At the moment when the danger reaction was conveyed to the whole body, Chen Wei subconsciously held the chainsaw in front of him.


"There are actually two zombies, fortunately they have danger sensing skills, otherwise, they may be hit!" As he spoke, Chen Wei kicked the zombies three ways.


With so many power attributes, how could a mere zombie be able to resist his kick, and he was immediately kicked out four or five meters away and slammed into the wall of the room.

"Do you want to get up?" Chen Wei rushed quickly, raised the chainsaw in his hand, and landed directly on the zombie's head, sawing all the way to the navel, like two sides apart.

It's a bronze treasure chest again, which makes people not interested.

Chen Wei only has a soft spot for golden treasure chests now, and as for silver treasure chests, barely.

After the two zombies were eliminated, Chen Wei noticed that a gusset fell off the top of his head, and there was a ventilation channel on it, so eighty percent of the zombies crawled in from inside, biting the people hiding here to death, and causing the other party to be infected with the zombie virus.

"These zombies are really pervasive. Chen Wei shook his head.

Judging from the surrounding furnishings, it looks like a dressing room, and there are clowns, doll costumes, princess dresses, and the like.

Chen Wei looked down at his nightgown stained with blood plasma and corpses, which was originally white, but now it had completely turned red, so he decided: "Let's change it." "

The princess dress must be eliminated for the first time, as for the doll costume, it is wide and wide, and it is not easy to move, if you rush to the zombie with a chainsaw, you will suddenly be tripped and fallen... The results can be imagined.

In this way, it seems that the only choice is a clown outfit.

Taking off the nightgown and throwing it aside, Chen Wei ripped off the princess dress, wiped the blood stains off his body, and then changed the clown's bells and whistles clothes, and did not forget to take off the wig and stay on his head.

Walking to the vanity mirror, "It seems that there is something missing?"

"That's right!" After Chen Wei thought of something, he hurriedly sorted out the cosmetics that needed to be used, and muttered to himself, "Since you are a clown, how can you do it without a clown's exclusive edition?"

The pale complexion, the pitch-black eyes that were thicker than the smoky makeup, and the big red lips that stretched all the way to the edge of the contour of the face.

Chen Wei felt that this outfit was quite handsome.

At the end

of the time of self-appreciation, Chen Wei did not forget the main purpose of entering the circus, to find out if there were beasts in stock.

Lions, tigers, whatever...

While walking, I didn't forget to open the bronze treasure chests I got before in batches.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the Bronze Chest and gaining +1 Attack Speed Attribute Value!] [Congratulations to the host for opening the Bronze Chest and gaining +1

Observation Point!]

Basically, there are no good things, as far as the current Chen Wei is concerned.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the Bronze Treasure Chest and obtaining the Control Collar x1!]

"Control Collar?" If Chen Wei remembers correctly, it was the first time he used the Bronze Treasure Chest to open this reward.

If you just look at the name, it must be a good thing, yes, I'm afraid that I will misunderstand.

Click Details.

Control Collars: Wear the living dead or infected beasts, and when they are worn, they will obey your commands 100%.

"Can you only control zombies?" Chen Wei was content.

Now, even if you can't find a living lion, it doesn't matter if you can't find a fierce beast like a tiger.

Because even if he was alive, Chen Wei had to feed it a mouthful of zombie blood to facilitate control.

Suddenly there was a sound of clattering footsteps behind him!

It wasn't a human footstep, to be precise, it was a bit like the sound of fingernails hitting the ground.

It is obvious that the other party is trying to reduce the sound of his actions.


Closer and closer, closer and closer!

At the moment of danger perception, Chen Wei's body fell backwards suddenly, with a pair of legs and waist as support, like a fallen L letter.

Fortunately, I usually have the Xi of fitness, and my waist strength is good, so I can be stable.

As Chen Wei thought, since a long time ago, probably since he entered the circus, he has been targeted by fierce beasts, and he is still a male lion, yes, from his current point of view, he is very sure that this is a male lion!

Chen Wei immediately took out the control collar from his backpack, looked at the male lion who was still hesitating in front of him, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon." The

smile was somewhat reluctant, after all, the opponent was an adult-sized, corpse-transformed lion.

The other hand that was hiding behind its back was released, and the mini-mechanical bug crawled from the palm of the hand to the trouser leg, and from the pant leg to the ground, towards the male lion.

Chen Wei wasn't sure if this trick would work.

The male lion did not notice the existence of mechanical insects, and the mechanical climbed up to the male lion's face from the legs, and inserted multiple mechanical feet into the center of the eyebrows.

Because it is carrion, the male lion does not feel pain.

Chen Wei had no intention of killing the lion, he just wanted to corona it.

Although the male lion is a large piece of carrion, the zombie virus is alive, and high-voltage electricity can put them into a dormant state for a short time, and if the current is strengthened, it is not impossible to die.


The lion fell sideways, and Chen Wei rushed up with his quick eyes and put the control collar around its neck.

"Whew!" After a set of operations, it was determined that the control collar prompt light took effect, and Chen Wei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Causes the mini-mechanical bug to self-destruct and fall.

Soon, the male lion woke up, it had no intention of attacking Chen Wei, it stood in place like a sculpture.

"Lift your left foot. Chen Wei tried to issue orders.

The lion did so and lifted his left foot up.

"Right foot!" Chen Wei ordered again.

The moment the male lion's right foot was raised, he directly fell into the mud, and his chin hit the concrete floor.

"Yes, you can. With such a corpse-turned-lion with him, Chen Wei wants to see how many people dare to go against him.

It's a pity that Chen Wei searched the entire circus, but found no other beasts except for the male lion.

The door of the cage was wide open, and it was probably escaped, right?

As for the other small cages, the monkeys, birds and beasts, and so on, were already starving to death, or dying of thirst.

Leave the circus and continue looking for the location of the warehouse where the food will be stored.

The hard work paid off, and finally Chen Wei found a building that had nothing to do with the playground, not a toilet, and no name tag.

Chen Wei walked to the door and wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked from the inside, indicating that there were people living there.

A person can live here for so many days, it is not a place to store food, what else can it be?

Moreover, through the crack in the door, Chen Wei can feel that there is a line of sight looking towards him!

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