman, who was still a virgin, was simply the best choice for a girlfriend!

However, Wu Zihao did not plan to do anything now. If he took action now, he would be taking advantage of someone in distress, which was not his style.

��I need to wake her up first, and then make her agree to be my girlfriend.

Ahem! I'm not worried that the beauty will die in this state!

How to wake her up? Pinch her philtrum?

【Hey! Can I pinch her philtrum to wake her up?】


Very good, Wu Zihao walked to the bed and pinched her philtrum.

"You... who are you? Why are you in my room?"

Wu Zihao smiled and said,"I just saved you! If I hadn't come in to wake you up, you would have been unconscious here until you died!"

The beauty obviously understood her current situation. She hadn't eaten anything for two days and two nights. She was starving. If she continued like this, it would only be a matter of time before she starved to death.

She nodded, looked at Wu Zihao and said,"Thank you! Do you have anything to eat? Can you give me some?"

"Of course I have food!" Wu Zihao opened the backpack at the back and took out a pack of instant noodles.

Then he clearly noticed that the beautiful woman swallowed hard the moment she saw him take out the instant noodles, her eyes fixed on the instant noodles in front of her, her eyes full of desire. However, just when she stretched out her hands, Wu Zihao took the instant noodles away again and said,"I have food, but why should I give it to you?"

The beautiful woman widened her eyes when she heard this and said,"Aren't you here to save me?"

"That was just to wake you up!" Wu Zihao said as a matter of course:"You have to know what era it is now. There are zombies everywhere outside. You must know how precious food is. Who are you to me? Why should I give you food?""

Then why the hell did you wake me up?! It would be better to let me die in a coma, a painless death, than being starved to death now!

The beauty looked at the shameful man in front of her with grief and anger!

"Don't look at me like that, you know, this is the end of the world! I saved you out of kindness, but it's not an obligation!" Wu Zihao continued:"I don't need to sacrifice precious food for a stranger!"

"Then what can you do to give me food?"Although she was furious, the beauty knew that she was now under someone else's roof.

Wu Zihao pretended to be hesitant, and just when the beauty's heart was in her throat, Wu Zihao spoke:"It's not impossible for me to give you food. I can even give you all the food I have now, but the prerequisite is that you become my girlfriend!"


The beauty widened her eyes and couldn't believe it!

After all, she was a beauty, but now a poor loser was dreaming of her to be his girlfriend.

Is her vision that bad?

"If you don't agree, then don't look down on me!"Although Wu Zihao is a loser, losers also have dignity! He frowned slightly when the woman in front of him looked at him like a toad.

"You have to understand that this is the end of the world, and no one will give the most precious food to someone who has nothing to do with them for free!"

"If you don't agree, then I won't make things difficult for you. We'll go our separate ways. You continue to find your own way at home, and I'll leave immediately!"

"Of course, if you agree to be my girlfriend, then you are my woman, and it is natural for me to support you! This pack of instant noodles is yours!"

The beauty was so angry that she trembled all over. She had never seen such a shameless person. She stared at Wu Zihao with wide eyes and yelled with all her strength:"Get out!"

Wu Zihao didn't say much and took out another pack of instant noodles.

"You... you should just give up on this idea!" Although the beauty's tone was still firm, Wu Zihao could still hear her inner hesitation.

Wu Zihao was too lazy to take the bags one by one, so he just moved out a whole box.

"you……"The beauty couldn't say anything. She stared at the box of instant noodles in front of her, her eyes full of desire, but her expression was extremely tangled.

It was obvious that the beauty was completely shaken. Wu Zihao decided to take another drastic measure and said to the beauty:

"You have to think clearly. If you agree to be my girlfriend, not only can I give you this box of instant noodles, but also all the food in my bag. If you still don't agree... then I'll leave!"

Wu Zihao put all the instant noodles back in the shocked and reluctant eyes of the beautiful woman, put on his bag and turned to walk to the door, leaving the beautiful woman lying on the bed, staring at the back of the shameful man in front of her with a wronged look on her face.

Wu Zihao walked to the door without hesitation and reached out to grab the door handle.

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