"Okay!" Although Du Fu didn't know what these two letters meant, he didn't ask. Maybe this was Chief Wu's code name. Anyway, he was the designer, so whoever he said would sign it.

"That’s settled then!" Wu Zihao stood up,"By the way, don’t reveal too much of my information to the outside world in the future, L.T must remain a mystery!"

After saying goodbye,"Okay, we’ve finished talking about it, the contract has been signed, and I’ll leave first!"

"If you have any further questions, please send me a message or WeChat, because sometimes I may not be in the service area, and I will reply to you when I see it!"

Ye Xintong frowned slightly as she watched Wu Zihao leave the Ye Building. Did he really leave so casually without saying anything more?

Until now, she still feels a bit like a dream. Such a novel design, such a wonderful masterpiece, was really completed in less than three days! It was really handed over to them like this!

And the man in front of him actually didn't want anything. He refused the formal offer he gave him and only put forward such a small condition, a smile every day.

He helps us so wholeheartedly, could he be interested in me?

Suddenly, this idea that had never been considered before appeared in Ye Xintong's heart, and then the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it seemed to be possible.

From childhood to adulthood, Ye Xintong has had countless suitors, but she has never thought of accepting these young men. On the contrary, every time she saw their kind of people who only cared about her, she would always be attracted to her. She was annoyed by the men who stared at her appearance.

After taking over the Ye Group, she was overwhelmed by the stressful work every day, and naturally she had no time to think about these emotional matters.

She had never even thought about which man she would join hands with. No matter who appeared in her mind, she would directly draw a big cross on him, and there was no exception from beginning to end.

But the man just now broke the long-standing peace in her heart! She felt that he had a different temperament. This temperament emanating from the inside out covered his originally somewhat wretched face, making him look more masculine, confident and calm, and at the same time more mysterious.

She felt that she would see a different him every time they met. This kind of him made her confused and unable to understand, but at the same time she wanted to get closer and explore.

If someone had done this before... Tell her that someone can help her through the difficult times, but that person's condition is herself, she will definitely refuse without hesitation.

She will never sell herself out for her career or money.

But now that she thinks that if it was the man just now, she doesn't seem to be so disgusted!

Shaking her head vigorously, Ye Xintong tried to get rid of the random thoughts in her mind.

The company's difficulties have not been overcome yet, so this is not the time to think about these messes? Work, work!

After leaving Ye's, looking at the contract in his hand and the ice queen in the WeChat friend list, Wu Zihao was extremely excited.

With the contract in his hand, he can be considered a small wealthy man with a monthly income of several million.

And judging from the attitude of the ice queen today, although she did not obviously show her affection for him, she had no ill feelings at all.

She was very happy with him.

For this kind of cold beauty with a strong psychological defense, the absence of resentment is the beginning of good feelings.

It is impossible for such a person to pursue wildly from the beginning.

Only by slowly contacting her little by little over time and disintegrating her inner defenses step by step can the kingly way to win.

Now he also has her WeChat, and he will receive a selfie from her every day, so he has a topic to chat with!

He believes that if he continues to do so quietly, he will sooner or later win the heart of this ice queen.

In this way, he can really be said to have made a double breakthrough in career and love!

Humming a little tune, Wu Zihao rode the little sheep to the mall and purchased a large amount of supplies for the end of the world again.

Especially food, this time he carried five bags of rice and flour. If there were only four of them, they could eat for a year.

After that, the main thing was fresh fruits and vegetables. These were not only for their own consumption, but also for exchanging energy crystal cores with the small gold-making groups in the future. There were also a lot of chickens, fish, eggs and meat. These things could be kept for a long time in the refrigerator, and he didn't mind bringing more.

Finally, there were various canned foods, which were temporarily the food for the female subordinates.

For these low-level employees who were recruited later, they will not have their share of food in the short term. Only those who really work hard for themselves and make contributions to themselves are qualified to eat rice.

When I arrived at the cashier, I didn't ask again this time. I just grabbed all the Du Leilei on it and threw it into the shopping cart. After trying so many, it seems that this brand is the best!

But the quantity is a bit small, not enough for a few days. It seems that I have to wholesale some in the future.

After purchasing, Wu Zihao found a remote and deserted corner, put the food into the storage space in batches, and then rode his little sheep to go home.

Passing by a large women's clothing store on the way, Wu Zihao thought about it and walked in.

After entering, especially seeing the sexy underwear column, Wu Zihao was like discovering the door to a new world. His eyes immediately lit up. He walked around and looked around. The more he looked, the more excited he became, and even a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

The waiters next to him shuddered immediately when they saw his obscene smile, and subconsciously stayed three feet away.

An hour later, Wu Zihao came out carrying large and small bags, feeling a little floating all over.

Looking at the various features in his hands, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up a strange smile (not obscene, I won't admit it).

Back in the small dark room, Wu Zihao first dealt with the production dates of the goods purchased today.

After a thorough inspection several times, he made sure that there were no more flaws that might cause exposure, and then he went back to the end of the world. When he returned to the end of the world, the sun was setting. Wu Zihao put out the food that belonged to several people in the storage space and let Bai Suyun put them away.

As for the remaining ones, they were to be exchanged with the small gold-making groups in the future. Who knows when they will be useful? What if after a few days, the fresh ones become stale.

So Wu Zihao left them in the storage space. After all, the time flow rate in the storage space is basically zero. What you put in will remain the same after a period of time.

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