Today is sunny, today is cloudy... Uh, on such a nice day, I must do something meaningful.

After two days of shameless... uh, happy life at home, Wu Zihao finally calmed down and started to do the first thing he did after moving here - cleaning up the zombies.

"It's on the third floor of that building. There's only one zombie in the entire building, and that's the level 3 one!"On a relatively remote street, in a black modified armored vehicle, Wu Zihao pointed to a building not far away and said to Yao Lin

"Do you know what type it is?" Yao Lin tilted her head.

"It's not clear yet. I know too few types of level 3 zombies. I wouldn't be able to recognize them even if I saw them! But I know this zombie has only been upgraded to level 3 a few days ago, so it shouldn't be that strong!"

Wu Zihao really couldn't figure it out. There were too many types of level 3 zombies, and his golden finger could only guess them one by one. If he had exhausted all the ones he could think of, there would be no other way.

Now he could only be sure that the zombie inside was not made of metal, nor was it the type that could spit fire, control wind, discharge electricity, turn his hands into machetes, etc. It was a type he had never heard of.

"In this case, let's observe from a distance first!" Yao Lin pointed to the building on the other side.

The two of them discussed it and got out of the car, came to the building next to them, and dealt with the low-level zombies they met on the road.

The two of them came to the fourth floor and stood by the window, just in time to see the third floor where the third-level zombie was.

Yao Lin took out the telescope and followed Wu Zihao's guidance, and finally saw the true face of the third-level zombie opposite.

It was a zombie with a strange sharp horn on its forehead. Its body shape was similar to that of an ordinary zombie, but its head was much larger than that of a normal zombie!

And if you look closely, it has no facial features, only shriveled skin and sparse hair on its face. Even in the daytime, it has a creepy feeling.

"This is... a sensor zombie?!"Yao Lin hesitated for a moment, and finally confirmed

"Sensing zombies? What does it do? What abilities does it have?"After hearing this, Wu Zihao used his golden finger to test it and confirmed that this was indeed the sensing zombie that Yao Lin mentioned.

"As the name suggests, a sensory zombie is a sensory zombie!"Yao Lin said,"This type of zombie is a spiritual zombie, which is very rare."

"Their attack power is not high, their defense power is not strong, and they are not even fast. Their only characteristic is their strong perception ability!"

""Do you see the horns on its head?" Yao Lin pointed at the sensor zombie opposite.

Wu Zihao nodded. He couldn't ignore the protruding horns even if he wanted to.

"All their senses come from that horn. Their vision, hearing, smell, taste, etc. have all degenerated and concentrated on that horn, greatly increasing their special senses!"

I see, no wonder this thing doesn't even have five senses. Without vision or hearing, what's the point of having eyes and ears?

"Hey! That's not right! Losing eyes, ears and nose is fine, but how come he even lost his mouth?" Wu Zihao asked in surprise:"Doesn't it eat?"

"This is what makes it special!"Yao Lin said:"Its energy acquisition is different from other zombies. The horn on its head has a very strong photosynthesis ability. They are also one of the very few zombies that can remain unaffected by the sun!"

"But don't think it's safe just because it can't bite people. The poison on its claws is several times more terrible than the poison on the teeth of a normal third-level zombie! Even a superpower like me with a physical attribute of 20 is not immune."

Oh~~ So scary! Wu Zihao used the golden finger to measure it:

【If I get scratched by that zombie's claws, what's the chance of infection?】


You have to know that since his physical attribute reached 25, the probability of him being injured and infected by a second-level zombie has been infinitely close to zero, and the probability of being infected by a general third-level zombie is less than 5%. But now, the probability of being scratched by this kind of zombie has directly reached 30%, which is several times higher.

You have to know that he still has a jade pendant with him, and the immunity rate of the same attribute value is twice as high as that of other normal people from the beginning.

When he first came here and was still an ordinary person, the infection rate of others being injured by zombies was 100%, while his was 50%. Until now, his infection rate has always been half of that of people with the same attribute value.

In other words, once this kind of zombie injures another superpower with a physical attribute of 25, the infection rate will continue to reach 60%!

If someone like Yao Lin is encountered, it is basically completely dead, which is really a bit scary.

However, what is also important is that this zombie has no other special features except for its strong perception and toxicity, such as its speed that can catch you in an instant, or its high attack power that can penetrate armored vehicles in an instant, etc. As long as you avoid it and defend carefully, it will not be too dangerous.

"Since it is a sensory zombie, its sensory ability must be very strong? Tell me about its strengths!"Wu Zihao asked

"This type of zombie’s perception does not rely on light or sound, but on mental power!"

"Mental strength?"

""That's right!" Yao Lin nodded,"Its horn will release mental power within a certain range around it, and feed it back into the brain, so that it can understand the surrounding situation!"

"This kind of mental power cannot be blocked or absorbed by objects like light or sound waves, and it has no blind spots in its 360-degree range!"

"In other words, as long as it is within the range of its mental power, nothing can escape its perception, no matter it is front, back, left, right, up or down!"

""Fuck! This is simply the real-life version of rolling one's eyes!" Wu Zihao couldn't help but exclaim, there is such a power?

"Roll your eyes? What is a roll of eyes?"Yao Lin was puzzled.

"Eh? A thing from an anime from over 200 years ago that can see everything around it at 360 degrees, and can even see through things!"Wu Zihao explained.

"Different!" Yao Lin shook her head,"Since the white eyes you mentioned can be seen, it is still related to light. And the sensing zombies in front of us use mental power completely, there is no physical limitation!"

Wu Zihao nodded, and then suddenly thought:"Since its sensing power is so awesome, we can't have been sensed by it, right?"

After speaking, he shook his head again:"No, if it sensed us, why didn't it run away? There was no reaction at all!"

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